photographer’s busman’s holiday v4

While at La Posada in Winslow I spent a little time at this beautiful little bar with a wonderful bartender named Meaghan. She has a very pleasant and friendly personality and when she showed up with her hair looking a little like a flapper from the 20’s I asked if we could make some photos. With a big smile she said, “Sure!” Here’s one from the series that I’ll probably work into a motion image….  Cheers!La Posada winslow bartender photo

Meaghan, bartender at La Posada resort in Winslow, Arizona

Meanwhile i received a great surprise in another area just off the lobby I found Khent Anantakai playing his guitar. Khent is self taught in the classical style and the music he was playing was fantastic. The sound echoing off the old architecture of the building was exquisite. He said his web site is down at the moment. As soon as it is running again I’ll put a link to his of Khent Anantakai photo of Khent Anantakai

Photos of Khent Anantakai – Navajo classical guitartist.

All three of these photos were made with the Lumix GX7 in Impressive Art mode turned to black and white in camera. I think the high contrast look works with the timeless subjects I was photographing.

photographer’s busman’s holiday v3

Here are some more from the La Posada Resort photographed with the Lumix GX7 using the Impressive Art setting which is then tweaked to Black & White in camera…

BW wine photoWine on the bar. The Ravens Wood Zinfandel is quite tasty by the way…

Archway with chair photoArchway with chair

chess set photoPhotographed this chess set a bunch. Black white contrast light… Fun!Leaves imageThis is almost an infrared look of the changing leaves. I increased the exposure on this by about 1 1/2 stops.

photographer’s busman’s holiday v2

“Standin’ on a Corner in Winslow Arizona, Such a fine sight to see…” Sorry, getting lost in the moment.

Staying at a beautiful property being restored to it’s former glory, La Posada Resort in Winslow, AZ. Very inspiring.

As I rest and listen to the grandfather clock chiming the time off in the distance I thought I would explore my vision of a stylized black and white in a square crop format. The the Lumix GX7 allows me to set everything in camera and see the finished image as it is captured. A square crop. The Black & white with my dialed-in style immediately, all very cool. NOTE: If you want this to be what actually see when you open up your images in your software make sure you shoot in jpeg! If you shot in RAW – as you download the images into your viewing software you will get a glimpse of your image as the camera settings said it should be but then that disappears and all the information that was presented to the camera will appear. Good-bye square crop, good-bye BW style etc… If you wish to be able to access the RAW info you can capture both at the same time. (another nice feature)

b;ack & white photoFront Porch at La Posada, Winslow, AZ facing the Railroad Tracks

Khent Anantakai photographKhent Anantakai classical guitarist plays at the Resort nightly. (wonderful self-taught artist)

Khent Anantakai Guitarist photoKhent Anantakai Guitarist

illustrative photo coffee Grand MarnierIllustrative Photo Coffee & Grand Marnier

photographer’s busmans holiday photo/art quote 10/14

Taking a couple days off with my wife and am in Winslow, Arizona. (Yes, I plan to stand on the corner from the Eagle’s song) So that’s why this photography/art chat is a day late.

The quote comes from Henri Cartier-Bresson the wonderful captured-moment photographer. His thoughts are more easily put into play when you have a camera with you! How many times have you seen a spectacular image but not had a camera with you? I know it’s happened to me on more than one occasion (make that many) because my gear was too heavy to be constantly by my side so I let it behind. Not happening much anymore as I’ve moved to the micro 4/3rd’s format using the Lumix GH3 and Lumix GX7. These cameras are small and my entire shooting kit fits in a small pouch and a camera over my shoulder. Lovin’ it!

So now I’m catching images of fleeting light moments, mini sketches of composition and more that I don’t believe would be seen and picking up more work because I can show people some of my vision of a scene straight out of my camera.

Cartier-Bresson photo quote image“Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never be scene.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

For those not familiar with the expression ‘busman’s holiday’ it comes from England when the gentlemen who drove the buses would then go on holiday taking those same buses. As a photographer when I go on holiday I take my camera and mke images to please myself, test camera’s capabilities and generally experiment with no thought of whether I am making a mistake. In fact I strive to make mistakes! Therein lies the greatest instruction… See my next post on some of the things I’ve photographed at the gorgeous La Posada Hotel in Winslow.

successful thinking

I’m a fan of Jack Canfield having read and worked with his book The Success Principles. (I highly recommend it) Here’s and article he wrote about pushing through in spite of negative feedback…

Life is a Laboratory by Jack Canfield

Everyone has a dream.

Many of us simply lose sight of it or let it go because of some earlier disappointment, rejection, or lack of progress.  The natural tendency is to protect ourselves from getting hurt again, so we deny our dream, afraid to reach out for the people, resources, and opportunities that could support it.

I want to share a quick story about my friend Catherine Lanigan.  She had earned a college scholarship on her strengths as a gifted writer. Catherine’s Harvard professor gave her an F on her first short story and convinced her she had no talent. She wrote nothing more for 13 years.

Then one day in her small Texas town Catherine visited a movie set. When she expressed her desire to be a writer, one of the scriptwriters shot back, “B.S.! If you wanted to be a writer, you would have written.”

When Catherine explained how her professor discouraged her, the scriptwriter replied, “An academic guy? What does he know? I write for a living. Tell you what. You go home and write something and send it to me, and I’ll tell you if I think you have any talent in the real world of commercial literature.”

A year later, Catherine finished her novel and sent it to the scriptwriter, who loved it and sent it to his agent in New York. The agent also loved it and asked to represent her work. Catherine’s first novel was followed by numerous others including Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile, which became a major motion picture.

Is there a dream buried deep within you? If so, you owe it to yourself—and the world—to fully express it.

First you need to get in touch with your dream. When you get in touch with the essence of who you are and what it is that really wants to come through you, it propels you forward, allowing you to overcome any obstacle, no matter how big.

Secondly, gather feedback from many people (but don’t let someone else’s opinion bury your dream as Catherine did for so long). Whether you’re venturing into a new career, proposing a project in your community, or developing a computer application, get as much feedback as you can. Weigh it; then follow your own instincts.

Finally, try things you’ve never tried before to see what works. When we were kids, we’d try anything, but now? Today a child having a computer problem will hit every button to get it to work. Many adults fear touching the wrong button will break it.

Embrace a spirit of curiosity and playfulness in your pursuit. If one thing doesn’t work, try another. If that doesn’t work, try something else. This can be great fun. Imagine life as one big laboratory—and keep experimenting until your dream yields the results you want.

Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: