This job started as a result of a personal project. I was trying some new art techniques on images made of musicians during live performances. Showed the results to Mark and he immediately asked if I would design his next CD release cover and marketing materials…

CD packaging photography & graphic designSix fold CD packaging design for Mark T Small started with a personal photo project

Apparently he made a good choice. Here’s an email from Mark.

“Bob – I think your art work is paying off big time. The media promo started Jan 1 and I am getting more looks than the last CD. Doing some radio interviews and getting some good action on the blogs. I really think that your work is making these people pick the CD up out of the pile to further investigate. Thank you so much Bob. The reporting radio stations start next week and I will keep you posted. I sent out 200 CDs for media on 1/1 and 200 CDs on 1/24 for reporting. Pretty crazy – I will keep you posted .
Thanks again Bob – best to Holly”


Mark T. Small   (a.k.a. – J. Wyman Burke)
Delta & Chicago Style Blues

I ask you… What personal project are you working on to stretch yourself? And, how are you working it into your business?

Yours in Photography,     Bob