I enjoy seeking inspiration from other art disciplines and Robert Genn and the Painters keys is one that often gives me great ideas… Here’s the start of this week’s post from Robert. If you like what you see go check out the Painters Keys.

Blessed are the curious

March 25, 2014

Dear Artist,

At the risk of once more dividing the world into two main kinds of people, there are two main kinds of people: those who amuse themselves, and those who require amusement from others.

While working late into the night can also produce excellent results, widespread
research shows that success often favours those who start early.
(photo by Robin Loznak Photography)

Artists seem to be pretty much of the former kind. Self-amusement prompts creativity.

Mornings are special times for the self-amusing. Curious as to what the day may bring, they often step directly into the amusement area–the studio. What I call “Curious Morning Syndrome” (CMS) is often the simple catalyst for productivity, invention, creativity and success. The blessing, of course, is not always evident to the young. Sleeping-in has ruined many an early career. And some folks must wait until middle or old age for CMS to kick in. Some think it’s a gene. It’s more likely a learned habit.

One way to activate CMS is to simply set yourself up to be curious about the outcome and potential of yesterday’s efforts. A good system is to leave something unfinished when you shut down the studio at night. Better still, leave several things unfinished. The easier, the more enjoyable the task you leave behind, the more the likelihood of an early morning kick-off. At the same time, challenges are often best attacked when you are well rested and fresh. It’s amazing what time and a good sleep can do for problematicals. The cold grey light of dawn automatically presents opportunities to the… continue reading here