While in classes at Summer Session at the Doubletree Hilton hotel in Oakbrook, IL we had a serious look at how to get your photography business name out through marketing… without spending a bunch of hard earned dollars. This portion of the class was about three hours and covered info like networking, business card design, price lists and press releases among other tips and tricks. Here’s some of the feedback from students –
“Bob, The class went very well. I don’t think I’ve had a more concise and effective marketing session. What you do is not incorporate marketing into your workflow and lifestyle so it does not overwhelm..it just is. I like that a lot”. Eric Wojtkun
“Bob, Fine arts photo training from you is not for the faint of heart as your class is kind of like drinking from a fire hydrant (in a good a way). What’s clear is you know art, photography and the business thereof. Thanks for inspiring me. Thanks for sharing. Regards,” Cortez A. Carter
“Bob, If I were to summarize what I got of today’s course in one sentence. ‘ In a one day session Bob Coates delivered a high level view of how his businesses work along with a “deep dive” into his process and vision of creating photographic fine art.’ I am very glad that I chose to attend this session of SCU Summer School. It helps re-enforce my feeling that I know I can be successful in the world of fine art photography. It reminded my of some of my weak points in my business plan and firmed up my resolve.” Bob Fairbairn
All in all it was a solid class and I enjoyed seeing the ‘lights go on’ in student’s eyes as they saw things they could put to use in their businesses.