by successfulbob | Lumix G6, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography gear
Taking a couple weeks off for vacation slows you down a bit when it comes to staying up with regular posts… I’ll add in the Holidays to take the blame but enough excuses! I’m back on the horse!
Santa dropped off a package using the local Fed Ex driver… OK it wasn’t Santa but it sure feels like a present. The Lumix G6K is in my hot little hands and I gotta tell ya things just get better and better as each camera comes out. This is a Pro-sumer camera that has all the features. Great video with a fully articulating screen. Touch screen focus. A great chip and processing engine. Almost all the features of the Pro camera Lumix GH3 plus a few more. Yep it’s got the in-camera panoramic feature that I really enjoy. (just ask my fellow Luminaries!) The only thing that keeps this out of the full on pro realm is the fact it’s not built on the magnesium frame. But wait that makes it even lighter if you want to have a camera with you all the time. With a 2.8 12-33mm lens (35-70mm 35mm equivalent) this camera weighs well under 2 pounds! It’s on Amazon for just under 500 bucks with a 14-42mm lens. Freakin’ amazing!

by successfulbob | fine art photography, Lumix GH3, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography gear
Suddenly the wings of the Scarlett Macaw spread… which was rather bizarre because in my mind I had just said to myself, “I sure wish the bird would do something different.” (parking spaces seem to appear out of nowhere for me too) I took the RAW capture into Adobe Photoshop to see what I could see. Here are a couple versions with a twist on each.
Scarlett Macaw over fan palm. Version Three.
Version Ten.
Version Five
Images and textures captured with the Lumix GX7 and GH3. Macaw photographed using 35-100 f2.8 Vario lens. RAW 1/1250 sec; f/2.8; ISO 400 @42.0 mm (in 35mm: 84.0 mm)
Worked with Adobe Photoshop blend modes and other photographic texture images for effect.
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, photography, photography gear
The carved metal sign vibrated with the color I was chasing. Add the blues music accompanied by this signage and it was the start of a great evening. Able to photograph blues musicians while not on assignment allowed me to try some new techniques and experiment with different settings.
I included the hanging light in the foreground as a semi-complimentary
color to set off the blue of the light on the sign.
Host RJ Howson with Guest Sidney Wingfield on-stage at the Blue Rooster on 4th Street in Sarasota
Blues piano & Sidney Wingfield frame blues guitarist RJ Howson live at the Blue Rooster.
GX7 camera preset Sepia tone of RJ making blues with his guitar.
Sidney Wingfield keyboard player with personality!!! Wonderful vocals too!
Most photos in this post were captured with the 35-100 f2.8 Vario lens. A few done with the 12-35 f2.8 Vario lens. All with the Lumix GX7 camera.
Since this blog is for photographers I want to address a thought about camera formats.
I have been shooting with larger formats than the micro 4/3rds for a long time and when I talk to photographers about my preference for the smaller system I often get the question, “Aren’t you afraid your customers won’t think of you as a professional because you have smaller cameras and lenses??” The answer is unequivocally “NO!”
What I find is that people respond to the way I work, my body language and the way I approach capturing an image vs how big my gear is. I choose the proper tool for the job and am respected as a pro for for my finished work and that the files or prints I give to my clients meet all their needs.
Share your thoughts and comments here….
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Been chasing color and realized I meant bright, saturated color. All things have color. Some are just more subtle than others. Just as when you learn and use a language of light you begin to see things differently, changing the thought of the TYPE of color I am looking for is changing the type of images I am trying to capture during my self assigned photography project during my new busman’s holiday. (to see the description of busman’s holiday if you don’t already know)
As I poke through the images from today it looks like blue has started to creep into my images as a target, sometime subtle sometimes in your face…
This bit of blue worked its way into the background of this photo featuring red making the red stand out all the more.
Neon can be difficult to capture… Went into into post-production to bring back some of the image highlights. That’s one great reason to shoot RAW. There was detail there to bring back. The Lumix GX7 had lot’s of detail though the bright range of pixels I thought would be gone.
Will end up at the Blue Rooster listening to some of my favorite music… The Blues!
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, panorama, photography
People teaming through the streets. Babies being strolled. Dogs walked. And wares presented by vendors as varied as the crayons in a the big box of Crayolas. Saturday at the Sarasota, Florida Farmers Market great supplier of subject fodder in my quest for panorama photographs and color… All images captured with the Lumix GX7 and the 35-100 f2.8 Vario lens
Big field of variegated green with a splash of the surprise contained inside…
Tangerine dream…
Red Peppers pop from the basket…
I’m getting hungry… See you later!