Imaging USA 2019 – Atlanta, GA
Professional Photographers of America held it’s ** sesquicentennial anniversary convention in the headquarters city of Atlanta, GA. It was a great convention!
Winging toward Imaging USA Atlanta
The programs were well thought out and helpful I particularly enjoyed the Pre-Convention class with Michelle Parsley on Clone Painting with Adobe Photoshop. This is a technique to create more painterly looking images with a brush-like feel to them. Learning how to set up the brushes in Photoshop to mimic the feel and application of paint was incredible. This is one of the things on which I am working to further the artistic feel of my work as a Lens Based Artist.
Opening Keynote with Scott Stratton – Great start to the convention!!
The other program that caught extra from me attention was from Chris Knight. I already had his book The Dramatic Portrait which I thought was well written and informative.
PPA Council
It was also time for PPA Council to meet. I am a member of Council and have been for a number of years. This is where the rules and By-laws are adjusted when necessary. Sometimes there are issues of which members are divided. This was one of those years with a few issues needing some discussion. Passions were shared and the vote was taken. This led to the creation of a new degree based on wedding images. The designation is M.Wedding.Photog. I look forward to the time that members will be able to earn this degree and use it to help promote themselves to clients showing that they have extra dedication to improving their work.
Friends Like Family
PPA’s convention is also a time to renew friendships and network with fellow photographers. People often ask why I still go to conventions instead of learning what I need to online. I’ve found you learn almost as much, if not more, in the hallways and over a beer in the bar as in the classes. In addition, you can not pick up the phone and ask a video a question!!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
More from the convention in the next post.
** means 150 years!
I’ll have to keep any eye out for you at Imaging next year! It was a great convention and I hope our paths cross again soon (I’m the traveling Pet Photographer who you helped a few years back when I passed through Sedona). I hope all is going great with you. Take care!
Sorry to have missed you Arica. Get contact info before so the possibilities are increased. Cheers!
It was great seeing you!
Same here Cindy