Let’s pick up where we left off in last week’s Sunday Photo/Art Quote where Diego Rivera shared that he got more painting done when he wasn’t actually painting. Here’s another artist that gives us more thought on that subject…

wayne miller photo/art quote

“I think good dreaming is what leads to good photographs.” Wayne Miller

Wayne Miller was a Magnum photographer who also worked for Life Magazine. Mainly known for his series of photographs The Way of Life of the Northern Negro. He was inspired to photograph is own family and produce a book after he was inspired by Edward Steichen’s “Family of Man”art exhibition.

In his quote I think Miller touches on a very important idea. Creation of images starts long before the press of the button on the camera. It starts with allowing your brain to roam free. To connect ideas. To anticipate what might be. Many times we get caught up in the business of photography and forget to allow for the ‘down time’ to allow our mind to help us create new imagery.

I found after I started scheduling time to ‘play’ and mess about with personal projects my images took a step up in creativity with more depth. When there is no pressure to create a specific image you take away the fear of making a less than stellar image but you learn so much more.

Cut some time out of your schedule to dream. Some time to play and see where it takes you…

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob