sunday photo/art quote 2/16

I wish I had a name to attach to today’s quote… That Anonymous person sure had a lot of attributions!

It is so indicative of people who become successful… When I talk to people about the success that I have had in my career, and my life in general, they often despair at the possibility of having that success for themselves. They only see the somewhat finished movie that I present to the world and compare that to their everyday life. The secret is to work hard and put in some time.

success quote image

Success is what happens when 10,000 hours of prereation meet with one moment of opportunity.” Anonymous

“Picture this…” (in your best Rod Serling voice playback) “… a simple duck upon the water, sitting placidly and quietly. What we don’t see is that the seemingly restful fowl has webbed feet churning madly beneath the surface to keep him in place.”  (end Roddo’s voice)

It takes work to be successful. Time of course. But, the work is not actually hard. It is ongoing with each piece layered on top of the one before. When you first start the journey seems insurmountable because there is so many steps to take. The cool thing is when you put a plan in place and start moving those webbed feet one push at a time not only do you stop being pushed downstream you find equalibrium followed by steady progress upstream.


Ah, so glad you asked… Better imaging, better business and a better life all come from going one step at a time with the end journey in mind. You have to put in the time. What you’ll find is that the end goal keeps changing as you move closer and realize it wasn’t as far away as you thought. Want to be a better photographer tomorrow? Start learning and practicing new techniques today. Want a better business? Learn new sales techniques. practice them until they become second nature. Set a path. Work toward the end goal. If you find as you get closer it’s not where you thought it was going take a detour…

Sometimes having another set of eyes watching and helping you plan can be a huge help. When we are too close to a problem we often can’t see the forest for the trees. Need some help finding a path? Check out my coaching. Let’s talk for an hour… If you don’t feel it’s a help there’s no charge and no hard feelings. Get in touch and see if I can’t be of help on your journey.      Yours in photography,       Bob

press release & marketing

“Bob that press release stuff doesn’t work!”

I hear this all the time when I try to share with fellow photographers one way to get your business name out there. Press releases can, and do, work. But, you have to  work at it. You need to write the release in the correct form for the media in which you are trying to get placement. You need to know where to send the release, because the proper person who makes the decisions needs to see it. And, send it to more than one outlet. And, send them out on a regular basis because not every release is printed. Add artwork like your head-shot, illustrative images and captions.

How about getting to know your local editors? Inviting them to lunch? Asking how you might be of help to them? If someone knows you personally there’s a better chance your release will be printed

Here’s an example of how the press release worked so far… from this release

press release exampleImage of Kudos newspaper printing of press release for Bob Coates’ receiving PPA’s Elite Plus Award 2014

image of online press release about Bob Coates photographyOnline printing of Press Release in PhotoClique

I will take the published versions of my work and share them in my studio, republish them on the Internet and make copies to use to help let clients know they have made a good choice in selecting me as their photographer. FYI, any images that appear in an article I recreate for distribution because scans from newsprint and magazines are a bit icky. Also after a scan I will add a curves layer and make the whites whiter and blacks blacker. This helps with the bleed through from the porous paper and makes look better and easier to read.

There’s no free lunch. You do have to work to build relationships. Get your writing skills up to par. Follow through. I feel the effort is more than worth it because when the articles appear in print, even if you penned the info, the result is name recognition you can’t get through a paid advertisement.

If you need some help finding reasons to generate press releases fro your photography business, writing them, finding how to distribute them or need some general business help contact me about some coaching opportunities at great rates.

Yours in photography…      Bob





no fun beach

Wandering the Gulf Coast beaches in between speaking gigs in Sarasota and Tampa. Ran into this sign on Longboat Key… By the time I read all the ‘NO’s!’ I figured this is no fun…

no beach sign. Longboat Key.Just playing… I understand the need.

kudos to us airways

I don’t want to share this story because it highlights what a bonehead I can be… But – it’s a story that should be told none-the-less.

I placed my iPad in the seat pocket in front of me upon boarding the plane because I knew I’d be listening to music or reading from it during my flight from Phoenix to Tampa.

Fast forward to eleven oh five PM when I wanted to read my iPad before going to sleep. I reached into my briefcase and received instead of the iPad that sinking feeling in my stomach. Instantly but not wanting to acknowledge the fact (and after frantically looking in between everything and tearing the briefcase apart) I knew I’d left it on board the plane.

Made some calls the following morning and no one had turned it in to the Tampa airport as yet but they now had my number and would call me if it was turned in…

Not having a ton of hope I awaited the call from Tampa. None was forthcoming.

Here’s an incoming call from California and it’s Brenda Powell the SMF Shift Manager in Sacramento asking if I am missing an electronic device. “Can you identify it?” You betcha’!! Red covered iPad with lot of images, books and music on it.

Turns out the plane had a full service turn-around in Sacramento and the cleaning crew turned it in and the staff worked their way through my iPad, found my email and tracked me down to return it. I want to share this story ’cause most people only pass on bad experiences and the cleaning crew and rest of the staff deserve to be recognized for their honesty and following through helping with the recovery of my stuff…. Even if I was stupid enough to leave it behind. Cheers to US Airways!

us airways logo

sunday photo/art quote 2/9/14


I hear you say when I tell you this mornings photo art quote is going to involve marketing and business. Please don’t be bummed – or afraid. If we don’t have the commerce, unless we are trust fund kids or have a sponsor, our art won’t get made…

photo art quote Brancusi“Art career goals make your career happen. To see far is one thing, to go there is another.” – Constantin Brancusi

Brancusi was a Romainian born sculpture artist and his words in the above quote should give us pause for thought. You can have all the vision in the world but if you don’t act on it you ain’t goin’ nowhere.

So this morning take a few moments to think about where you want to be with your art five years from now.

Go ahead think about it…

Spend a bit more time thinking about it.

Good! Now write it down these thoughts you had, Getting them down on paper starts to make them more have more weight. Become more real to you rather than some ephemeral dream.

Start the next step right away. If you want to be at a certain level with your art sales in five years where do you need to be in two and a half years? Where do you need to be in one year? How about six months? Next month? Ahhh, now we are getting to it. What do you need to be doing tomorrow and next week to get you started on the proper prosperous path?

Well what are you waiting for? Get to it! Set some goals.

Your in photography and art.         Bob