I hear the word passion spoken by many photographers in reference to why they are in photography. “I have a passion for capturing images of your family!!” “I’m passionate about making beautiful images…” What many really mean is they enjoy making images and they really LIKE doing what they do. Nothing wrong with that for sure.
I would like to ask you to think long and hard about this quote from Roy Williams.
“Passion does not produce commitment. Commitment produces passion.”
Are you committed to making the absolute best images possible for your clients? By that i mean are you practicing your skills daily? Studying to find ways to add more depth, dimension and emotion in your photographs?? I don;t mean practicing when you are paid assignments. Tiger Woods doesn’t win golf tournaments because he goes out from Thursday through Sunday. It’s because of his commitment to practice, practice, practice and to hire coaches to help him understand what he needs to work on to get better and stay on top of his game. Do you know your gear inside and out? is the camera second nature in your hand? Or, are you fiddling and looking for settings when your mlnd should be on creativity not tech stuff?? Do you have all the tools you need? Do you know how to use them?
So, I ask one more time are you ‘passionate’? Or are you committed? There’s quite a big difference!