by successfulbob | inspiration, photography - art quote, photography education
Sunday Photo/Art Quote
Speaking through another medium.
We are photographers but within our chosen medium we have many ways of bringing attention to our subjects. Composition, lighting, color, tone and contrast all plat a part. But if we examine our work a bit more in depth we will see we at, any one time, one of these tends to come forward more often than not in our images.
Which brings me to today’s Photo/Art Quote by prolific artist Georgia O’Keeffe.
“I found I could say things with colors and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no other words for.” Georgia O’Keeffe
So may I suggest when creating your art you give thought to the idea, whether it be portrait, fine art or move to the forefront, your message in the creation of your images. I believe if you think with this in mind you will begin to see your creativity grow.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | 4K photo mode, 4K video, Lumix G7, Lumix Lounge, macro, photography creativity, photography gear
Using Post Focus Photography
It’s a feature I wasn’t sure I had a reason for but again in the studio I used the Post Focus Setting on the Lumix-G7 to focus stack to get a different look from my 45mm Macro lens. This image started with a seven second video clip with the focus point being moved by the camera as the camera searched through all of it’s focus points. I’ve found the camera to capture as little as one second of video to as much as ten seconds depending on subject matter and how deep the focus goes through the scene.
This is my favorite rendition of the rose.
Create the Image from the Video
The steps I used were to download the video. Open it in Adobe Premiere Pro and select the still frames I wanted to work with and saved them as TIFF images. I wanted a soft and sharp movement through the final image. All 17 selected images were loaded into a single Photoshop document by using the Adobe Bridge command Tools>Photoshop> Load Files into Photoshop Layers after selecting all the images. Once the images are in Photoshop all layers were selected and under the Edit menu the Auto-Align setting was applied. Then under the Edit menu Auto Blend Layers was selected with the settings Stack Images with the Seamless Tones & Colors checked. This will take all the ‘Sharp Bits’ Of the image and mask them in.
The set of images saved out to individual files for the Post Focus video capture.
Layers Palette after adding images to file, aligning images and blending. Photoshop automatically created the masks.
Rose photograph after blending and cleaning up imperfections in the flower. Used Photoshop Tools then moved in to NIK Color EFX Pro 4 for further modification.
Talking Photography Tools
The tools we have to work with like Photoshop & NIK Color EFX Pro 4 can take images to an entirely new level and I keep trying to push to see what I can do. I hope this has been a help to you and at the very least given you some inspiration to think about image making in a new light.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – The Google NIK entire collection of software plugins is only $149. Great suite of tools!
by successfulbob | Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, people photography
‘Wall of Fame’
A new member for the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’ in Sedona, Arizona. Sound Bites is the largest live entertainment restaurant in Sedona and over the years have brought in some great entertainment. I have been fortunate to record many of the fine musicians and entertainers and create photographic art to celebrate their performances. Here’s one of the latest, guitarist Darius Lux.
Darius Lux ‘Wall of Fame’ Art
For the curious, here’s how I create the images for the ‘Wall’.
Capture live performance while trying to get good poses that tell the story of the artist. For example, Darius bill himself as ‘Acoustic Spirit & Soul’. That’s why I choose a shot of his eyes down in a thoughtful position. To capture the stage show I use the Lumix GH4 usually mounted with the 35-100mm f2.8 Lumix Vario lens. This makes it possible to capture the action with no flash and from low profile so I don’t disturb guests who enjoying the show.
The artist signs his or her autograph on a blank white sheet of paper with marker that is then scanned into the computer. Using Adobe Photoshop I invert the color so the words and signature are white and the paper black. Then the signature is moved to the file and changed to Screen Mode. This has the effect of making the paper ‘disappear’ and the text remain. This is resized to represent a regular autograph. This would not be possible after the fact as many of the musicians are from out of town. At the very least even of they are from Sedona getting up with them for the signature would take quite a bit of time.
The artwork is accomplished in Photoshop by selecting other images that contain textures and using more Blend Modes, color layers and masks to get the final look. While there is a unifying feel to all the images no two are created in the same way.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | inspiration, photography creativity, photography education
Creativity & Photography & You
You are either Creative OR you are not!
True or False??
Many say true. I say, & so should you, false.
Found this chart on Design School a web site for creative graphic designers I think we as photographers face the same challenges and fears as any other creative does i any genre. I’ve also found when I’ve looked outside the traditional channels for getting creative about photography I find there is a whole world of ideas that we can apply. Here’s a great thought starter for jumping your creativity up a notch or three.
Find more awesome design content at
Put some, or all of these ideas, into play & you will find new and exciting things happening in your photographic life.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | Lumix Lounge, photography - art quote
Sunday Photo/Art Quote
Assign yourself something!
If you’ve been following me for very long you know I’m a big fan of self-assignments to grow skills and earn new business. As a matter of fact, in putting together programs to teach other photographers about this I came to the realization that I’ve built a large part of my career by doing just that. I’ve built skill sets and gained new clients by giving myself a project as if I was the client. What kind of things?? Things like designing an art piece featuring a business or designing a magazine cover or line of T-shrts. Then taking the resulting work to the potential client and often ended up with pay for doing work I did to learn. At the very least, even if the client didn’t buy that piece of work, they were made aware of my capabilities. In addition, I would enter the resulting images in Competition and sometimes be fortunate enough to win an award or two and generate press release opportunities.
Which brings us to today’s Photo/Art Quote which I think shows you that even if you get no work it’s a great way to jump start your creativity.
“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” (Elizabeth Gilbert)
Sponsored Speaking Program Available
If you are part of a photo group looking for inspired speaking programs I am available. As a Panasonic Lumix Luminary sponsorship is available to eliminate or cut down the cost of having the presentation. Check on the seminars page for more information about this program or others available or give me a call to chat about options and possibilities.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob