Feedback from Students

Had an online session with Carol. We worked with Photoshop and my ‘Photo-Synthesis’ and Step & Repeat technique a couple days ago. I received this in my email inbox.


I just wanted to thank you for our individual class session via Hangout today. This is certainly the start that I needed to understanding how to create artistic images in many layers from one or two selected images. From the techniques for creating a clean accurate selection and the variations of that original selection, to the ability to manipulate the selection on layers with a variety of sizes, directions and overlays, was exactly what I needed.

A personalized class allowed us to proceed at a speed that fit my abilities and let me ask questions at any time. It was a wonderful way to learn so much more information than I would have gotten in a large class.  Being able to schedule the session to fit our time worked out perfectly.

Thank you again,         Carol”

Carol Fabrizio, M.Photog.

Fabrizio Fine Art Photography (see Carol’s work here)
Flushing, MI

One on one classes are recorded live via Google Hangouts and YouTube. You & I are able to work together on project specific lessons that you choose. The recordings are available for review at any time in the future.

If you would like to learn more get in touch. [email protected]

On Another Note

This came through my Facebook feed. Nothing gets me more excited than to know I have helped someone in some way. It makes teaching extremely worthwhile!

alisa whitley coloring book postAlways enjoy getting feedback from students especially when they follow through and complete a project.

This is an awesome example of follow-through. While the final project is not photography specific, creativity in any form helps us move forward and see possibilities. I’m excited for Alisa. You can see her photography work here.

I have read about the creation of coloring books for adults as a way of relieving stress. Hare’s a link to an article on what’s happening inside your brain when you color.

The Therapeutic Science of Adult Coloring Books

From Medical Daily – “Coloring used to be reserved for children and the occasional adult who got to babysit them, but recently, the activity has found a different demographic. What started as a niche hobby has now turned into an international trend, as adult coloring books find themselves on more and more bestsellers’ lists throughout the world. However, while this trend may be a fun way to pass the time, it’s the books’ therapeutic properties that really have them…” continue reading

alisa whitley book coverCheck out Alisa’s 70’s inspired coloring book!

Yours in Creative Photography,        Bob

PS – What’s your personal project? Photography or otherwise? I have an inquiring mind!