
Let’s chat about that.

One refrain I hear from many photographers is that, ‘I’m burned out.’ or ‘I just don’t have it.’ or ‘I can’t seem to come up with anything.’

I call bullshit!

OK that’s a bit rough but I wanted to get your attention, especially if you’ve ever used any of the above phrases or any derivative thereof. Why? Because it usually means you aren’t trying. Not trying anything new. Or you are afraid to fail or even make a mistake.

To be creative means to work. To try. To fail sometimes. Often many times before even the seed of an idea can be discovered for exploration. Which brings us to today’s Photo/Art Quote from a very wise woman…

creativity quote angelou

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”   Maya Angelou

So, may I make a recommendation? The next time you are feeling like you are in the dumps about creativity grab your camera and lens you haven’t used for a while and go shoot. Pick a new or ‘different for you’ subject and go shoot. Lay down on the ground for the next ten photographs while you go shoot. Give yourself a persona project and, you guessed it, go shoot.

You can’t be creative and do new things if you don’t push the envelope.

Oh did I mention… Get out there and shoot. Even when you aren’t necessarily ‘feeling it’.

Let me know ow it’s working for you.

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob