
Two free days of photo education.

Keynote speakers.

Multiple photography Workshops.

And, the red rocks of Sedona.

It’s the Sedona PhotoFest May 2nd-5th hosted by the Sedona Arts Center… and I’ll be a part of the education.

First up I’ll be one of the Keynote Speakers thanks to Panasonic and the Lumix line of camera gear on Sunday May third. I’ll be sharing information on one of my favorite subjects, Photo-Synthesis, which is using multiple images to create a more artistic or painterly type final image using multiple texture layers in Adobe Photoshop.


moth fine art


Also on the calendar for giving presentations and workshops – Joyce Tenneson, Seth Casteel and Brad Buckman, Kelli Klymenko, Tracey Frugoli, Scott Stuhlberg. Sedona PhotoFest includes technical and artistic insights across a wide spectrum of interests including Portrait Photography, Underwater Dogs, iPhoneography, Fashion Photography and more!

The free days will be followed by my two day in-depth Photo-Synthesis workshop on May fourth and fifth where we’ll be hands-on taking photos including textures and then heading into the world of computers putting the images to use under my guidance. I’ve found this to be a great way to really start to make the Photo-Synthesis process your own. Two full days of photography and Photoshop instruction for only $250. I recommend that you are fairly proficient with your camera and have a decent grasp of Adobe’s Photoshop.

“Hi Bob,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your seminar this last weekend. 

I thought you were a great presenter; humorous without being too flamboyant; knowledgeable; energetic; articulate with a fluid speaking style; and well prepared in your presentation.  I was very impressed – which is usually hard to do. Bill came along with me, showing only a little interest, but was so excited after the first day, decided to sit in on the second day.  The fact that you were able to keep him interested speaks volumes too.  

Another thing that really impressed me was your ability to work with all the various levels of PS experience and juggle all the people in the group.  I think everyone felt like they got something out of the workshop and everyone who needed it got some personal attention.”  Sandy Miller Cookeville, TN

Interview with Frederick Van Johnson from TWiP (This Week in Photo) from the PPA
(Professional Photographers of America) International convention this past January talkin’ about photo art.
“Hello Bob,
Thanks for the resources! They will be useful.

I attended the Saturday workshop in Chattanooga. I enjoyed your slide show so much! And, I appreciated your sense of humor. Things weren’t going exactly as you would have liked during the morning session. The program just wouldn’t allow you to “step/repeat.’ You didn’t let it get you ‘rattled.’ You kept smiling! And, you know, that very thing HAS happened to all of us!

BUT…..most of all, I was delighted to know there are Professional Photographers out ‘there’ who shoot with a Panasonic Lumix Camera! Who knew?
My colleagues in our camera club are primarily (make that exclusively) Nikon and/or Canon shooters! I own a Lumix G-3. I am still at the “Rookie Level.” But, I do love this camera! Take care, and thanks again,”   Barb Conard

See you in Sedona!

Yours in Creative Photography,        Bob

lumix changing potography logo

Program Sponsored by LUMIX