5 minutes
12 minutes
15 minutes
45 minutes
These are all times I have spent and will continue to spend studying individual works of art in museums.
OK, maybe the 45 minutes was a little extreme but it was a Monet at a museum in LaHauve, France and I did have a lunch break mixed in there.
Anyway I’ve also been studying art books on painting and color in order to enhance my visual knowledge and vocabulary. I think this is one you can jump into and enjoy if you would like to be a better photographer. It’s called the The Artist’s Eyes by Michael F. Marmor and James G. Raven.
The Artist’s Eyes – Vision and the History of Art book cover.
The Artist’s Eyes goes into detail of how the eye works in receiving and interpreting light, shadow and color in forming images which helps us to understand why art looks the way it does. A handy thought don’t you think?
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob