Lumix GH2 Camera Files from Panasonic
My first exposure to the Lumix line of cameras came when I was trying to find a smaller lightweight camera for travel. My wife was always giving me grief for hauling 35 plus pounds of full-frame DSLR gear with me on vacation. I said, “What are you worried about? you aren’t carrying it!” After that she replied, “You aren’t either, the gear often stays in the room ’cause it’s too heavy to lug around.” Don’t let her know this but I’ve found she’s right most of the time and I should listen more often, but I’m a guy. What can I say?
Anyway, back to the story.
I tried three different ‘point and shoot cameras with no success because I finally listened! The reason they didn’t work for me? The files would fall apart when I tried to push them past anything larger than a 12-inch print or use the images in combination with other photos in my PhotoSynthesis process of creating my art.
And then… I found the Lumix GH2 and got a couple lenses. A wide angle and a 14-140mm zoom. (28-280mm FF equivalent) I added a small pouch for extra batteries, a tiny tripod and the other goodies you need for a two week trip to France. I had that camera on my shoulder with the 14-140mm lens and the pouch at my waist, and it never left my side for our entire trip. The best part?? When I returned I started working the files and ‘Viola!”, The files held up. I started running to all my photographer friends and telling them about this discovery. That led to my eventually becoming a Lumix Ambassador. That’s a story for another day.
I’m telling you all this because I decided to take a look at the GH2 files and give them a run through some of the newer software including Photoshop, Luminar 2018 and Aurora 2018. I amazed at how well the files do even today in 2018. These files are six years old, and there have been quite a few improvements in the subsequent iterations of the Lumix line. When the GH3 came out I started using it for my professional work and found that I could do about 85% of my jobs with it. In the beginning, I shot the camera side by side with my full frame DSLR for safety. Then I knew what tasks could be completed with the GH3 and the DSLR sat on the shelf more often. When the Lumix GH4 came out, I did a few more side by side comparisons before realizing I could do all my work with the micro 4/3rds camera. And all my DSLR gear went on the market, and I haven’t looked back since.
Until today. I thought I’d share some of the images from the GH2 circa 2012. Here are a couple more images.

Snoopy Rock in Sedona, AZ Photographed with the Lumix GH2 and processed with Photoshop and ** Skylum Software.
Here’s an image using the PhotoSynthesis process that I use in layering textures and giving more of an art feel to an image. And below that the original capture.
In a couple of days, I’ll show you some images and the artwork created during my trip to France.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
** Skylum software includes Aurora HDR – Luminar – and CK Creative KIT. Special deal on Aurora HDR through July 4th. On any of the software add PROMO CODE – COATES to get an additional $10 off
PS – The latest flagship camera for stills (first one!) is the Lumix G9. This thing rocks!
I haven’t forgotten about the clouds from above post I said I get you…
Hello Bob how are you? this is such a timely article because Ive been teaching my daughter with my GH1 and looking at its images im also impressed, Ive blown up images in 16X20 and they look great. as a matter of fact I prefer the color science of the GH1 sensor to the G7 they seem a bit more natural while the G7 colors side by side look more pastel. anything beyond native ISO on the GH1 though it deteriorates fast. I dont know if I would have completely given up on full frame though but as you told me once its about using the right tool for the job. peace
Thanks, Aloy, I was pretty surprised at how well the files held up especially when processing with new software. My buddy Kevin Ames was first talking about digital when many didn’t want to go there, including myself, he said “Why wouldn’t you want to have a magic box where you could pull as many images out as long as you want at no charge (vs processing film) and that the files would improve in the future. He was/is quite the visionary.