by successfulbob | fine art photography, graphic design, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, macro, photography education, photography gear
The flower garden at the B&B at which I’m staying has some beautiful blooms… So I’m playing and experimenting with the Lumix GX7, 35-100mm f2.8 and and Vello extension tubes.

Rose petals close-up with extension tubes. Opening up the shadows and lowering the highlights with the GX7’s in camera curves setting.

I always enjoy details revealed when photographing flora with back lighting.
Have you played lately??
Yours in Creative Photography, bob
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Are you open to PLAY!??
Play means time to learn and test. On a road trip and looking out the window and you know how much I like neon and the back of this open sign invited some attention from the Lumix GX7 and the 20mm pancake f1.7 lens. This is a very low profile set up for street photography. Here’s a couple…

I really liked the Orange glow against the blue sky.

Different angle leads to different feeling in the photo.

And flipping the image changes things totally.
How do you play? Are these award winning photos? Nope. But I learned a few things playing with color and exposure that will help me in the future…
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography education
I believe this Sunday’s Photo Art Quote has to do with being in the moment.
Taking everything that the photographer has learned, experienced and been exposed to over a lifetime and bringing it to the table to create the strongest image possible. It’s when we aren’t in the now that our work can become trivialized. If you are thinking about lunch or dinner or a fight you had over breakfast or an upcoming vacation or how you are going to pay a bill you will not be producing your best work because you don’t have access to your brain’s immense resources.

“It is the artist in photography that gives form to content by a distillation of ideas, thought, experience, insight and understanding.” Edward Steichen
It is with this in mind that I am trying to be aware of everything I put into my brain. I try to spend quality time in front of great art, good books and all types of images photographic and otherwise. Think of this process as you might a computer axiom of GIGO. GIGO equals garbage in – garbage out. The more solid information that is packed into the brain, and accessed in the moment the better image making becomes.
Think about it before you do mindless things. Watch the magazines you read, the television shows you watch, movies and art you view along with books you read. Remember… GIGO.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | art books, photography, photography - art quote, photography books, photography education
I’m reading a book.
Actually I’m reading several as I tend to do. But the one that pertains to today’s Photo/Art Quote is Inspiration on Photography, Train your mind to make great art a habit by Brooke Shaden is the title and while I haven’t gotten too far I’ve already found new ways to think about my art and creation in making images. So I thought I’d grab a quote from Brooke for today.

“Creativity, just like inspiration needs to be examined and nurtured.” Brooke Shaden
Brooke has hit the nail on the head with this one line. How do you come up with your ideas? Where are they from? What turns you on? And, even more important how do you act upon your thoughts and inspiration? How many times have you had a wonderful idea then delayed on the follow-through and never made the image? Shaden shares lots of ideas how you can get a handle on your creativity.
Lots of photographers I talk with feel they are not creative when they try to see their work verses another. Try not to compare. Think of it this way. You are watching someones fully edited and scored motion picture to your raw footage.
Inspect your ideas. Expand on them. Go shoot. Learn. Fail. Shoot again. Small successes lead to bigger ones. Work it. But work it with thought and a plan.
And, by the way it wouldn’t hurt to get Brooke’s book to help you think about inspiration in a new way. I’ll be doing a more detailed review of the book after I finish reading it. I can tell you right now that this is one that has already earned a permanent place on my photography reference bookshelf.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography, photography education, success education
Sometimes you need to go the extra mile for your clients. I have some realtors who like to set themselves apart in the marketplace with an image that different than the run of the mill Realtor shots. When they asked last year for something really fun at Halloween how could I say no?
Here is the original image they use on a regular basis… Just a little bit of kick and sass!

Greenfield and Weems marketing photo for their Real Estate image.
Halloween was coming and Jolynn wanted to spice things up a bit. I used the photo above with Puppet Warp in Photoshop to get them into a seated position. Add a giant pumpkin, some witches hats and a broomstick and we are home free.

This was the result.
So fast forward to this year and Joylynn says, “Hey Bob, can you add our assistant to the photo and what would it cost?” I said of course, but didn’t realize how much more work was going to be involved. But,
because I wanted to plush out these guys as clients I just said, “I didn’t charge you near enough for this… Oh well, Happy Halloween!”

The full team!
When you have the opportunity to go over and above for your clients take it!
Yours in creative Photography, Bob