by successfulbob | fine art photography, Lumix GH3, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education, photography seminar
What a great group in Michigan. Friendly, fun and really important – attentive when class was in session. Shared my ‘Photo-Synthesis’ Fine Art Photography program with PPM. Spoke about 4 1/2 hours. In addition to the Photoshop techniques I shared how much I like the small size and nice files to work with from my LumixGX7 and GH3.
Below are a few testimonials from the students about the program and presentation style. It was fulfilling on many levels from garnering new friendships, learning from the older members who shared their stories and adventures in photography, and being able to give back to the industry that has given me so much. Kudos to Panasonic for sponsoring my sharing to other photographers…
Photo courtesy of Carol Fabrizio, M.Photog. Fabrizio Fine Art Photography Flushing, MI
“I’m Darcy current president of the professional photographers of Michigan and Bob Coates was at our annual convention and Bob was awesome. Let me tell you we learned everything and my brain is just fried right now. We learn a ton from Bob. From beginners to experts, all took something home to help with their art. I recommend Bob highly to any organization that wants to hire him.” Darcy Olson, CPP – Darcy Olson Photography
“Hi Bob;
Your presentation at PPM Fall Focus Monday afternoon was awesome. It is probably the type of program that should be enjoyed first thing in the day and not after lunch as you present so much material, that I reached brain overload well before you stopped….. Your passion and high energy is definitely infused in your presentation.”
by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GH3, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Every business needs an image that steps out beyond the norm and grabs attention. These are often referred to as the ‘HERO’ shots. The idea is to create something that grabs attention because it goes above and beyond the norm either in composition or lighting or a blend of the two.
Creekside Inn Sedona, Arizona beauty image. (a great place to stay by the way…)
In order to accomplish this look for people who are trying to promote their properties I make a time based image. What do I mean by that? I create a series of images over a period of time from just before sunset until after the sun has sunk below the horizon. This allows me to show the best features of a property by blending them together. Photos taken before the sun goes down allow me to show detail in the building. Images taken after the sun starts to go down allow the sky to record as the cobalt blue and images made after the sun has disappeared show off the lighting and allow the warm glow to come from the windows.
In this particular image I needed a high angle to show off the deck so the camera was placed on top of a light stand about 12 feet off the ground and wasn’t the most stable platform to shoot from. Because of that I didn’t want to touch the camera to get exposures so I used two features on the Lumix GH3 * that helped immensely. The first was a 7 stop bracket setting to grab a number of exposures from each time I fired the camera. The other was the on-board WIFI in the camera that allowed me to control the camera using my I-pad. The 7-14mm f4 lens really kept the lines straight on the verticals. To say I’m happy with the micro 4/3rds cameras would be an understatement!
After the images are captured then it’s off to the computer to assemble the finished piece.
Here’s a reminder that I am available for one on one or group Adobe Photoshop classes to help you get the ‘HERO’ images for your clients. As I am also a Panasonic Lumix Luminary you can contact me to see if I can be brought in to speak before your photography group paid for by Panasonic. Drop me an email with your contact information and request or give me a call to start the process.
* Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3K 16.05 MP Digital Single Lens Mirrorless Camera with 3-Inch OLED – Body Only (Black)
by successfulbob | Lumix GH3, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education, video
Let’s kick off this photography blog with a start in Chicago, Illinois. I went to be an instructor at the SCU Summer Session in August with a class on marketing and creating fine art photography. It is amazing how much you learn when you teach! Upon arrival in Chicago I went on a city photo safari with a group of students. Led by Sherry Adlington (Thanks for the Chicago Crack popcorn! and driving all over), Heather Carpenter, Lauren Nygard, Mark Evrard (who drove the other car), Jared Burns, Carlos Zamora and Levi Sim.
We left the hotel around 3 PM and returned well after midnight. A great day of capturing images and experimentation with our photography techniques.
I was using the Lumix GH3 and with that camera on my shoulder and my small waist pouch carrying spare lenses and a mini tripod I was very comfortable with no strain or pain. Man, I’m enjoying the smaller size cameras and lenses!
Chicago in the summer is extremely photogenic. The skyline reflected on the water, Buckingham Memorial Fountain the skyline up close. All were great fodder for creating great images. Here’s a few.
Chicago Skyline captured with the Lumix GH3 in vertical orientation. Approximately 7 images stitched together in Adobe Photoshop CS6 using Photomerge. Fireworks were added to the scene because they were set off way to the right of the skyline. Hey! It’s my art you know… Each fireworks image was added with a changed blend mode in the layers palette to make the background disappear using either screen or lighten blend modes. Masks were used to allow the fireworks appear to be behind the skyline.
Here’s a more traditional (realistic?) view of the Chicago skyline.
This was a 7 image capture with Lumix GH3 in the vertical position. Using Adobe Photoshop CS6 in the Photomerge mode to stitch the image together. It needed just a little tweaking to add a little sky and water where the stitch had some issues.
Had some fun with Levi Sim of S Designs. Levi was full of energy and great ideas. I felt like he was levitating in this jump shot…

Levi Sim getting some air! I added a little of the reflection under Levi in post. He noticed right away that it should have been further away from him because of the height he had. It pays to study (and think about) light, reflections and form.
A wonderful bit of serendipity was finding a couple trying to get photos in front of the fountain after dark. Sherry Adlington of Allusion Photography in Plainfield, IL took charge and handled posing, while Levi added the video light.

Above a more refined image of the couple. Below you’ll find a video of the scene captured with the GH3…
Video at the Buckingham Memorial Fountain in Chicago, Illinois.
PS – I am a Panasonic Lumix Luminary. If you have at least a 50 person photo group you would like me to speak to about the art of photography and capture and/or marketing contact me and Panasonic will sponsor my program at your event.