As part of the Fine Art Photography portion of my class in Oakbrook, Illinois at SCU Summer Session I photographed the Doubletree Hilton hotel where the conference was held. As part of the lesson I showed techniques to convert the property image into an artistic rendition suitable for wall art, marketing or showing off on the web site. The art photography stems from a technique I call ‘Photo-Synthesis’. Adding textures, in this case textures photographed around the property, adding them as different layers and using blend modes and masks to control how everything comes together. Here’s what I came up with after returning to Sedona to tweak and refine the image I created in class. artistic photography image of doubletree hilton oakbrookThis fine art photography rendition of the Doubletree Hotel in Oakbrook, IL. was captured with the Lumix GX7. I really like the dynamic range of the file achieving detail in the light and dark areas of the image. I did however expand that range a bit more by taking a 3 stop bracket to achieve an even greater range. This setting is easily achieved and the motor drive of image capture makes it easy to align the images even when hand-holding the camera. As a Lumix Luminary I was able to use this camera in advance of it’s release on October. Gotta tell ya’ I’m likein’ it!

As a shameless marketer I have sent a copy of the image to the sales department of the Doubeltree Oakbrook Hotel with the idea that they might want to have it as a decor image for their lobby or use it in their marketing materials… We’ll see how that goes.