by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, panorama
On my trip to Salt Lake City, Utah I was heading to a museum to look at art… It wasn’t open til noon and I went to the Red Butte Garden Arboretum to kill some time… And didn’t leave until it was time to head to the airport. I spent the time with nature’s art instead. What a beautiful space. On the campus of the University of Utah and the gardens are absolutely beautiful. I was fortunate that this late in the season there were still blooms available for viewing. This Botanical Garden and Arboretum is over 100 acres with trails into the foothills and along a wonderful creek. The garden areas are well tended and numerous. I kept thinking I had been to all the display gardens and every time I rounded a corner there was another pleasant visual surprise.
Here are some panoramic images I was able to create with in-camera stitching from the Panasonic Lumix GX7… I’ll share some of the other photos in a later post.

by successfulbob | black & white, Lumix GX7, musician photography, photography
While at La Posada in Winslow I spent a little time at this beautiful little bar with a wonderful bartender named Meaghan. She has a very pleasant and friendly personality and when she showed up with her hair looking a little like a flapper from the 20’s I asked if we could make some photos. With a big smile she said, “Sure!” Here’s one from the series that I’ll probably work into a motion image…. Cheers!
Meaghan, bartender at La Posada resort in Winslow, Arizona
Meanwhile i received a great surprise in another area just off the lobby I found Khent Anantakai playing his guitar. Khent is self taught in the classical style and the music he was playing was fantastic. The sound echoing off the old architecture of the building was exquisite. He said his web site is down at the moment. As soon as it is running again I’ll put a link to his work.

Photos of Khent Anantakai – Navajo classical guitartist.
All three of these photos were made with the Lumix GX7 in Impressive Art mode turned to black and white in camera. I think the high contrast look works with the timeless subjects I was photographing.
by successfulbob | architectural photography, black & white, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography
Here are some more from the La Posada Resort photographed with the Lumix GX7 using the Impressive Art setting which is then tweaked to Black & White in camera…
Wine on the bar. The Ravens Wood Zinfandel is quite tasty by the way…
Archway with chair
Photographed this chess set a bunch. Black white contrast light… Fun!
This is almost an infrared look of the changing leaves. I increased the exposure on this by about 1 1/2 stops.
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, photography
“Standin’ on a Corner in Winslow Arizona, Such a fine sight to see…” Sorry, getting lost in the moment.
Staying at a beautiful property being restored to it’s former glory, La Posada Resort in Winslow, AZ. Very inspiring.
As I rest and listen to the grandfather clock chiming the time off in the distance I thought I would explore my vision of a stylized black and white in a square crop format. The the Lumix GX7 allows me to set everything in camera and see the finished image as it is captured. A square crop. The Black & white with my dialed-in style immediately, all very cool. NOTE: If you want this to be what actually see when you open up your images in your software make sure you shoot in jpeg! If you shot in RAW – as you download the images into your viewing software you will get a glimpse of your image as the camera settings said it should be but then that disappears and all the information that was presented to the camera will appear. Good-bye square crop, good-bye BW style etc… If you wish to be able to access the RAW info you can capture both at the same time. (another nice feature)
Front Porch at La Posada, Winslow, AZ facing the Railroad Tracks
Khent Anantakai classical guitarist plays at the Resort nightly. (wonderful self-taught artist)
Khent Anantakai Guitarist
Illustrative Photo Coffee & Grand Marnier
by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Robin Miller is getting ready to release a new CD with guitar music and he needed a new photo. This afternoon we went out and worked on getting some good captures. He’s a fantastic guitar player (among other instruments). He is extremely animated and not uncomfortable in front of the camera which made it easy to create a bunch of images that he really liked to choose from. Here’s an email from Robin after I sent his graphic designer a couple to work with in the design.
“Bob ; You totally Rock ! I love both of them but the bottom one I really love. Thank you so much for your awesome talent my friend. Talk to you soon.” Robin.
Here’s a couple from the shoot…

Robin MIller guitarist based in Sedona Arizona by Bob Coates Photography
Image for CD cover of Robin Miller. (Robin likes it!)
I used the Lumix GX7 for this capture. I’ve never been one for camera effects settings but with this camera I’m able to tweak the settings after selecting one of the presets. Here I used the Impressive Art setting and changed the White Balance to Black and White. It ends up being a really gritty high contrast black & white. I like the look and have tried to replicate it starting from a ‘straight’ image and not been able to replicate it.
Lovin this camera!