by successfulbob | inspirational video, photography, success education, video
I found this video on Monday Morning Memo with Steve Jobs talking about asking for what you want or need… This is great stuff! It’s less than 2 minutes and I highly encourage you to watch it and take the message to heart.
From the MMM “Steve’s last words in this video are, “If you’re afraid of failing, you won’t get very far.” By the way, it was at H-P that Jobs met Wozniak. Watch the video.
By the way make sure you click on the Monday Morning Memo link and get signed up for weekly inspiration for your business. If you have a creative mind at all you’ll be glad you did…
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education, photography gear
Since I moved to the micro 4/3rds format I’ve been looking high and low for the right bag for my gear and finally found it in the form of a Think Tank Photo Bag. The one I choose is called the Mirrorless Mover 20 and is pretty close to perfect for my needs. It has a strong build with solid material and stitching. I even like the handle on the top for when the bag is not attached to my belt.
So here’s my kit these days for most outings. Lumix GX7 camera with Lumix Vario lenses of 7-14mm f4.0, 12-35mm f2.8, 35-70mm f2.8 and either a 25mm f1.4 or 45mm macro. The camera goes on my shoulder and the three other lenses and assorted gear go into the Think Tank bag on my belt. (the bag comes with a shoulder strap too if you prefer) If I’m changing lenses a lot a nice feature is the magnetic closure on the flap. When you need to really secure everything it’s time to use the zipper to close the compartment.
The bag will hold three lenses, extra SD cards, spare battery, battery charger, card reader, small flashlight and a tripod. (“A tripod you say??” Yes I do. See the ‘splainin’ at the bottom of the post) The bag also comes with its own raincoat rolled up inside in case you get caught in inclement weather conditions.
Never have I traveled so light with this range of lenses. Gotta tell you I’m one happy camper!
This is my travel kit. All gear is on the camera or in the Think Tank Photo bag.
Note the little tripod. It may not look like much but this tripod has helped to hold the camera steady in cathedrals in Europe and the woods in America. You can set this on the floor. Hold it against a wall. Put it on a chair or table. Once you think about it a bit you see it’s a great way to get support for your camera when you are traveling and need to go light sans big tripod or mono-pod.
by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Robin Miller is getting ready to release a new CD with guitar music and he needed a new photo. This afternoon we went out and worked on getting some good captures. He’s a fantastic guitar player (among other instruments). He is extremely animated and not uncomfortable in front of the camera which made it easy to create a bunch of images that he really liked to choose from. Here’s an email from Robin after I sent his graphic designer a couple to work with in the design.
“Bob ; You totally Rock ! I love both of them but the bottom one I really love. Thank you so much for your awesome talent my friend. Talk to you soon.” Robin.
Here’s a couple from the shoot…

Robin MIller guitarist based in Sedona Arizona by Bob Coates Photography
Image for CD cover of Robin Miller. (Robin likes it!)
I used the Lumix GX7 for this capture. I’ve never been one for camera effects settings but with this camera I’m able to tweak the settings after selecting one of the presets. Here I used the Impressive Art setting and changed the White Balance to Black and White. It ends up being a really gritty high contrast black & white. I like the look and have tried to replicate it starting from a ‘straight’ image and not been able to replicate it.
Lovin this camera!
by successfulbob | architectural photography, commercial photography, photography
It’s always good to have a second set of eyes checking over your work… My friend Ron Jackson who does a lot of real estate photography saw my Creekside Inn image and made a couple suggestions to give it a little more pop. And he was right. Cleaned and brightened the trim. Changed the color balance a little bit and a few minor changes led to this…
The changes are small but add a bit more pop to the image. See the original here.
Check out the previous image and let me know what you think. I love this industry where other photographers have your back and are willing to take time to give their feedback on work you’ve done. Did I take all the suggestions? Nope, but I certainly appreciated all of them.
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography
Created a moving photography self portrait in the middle of Oak Creek in Sedona, Arizona. This area is known as Red Rock Crossing at Crescent Moon State Park. I set up my Lumix GX7 camera on a tripod. Asked a passerby to hold down the shutter for a burst of images and uploaded the images to Google Plus to use Auto Awesome to create an animated Gif file to show the motion of the creek but leave most of the rest of the image alone. Then I downloaded the Motion Gif to my computer downsized the image and used the Adobe Photoshop Save for Web feature for the image you see below.
Fun stuff and easier to do than ever…
Self portrait by Bob in Oak Creek – Sedona, Arizona.