by successfulbob | Guest Post, Marketing Monday, photography education, photography marketing
Just Say No – Marketing Monday Post
by Skip Cohen
Bringing Back Nancy Regan’s “Just Say No” Campaign
No graphic by Bob Coates Photography
Many of you aren’t old enough to remember Nancy Regan’s “Just Say No” campaign, but I ran across a reference to her recently and started thinking about the simplicity of that statement. Well, it seems like the perfect way to have some fun thinking about a few new ground rules for professional photographers:
Just say no to thinking, “I’ll fix it in the computer later!”
Just say no to companies who make promises to deliver on time and then don’t come through.
Just say no to lowering your pricing before you’ve exhausted every idea you have available to add value!
From an old post from Cliff Mautner: “In order to combat the apprehension of my wedding clients, I felt the need to add a bit of value to their collection in lieu of reducing my pricing – which I was dead set against. An added hour here, a flexible payment plan there, and things fell into place nicely.”
Just say no to putting off that mailing you need to do to all your previous brides who are now starting families.
Just say no to those “trolls” in your life who drain energy instead of creating it!
Just say no to giving up the fight to be creative in attacking the market and developing a program of diversification in your business.
Just say no to negative people in your life. They don’t have to love your dreams, just respect them!
Okay, who wants to add a few more?

Skip Cohen has been involved in the photographic industry his entire career and previously served as President of Rangefinder/WPPI and earlier, Hasselblad USA. He founded in 2013. Skip is a co-host for “Mind Your Own Business” and “Beyond Technique,” webcasts through, writes for several publications including Shutter Magazine and is actively involved in several advisory boards for non-profit organizations.
by successfulbob | marketing, Marketing Monday, photography, photography education, photography marketing
Turning Customer Service into an Art Form
How do you make your business grow and have return customers? My buddy Skip Cohen gives you ideas!
“Everyone at one time or another has had a battle with a major corporation. The most common are the phone and cable companies. Each one is a David-Goliath scenario, and they’re draining, but here’s a different way to look at the challenges. Each bad experience is a lesson in helping you understand how to better work with your own customers.
I’ve often wondered if customer service is simply dead in America. Then, I have something amazing happen that restores my faith. For example, we recently had a problem with Wayfair on a defective outdoor umbrella. I called to find out what we needed to do, and after an explanation, they simply apologized and issued a full credit. No reason to return it – just common sense. They couldn’t have been nicer, and the standard of service they set is the reason we buy more from them!
The experience got me thinking about the ingredients for great customer service. Photography is a word-of-mouth industry and providing great service is one of your very strongest marketing tools. Over the years I’ve written a lot about Customer Service and here are a few easy to remember tips to help you become a powerhouse in your reputation for customer support.
- Exceed expectations!
- Be cheerful! I know it sounds basic, but you can tell when somebody is smiling, even on a phone call.
- Give people the answers to the questions they’re asking.
- Solve problems quickly. The faster, the better.
- Make your customers feel like their order, no matter how small it might be, is important. They need to feel you value their business.
- Always give customers more information than what they ask for. Disney is the best at this. I know I’ve written before about it. If you ask any Disney staff member “When is the electric light parade?” They’ll not only answer you, but they’ll give you a great suggestion on where to watch it. Be engaging!
We all have things that make us feel good about our shopping experiences. For example, you can buy the same short-sleeve Polo shirt at Macy’s or Nordstrom’s, for the same price, but think about what makes people enjoy shopping at one store versus the other.
Now, take those same ingredients and apply them to your photography business! Obviously, the quality of your images has to be outstanding, but don’t underestimate the power of providing a great experience for your clients! It’s the greatest tool you have to separate your business from the competition.”
“Your customers won’t love you if you give bad service, your competitors will.” Kate Zabriskie
Skip is a guy to follow! You can see more of Skip’s stuff here (ed)

Skip Cohen has been involved in the photographic industry his entire career and previously served as President of Rangefinder/WPPI and earlier, Hasselblad USA. He founded in 2013. Skip is a co-host for “Mind Your Own Business” and “Beyond Technique,” webcasts through, writes for several publications including Shutter Magazine and is actively involved in several advisory boards for non-profit organizations.
by successfulbob | Marketing Monday, photography, photography marketing
Marketing Monday – with Skip Cohen
Here’s another good review of things that you should be thinking about from my buddy Skip.
Making Assumptions
We all make assumptions, some more than others. We do it in our personal lives, business, on events for the future and decisions from the past. The big question is, why don’t we ever just talk to the people involved instead of coming to our own, often misguided assumptions?
Wandering through cyberspace a couple of years ago I found this on a site by Ken Lahuer:
“We have a tendency to make assumptions about everything. The problem with making assumptions is that we BELIEVE they are the truth. We make assumptions about what others are doing or thinking, we take it personally, and then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison with our word.
We only see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. We don’t perceive things the way they are; we dream things up in our imagination. Because we are afraid to ask for clarification, we make assumptions that we believe are right, then we defend our assumptions and try to make others wrong.”
The photo industry is loaded with people who have turned assumption-drawing into an art form, and so often they’ve assumed wrong! I’ve heard stories about major companies in trouble, cameras being discontinued, even people being let go. I’ve heard stories so severe had they been more widespread, the companies involved would have actually seen a drop in sales.
Then there are the personal stories that run through our industry. Assumptions are drawn over why somebody left a company, why a new product was late for introduction, why a policy was changed, and the list goes on and on. Assumptions are drawn, then they hit the rumor mill and suddenly they’re FACT – and not once does anybody along the way stop and call the people involved for verification.
Last on the list are those of you who draw the wrong assumptions about your clients. You don’t ask the right questions and too often stereotype their behavior. Here’s a prime example of drawing the false impression at the retail level.
I was in my early fifties when I decided I wanted to buy a Corvette. I’d always wanted one, and the kids were adults, out of the house, and it seemed like great timing. I was in an old pair of shorts, and a t-shirt when I wandered into the showroom at the Chevy dealer in Morristown, NJ. I picked up all the brochures, spent time sitting in one that was in the showroom, looked at a few in the lot and not one person waited on me. There were easily six salesmen working, and no one came over to help me.
After twenty minutes or so, I walked into the middle of the showroom and announced,
“I honestly thought you guys were smart enough to recognize a guy in mid-life crisis ready to buy his first Vette. None of you are that smart, and I’m leaving now to drive to another dealership, and by the end of the day, my new Vette will be ordered. You guys need to work on your selling skills!”
They all looked like deer caught in your headlights! I left, and by the end of the day, the new Vette was on order. (And I learned it wasn’t a mid-life crisis. It’s only mid-life crisis if you order it in red! LOL) The bottom line is to stop drawing assumptions – meet every client with a clean slate and see where it goes. If you’ve worked on developing your skill set, you can handle any request they make, if appropriate.
For everyone who draws assumptions, and we’re all guilty, Don Miguel Ruis wrote:
“The way to keep yourself from making assumptions is to ask questions. Make sure the communication is clear. If you don’t understand, ask. Have the courage to ask questions until you are as clear as you can be. Once you hear the answer, you will not have to make assumptions because you will know the truth.”
Skip is a guy to follow! You can see more of Skip’s stuff here (ed)

Skip Cohen has been involved in the photographic industry his entire career and previously served as President of Rangefinder/WPPI and earlier, Hasselblad USA. He founded in 2013. Skip is co-host for “Mind Your Own Business” and “Beyond Technique,” webcasts through, writes for several publications including Shutter Magazine and is actively involved in several advisory boards for non-profit organizations.
by successfulbob | Marketing Monday, photography marketing
Marketing Monday with Skip Cohen
My friend Skip has an excellent storehouse of marketing knowledge and has agreed to share a column on Mondays pulling the best from his archives on the subject to help keep you and your business on track. Wahoo!
Tired of your Image?
Tired of Your Image?
I know everybody has closed the book on this past year, but even though we’re almost halfway through this year, think about last year for a minute.
As you analyze, think about what you need to do better. Too often people blame the wrong things. So often we all do the same thing – we blame the challenges the easiest things we might have done wrong, instead of looking at our actions.
Here are a few examples:
- Did you not get the traffic to your blog because the design, logo or theme of your posts were weak or because you weren’t consistent? You need to post new material to your blog 2-3 times a week and on the same days, and great content always wins. Are you sharing content your readership wants?
- Did your phone not ring off the hook because your company name isn’t hot or because you didn’t promote or advertise enough? Do people in your community know who you are? Too many of you aren’t involved in your community. Plus, you don’t have a phone number on your website. Instead, you chose to use an email template and don’t respond to inquiries as quickly as you could.
- Did you not book that last job because your competitor is stealing your business with low-ball pricing or because you didn’t portray the same level of enthusiasm, commitment, and confidence? The greatest marketing tool you have today is in building relationships. Look for ways to establish relationships with your target audience and your community. People buy what they want, not always what they need – you’ve got to make them want what you have to offer!
- Was a promotion you did underwhelming because of the economy or did it lack value to your target audience? Was it too confusing for people to understand? Create promotions that are creative and unique through partnerships and establishing value with your target audience. Always have at least two other people read the text that describes your promotion and make sure what you’re writing is understood.
The list goes on and on, but blaming ad design, logos, company names, etc. because you believe they’re old, tired and “everybody’s seen them” is your last resort. Maybe your website really does need a makeover but first look at your execution of marketing projects, creativity, and your skill set. So many businesses get tired of their look, advertising, and taglines too early. They find the need to reinvent the “frosting,” often long before the public is bored.
I’m betting for most of you, these disappointing projects have nothing whatsoever to do with your actual branding, but your execution and brand awareness. Don’t waste time on name changes, new logos, and website designs if you haven’t first defined your goals and your target audience.
Lauren Bacall said it all, “It’s not an old movie if you haven’t seen it!”

Skip Cohen has been involved in the photographic industry his entire career and previously served as President of Rangefinder/WPPI and earlier, Hasselblad USA. He founded in 2013. Skip is co-host for “Mind Your Own Business” and “Beyond Technique,” webcasts through, writes for several publications including Shutter Magazine and is actively involved in several advisory boards for non-profit organizations.
by successfulbob | photography creativity, photography education, photography marketing, podcast
Bob’s A’Talkin’ This Week – Part One
Photofocus Podcast
I was on the Photofocus Podcast Beyond Technique. A podcast empowering photographers to bring their business to the next level, with my buddy Skip Cohen and Chimera Young this week. These were some of the topics we covered in a little over 30 minutes. You can listen below.
How being diverse in your photography skillset can be a strong asset, and how it can actually enrich your work. The multiple types of photography that go into a single wedding gig. The important role that networking plays in the success of your photography busines. The role that constant education plays in the development of every photographer. How business and marketing skills are instrumental in a successful photography business.
Listen to all that and more by clicking the link below.

Photofocus Beyond Technique Podcast
Chamira Young
Chamira will readily admit it: she’s an art nerd, Photoshop geek, and photographer with an obsession for productivity and creativity. Through online teaching and podcasting, she loves helping other creative minds become more successful by empowering them with the knowledge and inspiration to up their game. Currently, is the hub of her creative mischief. It branches out to her other projects, and allows her to be an artist, photographer, podcaster at, and online course creator. You can also find her on Twitter.
Skip Cohen has been involved in the photographic industry his entire career and previously served as President of Rangefinder/WPPI and earlier, Hasselblad USA. He founded in 2013. Skip is co-host for “Mind Your Own Business” and “Beyond Technique,” webcasts through, writes for several publications including Shutter Magazine and is actively involved in several advisory boards for non-profit organizations.
by successfulbob | marketing, Marketing Monday, photography, photography marketing
Marketing Monday with Skip Cohen
Keep Climbing
A new feature here on Successful-Photographer will bring marketing thoughts and ideas from Skip Cohen every Monday. I hope you get as much from listening to Skip as I do!
Staying Focused on Your Education and Growth as an Artist
“When you reach the top, keep climbing!”
Climbing Lizard Photo – Bob Coates Photography
It’s an old proverb, but it’s the way I’ve seen great photographers in our industry stay focused. They never slow down and never stop trying to learn something new. One of the keys to their success and yours is to continuing education.
The first book I wrote was with Don Blair, Don Blair’s Guide to Posing and Lighting Body Parts. It was a guide on traditional portraiture, mostly about what to do with Mother Nature’s challenges, including bad complexions, eyeglasses, braces, posing of women who weren’t size 5, etc. Nobody could create a more flattering portrait than the legendary Big Daddy Blair himself. He was one of the very best.
Don was once asked, “What’s the best portrait you’ve ever done?” His answer said it all, “I don’t know, I haven’t done it yet!”
There’s no question that Don was one of the finest portrait photographers in the world, but at 75 he still hadn’t stopped learning. He still hadn’t created what in his heart he felt was his most beautiful work. He always knew he could do better and kept attending every class he had time for.
Set your goals high, but never believe you’ve hit the top!
We’re part of an industry that’s continually changing. Paradigms shift every morning, sometimes as consistently as the sun coming up. Changes in communication and technology are always challenging us. Our creativity is never wholly tapped, continuously being expanded by other photographers and leaders in the industry.
Have some fun with this little exercise: Take a look at the first images you captured, then look at your work today. Odds are you’ll have a front row seat to your evolution. Photography is an ongoing process. As long as you keep learning, your ability to evolve as an artist will never stop.
PS – And, this is the perfect time to share why I’m so happy my good buddy Bob Coates asked if wanted to share a post now and then on Successful-Photographer. The friendship Bob and I have started many years ago and is built on a foundation of respect for education and a love for this industry. We’re cut from the same cloth when it comes to believing in education and helping photographers raise the bar on the quality of their images, relationships, business, and marketing!
Skip is a guy to follow! You can see more of Skip’s stuff here

Skip Cohen has been involved in the photographic industry his entire career and previously served as President of Rangefinder/WPPI and earlier, Hasselblad USA. He founded in 2013. Skip is co-host for “Mind Your Own Business” and “Beyond Technique,” webcasts through, writes for several publications including Shutter Magazine and is actively involved in several advisory boards for non-profit organizations.