live music capture

Last Saturday night I was on hand to photograph not one but two wonderful artists at Sound Bites Grill in Sedona, Arizona.

Part of my job there is to capture the musicians live on stage and create artwork for the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’. The other part of my gig is to create ‘straight’ photography images to help in promotion and things like press releases for when the artist returns for a future performance.

Here’s a few from each of the performers…

First up was Grant Ferguson

Here’s a description from his web site where you can check out his music. (I particularly like ‘Everlasting Desire’!) “Propulsive, melodic rock guitar in the hands of Grant Ferguson is a powerful reminder of the instrument’s glory days. Influenced by some of the great axe masters: Jeff Beck, Gary Moore, The Edge and others, Ferguson is pushing his all-instrumental sound toward a new rock vision.”

guitaritst grant ferguson

Grant Ferguson makin’ some beautiful sounds flow from his guitar. – Camera Lumix GX8

grant ferguson guitar musician

Live on stage at Sound Bites – Camera Lumix GH4

ferguson live on stage at sound bites grill

Grant captured with the new Lumix GX8. All images used the Lumix 35-100mm f2.8 lens

Following Grant’s set there was a break and we heard from Blues guitarist Leroy Miller.

A little about Leroy from his web site. Check his music (Try Over You from the self titled album) “Los Angeles blues sensation Leroy Miller has worked on countless recordings for music’s brightest stars like John Mayer, Macy Gray and Smash Mouth.  Leroy has toured all over the world as a supporting act for bands such as Aerosmith and the Dave Mathews Band.”

leroy miller on guitar and vocals

Leroy Miller got the crowd up and dancing with his high energy rock guitar. Camera GX8

leroy miller on guitar

Leroy Miller – Camera Lumix GH4

sound bites grill entertainment leroy miller

Leroy Miller wailin’ it! Camera GH4

In putting the images together I make conversions to black and white for all of the press images. This guarantees the best look when printed on a press. If someone just converts a color image to grayscale the reproduction of the detail can get lost especially in newspaper reproduction. I often use Google’s NIK Silver FX Pro 2 for making the conversions. It gives me lots of options to make the Black & White have tones from light to dark without getting muddy or flat.

On this shoot I tried out the new Lumix GX8 for the first time under LED stage lights to see how it held up to the dark shadow areas and the lack of full spectrum in the stage lighting. I was impressed. While I would replace my GH4 camera with the GX8 I wouldn’t hesitate to use it as a back-up or grab it in a pinch. The quality of the images wouldn’t suffer one bit.

Yours in Creative Photography,         Bob

PS – I’ll show the Grant and Leroy’s ‘Wall of Fame’ images in a couple days.

sarasota seagulls

And then I felt this warm drippy sensation on my arm…

Yep! If you get underneath seagulls while they are feeding you can be shat upon.

It was interesting shooting video from behind (and under) the birds. In addition to the extra present sent my way I thought it was fun capturing this angle for something a bit different.

As I was working on the Lumix GH4 4K files I saw some still frames I want to extract to to experiment with in creating some art pieces. Since I was shooting the video in 4K I’ll be able to pull 8MP still frames. Now I wasn’t shooting in 4K Photo Mode so the frames will have some movement in them which is what I like about them. If I was to capture in the Photo Mode the shutter speed would have been automatically increased in order to make sure there was no ‘Rolling Shutter” in the still frames.

Seagulls in Sarasota, Florida video.
Lots of fun to be had with the new tools that keep coming our way!
Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

jennifer batten plays sound bites grill

Just before leaving town to judge images for a week at an International Competition I photographed Sedona restaurant Sound Bites Grill who hosted Rockin’ guitarist Jennifer Batten to a packed house. Jennifer has some serious licks! She plays to a sound track that allows her guitar to shine. In addition there’s a video show to accompany each song. If you like great hard rock and blues guitar and you see her coming to town, don’t miss her!

Images were captured with the Lumix GH4 and 35-100mm f2.8 lens ISO 3200 f2.8 1/50 sec. with -2/3 stop exposure compensation in Aperture Priority Mode. The GH4 is able to retain the lighting from LED lights yet still not block up shadows.

jennifer batten guitarist

Jennifer’s Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’ image. This image uses my ‘Photo-Synthesis’ technique of blending Layers and textures.

jennifer batten guitar live

Batten live on stage during the show with video in background. Used NIK Silver FX Pro 2 for black and white conversion.

guitarist batten w/ michael jackson photo

Art print from the restaurant of Michael Jackson with Jennifer. See her video below with Jackson for a taste of her hard rockin’ guitar.

lumix luminary meeting

Sarasota, Florida.

Two days.

Intense! But, fun!

We had the Lumix Luminary gathering over the last couple days where we get together and share ideas, techniques and new information about the Lumix cameras and their capabilities. They were long days but very productive. We broke into teams and created some videos together. Video not being my number one priority in my business I learned a lot. Saw quite a few ways to add some value for my stills clients through using video and some new ideas that were introduced.

lumix video shoot

Here we are working on the beach. I’m getting the audio ready for the shoot and Armed with an FZ 1000 on one shoulder and a GH4 on the other. Image capture with the new Lumix G7 f8.0 200 ISO 1/640 sec It was shot by Dan using Tom’s G7 and 14-140 lens. He imported into his phone and messed with it using Snapseed. Added an HDR Scape layer and a Drama layer then used the Vertical Perspective under Transform and may have adjusted tone a bit..
(I’ll be sharing some work and features shortly from the G7. Pretty powerful camera!)

Sometimes as photographers running a one-man show our world can become a little insulated. Having an intense couple days with colleagues working and sharing ideas can be a great infusion of energy. Even if you can’t get together with a group like this I highly recommend at least getting together with a couple photographers and go out and shoot together for a couple hours. Then have a cup of coffee or an adult beverage or two. The relationships that you build doing things like this are wonderful!

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

phoenix airport hilton

Still working on photographing the Phoenix Airport Hilton after their eight million dollar refurbishing of the property.

It was great working with the staff while on the photo shoot. Everyone was as helpful as possible in getting the areas set for the photography. This makes the shooting day go better, smoother and leads to better photographs.

Sales manager Mike Manginelli was great in letting me know specifically what he was looking for. We were able to shoot to the IPad from the Lumix GH4 using the built in WIFI and Panasonic Image APP (free download) so he could see exactly what the camera saw as we worked out angles and ideas.

A bonus in operating and controlling the camera from the IPad (or IPhone or Android device) is when making multiple exposures to handle lighting situations with bracketing the camera is not touched. This allows for exact registration for blending various exposures using Adobe’s Photoshop Layers and Masks.

saguaro room at hilton

The Saguaro Room set for a reception.

exterior night photo hilton

Exterior night image.


Ballroom set for meeting.

Another bonus to shooting from a remote system is being able to ‘paint the room’ with multiple pops of a flash and see the results as you go. These images are blended into the final scene adding light where necessary to fill shadows or creativity for esthetic reasons to add interest. I used a Paul C Buff light with a strip light box attached and a Vagabond battery pack to stay mobile. The Buff wireless triggers complete the remote set-up.

I’ve found the ability to ‘light my images’ with multiple exposures has made my shooting more efficient giving a better quality image to my clients. I spend more time in post production but my clients time is not wasted and I’m able to get the property rooms back online so there is little revenue loss when I photograph.

How do you work your interior and architectural shoots?

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

eric miller trio

New addition for the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’ in today’s post.

These musicians all reside on the Wall individually but they assembled into a great jazz/pop group and are playing Sunday nights at SBG. I saw them last week with my wife Holly and stayed until the last song was played. Eric Miller is a songwriter/singer/guitarist and is one of our favorite local artists. Eddie Barrattini bangs on the drums. Troy Perkins plays excellent bass on a guitar that he built himself.

 eric miller trio

From left Troy Perkins, Eddie Barattini and Eric Miller

It’s pretty amazing the musical talent we have living and performing here in Sedona!

Images were captures with the * Lumix GH4 and the 35-70mm f2.8 Lumix Vario lens. The GH4 has enough density range to capture detail in the shadows yet still have enough information in the highlights that are created with LED stage lighting. The tough part about photographing LED lighting is that the colors are very pure and don’t have a large spectrum of color as when we photographed tungsten lighting with gels over them.

The individuals were isolated by selecting and Masking in Photoshop. The individual Layers were then blended together with multiple texture images to create the final art in a process I call Photo-Synthesis.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

* There’s been a $200 price drop on the GH4!