I’m not sure if I’ve addressed this quote before or not… But if I did it bears another look. Often new photographers are told to look for the light. May I suggest you look for the shadows instead? Shadows create form, depth and dimension. John Loengard, born in New York City in 1934 and Harvard class of 1956, was a staff photographer on LIFE magazine from 1961 to 1972, as well as LIFE’s picture editor from 1973 to 1987 and picture editor of People Magazine at its launch in 1974, is the author of eight books. John puts it another way…

photo art quote from john leongard

“If you want something to look interesting don’t light all of it.” John Loengard

So I suggest looking into the shadows. See how a little light or a lack of light can help define and shape your subject.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob