You probably know I am a Platypod Ambassador. But in addition I am a Platypod fan. I originally bought one of the first Platypod Ultras. Used it a few times then forgot about it. I broke it back out, started looking for way in which to use it and found a lot.
Since the release and design of the Ultra Platypod has gone through some great improvements and lots of useful gear has been designed around it for for studio and location work. If you haven’t seen and worked with the Platypod products here’s a one minute video to help introduce you to all the ways Platypod can help your photography.
One minute with the Platypod line of gear. Take a peek. You’ll probably run into some creative ways to use the gear that you never thought to use.
Flowers and greenery sneak through the dry desert in front of Shiprock in New Mexico.
As an Ambassador for Platypod tripods I thought you might be interested in the Black Friday deals they’ve just launched. You can find savings on five different gear bundles.You can save from $25 to $126 depending upon which bundle you choose. Plus, free shipping on orders over 100 bucks. Look here for all the deals.
Platypod can help you get low in the field or tighten up your studio shooting space. Here’s an image I made with the camera on a very low angle to feature the flower against Shiprock in New Mexico.
It’s interesting the turn my career has taken over the years. Commercial photographer, wedding photographer, portrait photographer, educator and writer. I’ve worked through many genres of photography and now concentrate on creating art, commercial imaging and education/writing.
Current writing ASP and The Photographer Magazines
Article in the Fall Issue of ASP Magazine
Here is are a couple magazine articles I’ve penned and had published recently. One is for American Society of Photographers (ASP). It was a follow-up to my photographing the Milky way article. This was on processing to take the images to the next level. Look for the Summer issue for planning and shooting. Fall issue was on post-production of Milky Way images. The camera, lens and long exposure collect way more information than your eye can see. Post processing reveals all the color and grandeur of the Milky Way.
Article in the latest issue of The Photographer Magazine
The other magazine article that just dropped was for ‘The Photographer’ magazine. It shares ideas on capturing water droplets in and artistic and colorful fashion. The Art of Photographing Water Droplets can be accessed and read here.
Photofocus online
Photofocus is an online magazine for which I write at least three articles a month, often more, for the last three years. This is in addition to writing for Successful-Photographer. Here are a couple links to the last articles I posted.
Weirdly enough all of my photography career has been some combination of photography, education including hands on and presentation to photography groups and writing about it. If you need a speaker, writer, photographer or Lens Based Artist, let me know!
American Society of Photographers (ASP) has announced their second annual image competition. Images of Distinction (IOD) was wildly successful in it’s inaugural year. Using the same criteria for judging, and Professional Photographers of America jurors the event is a great way to get feedback on your photographic imagery. Check out the rules at And get start getting your images ready.
ASP Images of Distinction February 25-26, 2022
What’s different?
IOD uses scores on the first day of judging. The following day there is image commentary for all makers who wish to receive feedback on their work. This is an invaluable part of the learning process to get your images ready for Professional Photographers of America’s (PPA) International Photographic Competition (IPC). Kristy Steeves shares her thoughts on how the process helped her achieve Diamond status in the Artist category and Platinum in the Open categories at PPA’s IPC.
I interview Kristy about last years ASP – IOD success and why you’ll benefit from entering.
Platypod is down to just a couple of dozen Litra Torch 2.0s in their Litra Clearance Sale. Great savings if you’re looking for some terrific gear and lighting, especially for close-up and macro – it’s worth checking out.
Here’s how I set mine up for some up, close and personal images of this studio floral.
And, here’s the Behind the Scenes.
The goose-necks screw right into the Platypod and make it easy to position your lights.
These lights are also great as quick a hand-hold fill when on location. They take up minimal space in your camera bag. They also have a magnet on the bottom. Get ’em before their gone. Free shipping on orders of a hundred bucks or more. Only while supplies last.
International Photographic Competition (IPC) starts on Sunday.
If you have an interest in photography and would like to see some incredible work this is the place for you. Starting Sunday September 12 at 9AM EST through Wednesday you’ll have the opportunity to see the scoring along with comments when the judges challenge the results.
The header image above was titled ‘Taking Flight’ and was awarded LOAN Collection status two years ago.
Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
IPC is presented by PPA. It’s the chance for makers to have their work reviewed by trained judges. The resulting scores are part of the PPA Master of Photography Degree system. The degrees are designed to recognize above average work by above average photographers. This is also part of the initial selection process for Team USA in the Photographic World Cup as images are selected from the Image Excellence Award winners for the International Competition.
‘Orange Outburst’ is a water droplet photo made it into the PPA LOAN Collection last year. The LOAN Collection name will be changed to Image Excellence Award this year.
PPA image makers work all year to prepare their work for this event.
You can watch
While the competition is geared toward professional photographers and PPA members you are welcome to pull up a chair and join in the learning. You can stream IPC live from Sept 12–15. Judging starts each day at 9am ET. if you are not a PPA member? Create a free account to watch live.
For infrared conversion of my cameras I use LifePixel. Infrared allows you to put an older camera to use and opens up a new time time of day for productive image creation.
Fotopro tripods are well worth checking out. You can learn about the ones I use and recommend by clicking on the Fotopro Tripods link at the top of this page. If you want to see what other tripods might fit your needs check out the website. Check back with me before you buy as a Fotopro Ambassador I’m able to get you discounted pricing including complementary continental USA shipping for my followers that you won’t find through retail outlets.
Learn Photoshop in a fun environment. Aaron Nace applies the right amount of fun with easy to understand and follow tutorials. Actions and brushes are included with lessons!
Lightning, waterdroplets, sound, time-lapse, HDR sequences, smiles and much more control for your camera!
Cameras Get Smarter -
A High Speed Smart Camera Remote
Best embroidery ever. Give Queensboro a try, get a $20 instant credit to get started by clicking on the logo! They specialize in great quality custom logo apparel and promotional products with the best customer service.
Platypod has become a great resource for being creative in getting your camera gear easily into unusual places. As an Platypod Pro I get to work/play with the gear even before it comes out. Head over to Platypod, subscribe to the newsletter and you will get special discounts reserved only for subscribers.