Been chasing color and realized I meant bright, saturated color. All things have color. Some are just more subtle than others. Just as when you learn and use a language of light you begin to see things differently, changing the thought of the TYPE of color I am looking for is changing the type of images I am trying to capture during my self assigned photography project during my new busman’s holiday. (to see the description of busman’s holiday if you don’t already know)
As I poke through the images from today it looks like blue has started to creep into my images as a target, sometime subtle sometimes in your face…
This bit of blue worked its way into the background of this photo featuring red making the red stand out all the more.
Neon can be difficult to capture… Went into into post-production to bring back some of the image highlights. That’s one great reason to shoot RAW. There was detail there to bring back. The Lumix GX7 had lot’s of detail though the bright range of pixels I thought would be gone.
Will end up at the Blue Rooster listening to some of my favorite music… The Blues!