Festival of the Cranes
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge – Part Three
I enjoy spending time with wildlife.
Watching. Waiting. Learning.
To get the best wildlife images it is important to study the behavior patterns of your prey. Especially in avian photography. Learning when a bird is about to make a move leads to obtaining more than a portrait. Portraits are cool, but my favorite images are highlighting behavior. A mating dance. A flight. A landing. Feeding or grooming all lend more to the captured image in my opinion.
These images are from the Festival of the Cranes in Socorro, New Mexico just a bit south of Albuquerque. I shared pictures from the event, but the previous ones were of Snow Geese. These are the stars of the show, Sandhill Cranes.
Let me know what you think!
In for a landing during first light at the first pond – Bosque del Apache NWR
Sandhill Crane in flight (with a couple of snow geese interlopers in the background)
In the warm glow of sunrise here’s the classic capture of three Sandhills with the three wing positions
More Sandhills in the next day or so. For more from the Bosque NWR see these posts with the Snow Geese.
The previous posts have the information on the camera gear and links to find it.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob