by successfulbob | Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, macro, photography, photography education, photography lighting resources
We get to make a bunch of them and I’m still playing with ideas as I explore the photographic world in which I have chosen to immerse myself. How about you?
What kind of decisions can we make to change the look of a single scene? Here’s an example of three images made with a Macro lens of a flower that is about the size of my thumbnail.

First capture of the White Horsenettle. Full sun. Looks a bit harsh. (why do they call it White Horenettle when it’s lavender??)

Placed a 20 inch scrim from a Westcott 5 in 1 to increase the size of and soften the light.
This has the effect of softening the shadow edge transitions and, to my eye, renders the flower in a more pleasing fashion.

Same capture with lighting as above but changing to a wider aperture softening the background allowing the flower to stand out more.
These are very similar images with subtle, and not so subtle, variations. Could there have been more choices made in this capture? You betcha! Could have taken a higher angle and not included the sky area. Could have changed the composition. Changed the lens. Changed the camera distance to subject. Could have added flash. Could have moved the scrim to the shadow side and reflected light into the shadows. You get the idea…
Point is when you have a subject explore the many possibilities and variations because it’s not unusual to improve on your images as you ‘work the scene’.
Capture information – Camera: Lumix GH4 Lens: Leica DG Macro-Elamarit 45mm f2.8 Aspherical Extension tube: Vello 10mm
Explore. Play. Practice.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, macro, photography, photography education, photography gear
What a difference a lens (and some extension tubes) can make!
I went back out to the trial chasing some wildflowers in Sedona, Arizona. But this time I came a bit more prepared for the subject with some extension tubes and a long lens to isolate and magnify the beauty something a wide lens just can’t do. (see images from the day before)

Having trouble finding the correct names for my desert flowers. This might be a Four O’Clock something or other. Any help from you botanical types??

Been trying to identify this flower… Has the shape of a type of Morning Glory but the
pistols extending out from the bell I think are telling me it’s something else. Any ideas for me?
OK enough with the flower naming conventions… Here’s the down low on the gear used.
Because I was on the trail I wanted to stay fairly light so I grabbed the MePhoto Backpacker Tripod. Pretty versatile and folds up to around 15 inches with it’s own shoulder case. Nice ball head with firm controls. Wasn’t sure I would like this tripod but it’s been serving me very well.
I wasn’t traveling to far so the Lumix GH4 was the camera of choice with a 35-100 f2.8 Lumix Vario lens. Extra lenses, extension tubes and other photo stuff was in the Think Tank Mirrorless Mover 20. Good build with enough room for a good selection of gear but still is unobtrusive on my belt.
I added some inexpensive extension tubes from Vello. When you shop for extension tubes make sure you get matched to your system so the auto-focus and exposure are automatic. If you only shoot macro images occasionally extension tubes can work great and save you the price of a dedicated macro lens.
To help control the lighting I used a 20 inch 5 in 1 reflector from FJ Westcott. This is small and light yet big enough to cover flowers fro the sun and give a nice glow to the lighting.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – If you like like the information you receive on this web site please shop for your gear using the links from this site. I am an Amazon affiliate and it helps to support the web site. Thanks!
by successfulbob | landscape photography, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography
On the Big Park Loop Trail this morning leaving from Bell Rock Vista Parking lot. Flowers are littering the landscape! Add a bit of rain to the desert and it responds in very short order. Pleasantly surprised as this spring was very dry and the flower show was fairly quiet.
The hiking is prime as temperatures are in the high 50’s to low 60’s around sunrise. Here are a couple of images from the walk but not as wonderful as I’d like as I didn’t come equipped with the correct lenses for getting up close and personnel with the blooms… That will be rectified tomorrow!

As close as I can tell, because there are so many similar desert blooms in this family, this is a
Great Basin Mojave Sonoran Chihuahaun AKA Yellow Spring Daisy.

A Jones Penstemon flower bloom. I love how nature dropped the bloom to accent and intertwined with the Yucca…

Little surprises can pop up if you stay aware. Like this reflection of first light on Courthouse Butte in the puddle left in the wash.
Camera data. Images captured with the Lumix GX7 and Lumix 20mm f1.7. Photos are SOOC. (straight out of camera)
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | fine art photography, graphic design, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
A little slice of Sedona I Thought I’d share with you. A flower I enjoyed
while on a hike this AM. Hope you like it as much as I do…
Captured with the Lumix GX7 Lumix Vario 35-100mm f2.8 lens – Exposure f/10 1/80 sec ISO 200 at 100mm
After the capture of the flower it was extracted from the background and placed in another file with an organic background I made a couple days ago. The flower was enhanced and a drop shadow added. It was then duplicated and moved numerous times until I came up with what you see here.
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”
― Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder
“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Happy Earth Day to you… Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, panorama
On my trip to Salt Lake City, Utah I was heading to a museum to look at art… It wasn’t open til noon and I went to the Red Butte Garden Arboretum to kill some time… And didn’t leave until it was time to head to the airport. I spent the time with nature’s art instead. What a beautiful space. On the campus of the University of Utah and the gardens are absolutely beautiful. I was fortunate that this late in the season there were still blooms available for viewing. This Botanical Garden and Arboretum is over 100 acres with trails into the foothills and along a wonderful creek. The garden areas are well tended and numerous. I kept thinking I had been to all the display gardens and every time I rounded a corner there was another pleasant visual surprise.
Here are some panoramic images I was able to create with in-camera stitching from the Panasonic Lumix GX7… I’ll share some of the other photos in a later post.