Unknown and Anonymous are some pretty prolific writers and many times have distilled thoughts down to a very small number of words that have a big impact. Today’s Photo/Art quote comes from Unknown…

earth and art quote image“The earth without art is just ‘eh’.  Unknown

Plays on words, or portions of words are fun and this one resonates with me. So let’s move this to the photography world where you and I hang out… “Are you taking ‘pitchers’ or are you creating Art?”

I like to think I am creating Art but sometimes (probably too often) I find I am just taking images rather than making or creating them. You ask, “What’s the difference?” It comes down to planning, thought, timing, execution, experience, having the right equipment in the right place at the right time with the right light.

I respectfully ask again, “Are you taking pictures? Or, are you creating ART?”

Yours in Photography,        Bob