by successfulbob | photographers health, photography - art quote, photography education
Before you start to read this post you might want to click on the song below… Go ahead, you can do it!
If you think about time is the ultimate currency in our lives. Twenty-four hours in a day. Some of those are, of course, survival type hours eating, sleeping, bathing and generally tending to health in one way or another. When you start to whittle away at you day like that you start to realize that time is as the Steve Miller and song says, ‘Slipping into the future…’
So lets take just a bit of time to think about how we are using it. Roy H. Williams puts it succinctly in today’s Photo Art Quote.

“What are you buying with the hours of your life?” Roy H Williams
(Roy is the author of the Monday Morning Memo which is a place I recommend you spend some of your time…)
I believe it’s a good thing to ponder ideas such as this occasionally as we as artists/photographers tend to throw ourselves into our businesses and many times creative work and family lives suffer as a result.
Can you find a way to have someone else do the menial work within your business? Things like editing, or retouching? Is there someone who would be better at selling you than you? Think about ways you can spend more time focused on your art and the creative aspects of your business and on your family and friend relationships. I think when you accomplish that you’ll get a much better return on your ‘investment’. Every time you start a task ask yourself, “Is this going to give me the best return in quality of life?”
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
Steve Miller Band – Fly Like an Eagle
by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote, photography education
Today’s quote comes from Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and poet. “A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is.”
I often wonder if I am unique or the work I produce is unique. You often hear you can’t create anything new under the sun and after a while you can begin to believe it. I fight this on a regular basis. I ask myself if I am copying something I saw in the past that was ingrained in my memory? Then I realize I am standing on the shoulders of the photography and art giants that have come before me.
I find I create from many of the things I have seen. From many of the things I have studied. From many of the things I have learned. The brain will combine all of the things that it has been exposed to and hopefully will come up with something original.
Garbage in = garbage out.
I suggest you fill your head with wonderful art, great photography, beautiful architecture, great imagery of all kinds. I make sure that every city I get to that has an art museum gets a visit from me. I will stand in front of a single painting for five minutes, ten minutes and sometimes up to 45 minutes drinking in the colors, lines, composition and style. I now see impressionist influences working their way into my photography. I try to look at art just before turning in for the night so that during sleep my mind can feast upon the last images presented.

“A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is.” Oscar Wilde
I am looking to create unique art. I hope I also have, as Wilde says, a unique temperament to help make that happen.
How about you???
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote
I came upon this photography art quote that likened photography to a disease and realized that I have no desire for a cure!

“Once photography enters your bloodstream, it is like a disease.” Anonymous
How do you feel about photography. Go the bug????
Have a great Sunday on this labor day holiday weekend!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote
Art museums.
Web sites with artists I admire.
Art image books.
Reading inspirational books.
Well lit movies.
Looking for shadows.
“Bob, What the heck are you talking about?”
I’m getting started with today’s Photo/art quote and the point is… Oh wait where’s the quote??
“All true artists, whether they know it or not, Create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.” Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle is an author, The Power of Now and A New Earth with subjects on spirituality, inner thinking and power. In 2011, he was listed by Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world.
The point is I agree with Eckhart. But, I believe this only happens after lots of information is gathered and stored in the memory banks. Study images as much as possible. Study shadows and how the edge of the transition works ie how fast it falls off or ends. Think of it like this. Garbage in = Garbage out. Great visual information in leads to Great images out. Eventually.
Fill your head with great imagery whether it be from the Masters and Impressionists, movie makers, fellow photographers images, magazines, advertisements, etc… and that will begin to inform your image making.
What do you do to find inspiration? Share it here if you get a chance…
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography education
I’ve decided to keep things light and airy this morning.
Found this anonymous quote about photography that I wouldn’t be surprised if it came from Steven Wright (who is freakin’ hilarious by the way)
“He had a photographic memory which was never developed.” Anonymous
Have a great Sunday!
Yours in Photography, Bob