kazm radio tech talk show

Had another Tech Talk Show with Mike Tabback on KAZM Radio here in Sedona. We talked about the newest capabilities of the the Panasonic Lumix cameras to choose the focus of an image after you have made the exposure. (previous post here) In addition to choosing your Depth of Field after the fact you can create more Depth of Field using Adobe Photoshop to Layer Stack for hyper-focus.

lumix gx8 & g7 camera photo

The Post focus feature is available on the Lumix cameras – GX8, G7 and FZ300 (not pictured) cameras.

Tech Talk Show on KAZM Radio

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

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Do you see details when you create your images?

I know I’ll sometimes be surprised at what has appeared within the frame of my images knowing that I didn’t see it when making the capture. Occasionally it’s a happy accident but more often than not the element is one I would have left out by repositioning my subject or changing the view within by introducing a different angle.

“So what’s your point Bob?”

The point is we will often create better images when we pare down our compositions making sure that there are no competing elements to distract from the story we are trying to tell. Over the years I’ve had many conversations with my commercial hotel property clients about not trying to show everything in the rooms but to ficus on details that could tell the story with just a glance. That’s why I choose today’s quote from jazz artist Dizzy Gillespie. I continually find parallels as I look across different art modes such as painting, music and writing.

dizzy gillespie quote

“You spend a lifetime playing music to learn what not to play,” Dizzy Gillespie

What can you leave out from your next image to make it more powerful? I’ll be thinking on that too…

Yours in Creative Photography,    Bob

post focus

Choose your focus later.

The photography world is changing around you as I write this post! At least it feels that way as new cameras and features are introduced in short order. I’ve never been on the front edge of technology before and it’s fun trying to figure uses for features as they come out. A lot of the new capabilities is driven by possibilities not available before 4K mirrorless cameras came on the scene.

This is a very interesting new feature called Post Focus.

This is for stable non-moving subjects where you might not be sure of the focus point you want and would like to have options to choose later for a totally different look and feel to a subject of a scene.

Here’s how it works. The camera makes a quick video of a scene while moving the focus point throughout the frame. Because the camera is automatically set for Photo Mode each still frame can be extracted from the video as an eight MP file. At the end of processing after a few seconds you can see the individual frames on the back of the camera and choose any that you would like to save out as individual jpeg photos.

Want to be able to choose later? Not a problem. Download the video file and take it in an editing program like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or Lightroom. There you can step through each frame and choose at your leisure on a large screen and save out your file.

I decided to see if I could use the system to help with the capture of Macro images and the process of focus stacking to get deep detail in an image.

And guess what ?? It works!

I Imported the MP4 file into Adobe Premiere and used the right arrow to move through each individual frame. Selected the ones I wanted to work with and pushed the save as an image (camera icon) and saved the images out as a TIFF. Then it’s off to Adobe Bridge.

adobe bridge window

Screen capture of Bridge selections with all 28 files selected with the still captures pulled from the video.

With files selected the next move is Tools > Photoshop > Load Images into Layers

layers palette

Layers Palette with all layers selected in preparation for Photoshop magic.

Once all layers are selected they need to be put in registration because a change in focus changes the size of the image. Menu Edit > Auto-Align Layers.

auto blend dialog box

Once layers are aligned Menu Edit > Auto-Blend Layers with the Stack Images and Seemless Tones and Colors checked. Depending on the number and size of your files the the RAM horsepower of your computer this could take a little while but it’s doing all the work you see below masking in all the sharp portions of the images.

layers palette with masks

Palette window with proper selections for picking and masking in all the sharp bits it can find in the images. Making all of these masks would be super time intensive. Sometimes the individual masks may need a little tweaking if you didn’t get enough detail or colors and tones are very close.

focus stacked grasshopper

Grasshopper with detail and depth of field exactly where I want it.

The image was captured with the Lumix GX8 and the 45mm f2.8 Macro lens set at f9 in Post Focus Mode. “Why f9 and not f22 and be done with it Bob?” When photographing close-up Macro subjects the DOF is very shallow even at f22. In addition as the aperture gets smaller diffraction is introduced starting to blur details. (learn more about diffraction and check out your camera lens combo to find the sweet spot here)

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

PS – No grasshoppers were harmed in the making of this tutorial. The grasshopper was already mummified when I found it on my porch.

sound bites grill art


MMM good! Filet skewer with mashed potatoes… Sound Bites Grill. Sedona, AZ.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming for this space.

Had my Lumix LX100 an energetic little point and shoot with me when I went out for a meal with my wife. I try not to get too carried away with my camera gear when we are out for a pleasurable meal so I just bring the little guy for the occasional frame grab when something grabs my attention. So when the entertainer went on break I noticed the lighting on the mic and stage and thought “There’s a pretty cool scene…”

sound bites grill photo

Sound Bites Grill stage waiting for the return of the guitarist.

This is a pretty powerful little camera which I have dubbed, “the professionals point & shoot”, with all the pro settings available outside the electronic menus on easy to use dials. I set this for Aperture Priority and knocked the the Exposure compensation down about one stop to preserve the highlights. Brought the shadows back up a bit when processing in Adobe Camera RAW. Shooting at 3200 ISO gave a bit of noise in the shadows so I used NIK Define 2 to knock out the noise. Make a square crop and Viola…

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

PS – I was at a client restaurant for dinner and entertainment and will gift them this image and a couple others to use for some marketing. Solid long time client!

ppa imaging competition

As part of the PPA Charities Photo-Education-A-Thon held yesterday I put together a periscope on how I use PPA Imaging Competition to enhance my business marketing as well as improving my photography skills. I believe that participating in Imaging Competition has helped shape and form my skills and the photographer I’ve become… Here’s the video. BTW it was for PPA Charities which is a big supporter of Operation Smile and other charities photographers are interested in. So if you have gotten an idea or two you can use how about clicking on the link and making a small donation?

Learn how I use Imaging Competition to help promote my business.
Here are some links to show how I’ve shared some of my competition results and my feelings in more depth via the blog…
Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

sunday photo/art quote 11/28

It’s the Sunday Photo/Art Quote with a bit of a twist… In support of PPA Charities I turn this space over to Giving Tuesday. But I can’t do that without a chat about a quote so let combine the two!

As photographers we have the unique opportunity to use our photo skills to help out the community. Giving back is a chance, as Winnie says, to help ‘make a life’ rather than just a living. Being able to combine our photography and service to the community is a win-win. And you know how much I like win-win scenarios!

PPA charities quote

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

All the details are below. I’ll be doing my Periscope at 11AM Eastern time. Hope to see you there!

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob


On Tuesday, December 1st, log in to Periscope, Twitter’s live broadcast partner, to join Professional Photographers of America Charities in the first ever #GivingTuesday fundraiser. From 8:00am until midnight, eastern time, we will be broadcasting every half hour. Join in as each of our guests does a five minute presentation on a variety of subjects. Everything from photography to marketing, or even some human interest or general information will be shared. Find us at @PPACharities

Scheduled to appear are (in order): Bert Behnke, Gary Hughes, Mary Fisk-Taylor, Melanie Anderson, Jamie Hayes, Trish Gilmore, Susan Michal, Kay Eskridge, Trish Logan, Bob Coates (hey that’s me!) Jeff & Lori Poole, Carl Caylor, Lori Nordstrom, Trey Homan, Beth Marshall, Bry Cox, Roch Eshleman, Beth Forester, Don Dickson, Tina Timmons, Elizabeth Homan, Michael Timmons, Travis Gugelman, Deanna Duncan, Al Behnke, Cindy Behnke, Cris Duncan and more.

At the end of each segment, feel free to hit the Donate Now button on www.ppacharities.com Home Page if you feel inspired. Then change your profile pic on Facebook or Twitter to one of our icons and challenge others to participate in #GivingTuesday for PPA Charities. If you miss the Periscope broadcast, go to our Facebook Facebook/PPACharities and see the recorded versions.
Find us at @PPACharities

Please donate what you can and mention why you are donating if it is to honor one of the presenters or to help PPA Charities meet our end of year goals. Then remember to ask your  friends and tag them when asking on Facebook or Twitter. For every dollar you pledge we have matching grants, two for $2500 and one for $1000! So that is $3-$4 earned for every dollar you donate. Thank you Mike Hanline of WHCC and Roch Eshleman of Romaguera Photography for your matching funds, and also to our Anonymous friend!

Let’s have some fun and help PPA Charities support our charitable partners like Operation Smile, Dando Amor, the PPA Affiliate Schools and others in need.

Join in on Periscope for live feeds and Facebook and Twitter for updates on Tuesday, December 1st, #GivingTuesday, #PPAGives. Find at @PPACharities

ppa charities

ppa charities banner

PPA Charities.

Professional Photographers of America charity arm is putting on an all day set of Periscopes around photography education on Tuesday, December 1st. Photographers will be volunteering to present 5-10 minute mini sessions on many photography subjects including posing, lighting techniques, marketing and more. Periscopes will be presented every half hour from 8AM EST to Midnight EST.

11AM EST I’ll be sharing information on how PPA’s Imaging Competition can help your photography career from an education and marketing standpoint.

Sessions will be going on all day on Twitter’s Periscope Platform with the address @ppacharities. There’s no charge for any of this education but a donation to PPA Charities is encouraged.

Here’s a list of some of the other professional photographers volunteering their time. Kay Eskridge, Carl Caylor, Lori Nordstrom, Elizabeth & Trey Homen, Beth Forester, Don Dickson, and many more. Bert Benke is heading up this event doing a couple presentations and scheduling and organizing all the photographers.

See you on #GivingTuesday!

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

PS – In 2005, PPA Charities named Operation Smile as it’s charitable partner. A perfect fit for photographers, whose daily business is creating smiles for their clients, Operation Smile’s mission is repairing childhood facial deformities including cleft lips and cleft palates. In 2014, PPA Charities also partnered with Dando Amor, a non-profit organization founded by photographers that is dedicated to improving the quality of life of orphans living in third-world countries.

happy thanksgiving – gratitude

In keeping with the holiday idea I’ve decided to share a post from Jack Canfield on how to put gratitude on the front burner everyday. I found Jack’ writings to be inspirational and helpful in my life. Especially the Success Principles. First I’ll wish you the best of the Thanksgiving holiday and hope that you carry the spirit with you throughout the year.

I now turn you over to Jack’s post…

6 Daily Gratitude Habits That Will Attract More Abundance and Joy into Your Life


6 Daily Gratitude Habits That Will Attract More Abundance and Joy into Your Life

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”
– Mother Teresa, Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

With the American Thanksgiving almost upon us – and Hanukkah and Christmas just around the corner – we are officially entering into “peak gratitude season,” when we celebrate our thankfulness for all the good things in our lives.

But wouldn’t it be wonderful to experience that level of joy, love, and appreciation every day of the year? How would it change your life if you did?

Gratitude attracts more good things to be grateful for

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
– Oprah Winfrey

Appreciation is one of the highest emotional states you can experience. When you cultivate gratitude, you’re able to feel true joy and contentment, no matter what you have or don’t have in your life. And since the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, when you’re grateful for what you already have, you will naturally attract more for which you can be grateful.

However, many people find that it requires great diligence to cultivate a persistent attitude of appreciation. That’s because we’ve been culturally conditioned to focus on what we don’t have, rather than appreciating what we’ve already received or achieved.

To help you combat this conditioning, here are 6 simple tips on how to make gratitude a natural part of your daily routine, so you can attract more joy and abundance into your life all year long:

1. Take 7 minutes each morning to write down everything you appreciate in life

Starting your day this way primes you to be receptive and grateful for everything your day will bring. It also helps you cultivate an air of positivity that makes you naturally more attractive to other positive people – and inspires them to want to help you achieve your goals.

2. Make a conscious effort to appreciate at least 3 people every day

By letting people know how much you appreciate them, you increase their own sense of appreciation and self-worth, and encourage them to pay this positive energy forward to other people.

While most people enjoy receiving verbal appreciation, written notes are also nice because they can be saved and re-read. (For ideas on expressing appreciation, grab your copy of The Success Principles and review Principle 53: Practice Uncommon Appreciation.)

3. Play the Appreciation Game

Set a specific time each day to consciously appreciate everything you encounter. An ideal time to do this is on your way to or from work. Appreciate the people you pass, the road you walk on, the cars that let you merge into a different lane, the street signs that make it easy for you to know where you’re going, the rain that’s nourishing the plants and trees, and so on.

Look for the good in all situations – even those you would normally view as negative. As the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” For example, when my wife was in a car accident a few years ago, she could have chosen to berate herself or question her judgment. Instead, she focused on her gratitude for suffering only minor injuries and for the help she received from other drivers.

4.  Carry a physical token of gratitude in your pocket, such as a heart-shaped stone, crystal, or some other small item

A physical reminder can bring you back to your practice of gratitude when your mind has drifted elsewhere. As you reach into your pocket throughout the day and feel the token, use it as a reminder to stop, breathe and take a moment to fully experience the emotion of gratitude. The more conscious effort you put into seeking it out, the easier it will be to find it – and the more powerful your experience will be.

5. Remember to appreciate the smallest blessings

The best way to activate your gratitude is by acknowledging the gifts most people take for granted. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes in your closet and a roof over your head, you are better off than 75 percent of the world’s population.

If you eat three meals a day, you are far better off than the 1 billion people on the planet who eat once a day at most.

Do you have a phone?  How about a car that allows you to travel to work or to explore the country? Is your family healthy? Do you have a computer and Internet access to stay in touch with the world, get access to education, and perform work for which you are paid? Do you have clean water to drink?

Celebrate these simple blessings. These daily conveniences are gifts that most people in the world do not enjoy.

6. Appreciate yourself

Finally, don’t forget to appreciate your OWN positive qualities and accomplishments. In addition to celebrating your big successes, acknowledge your small daily successes too. We all need acknowledgement, but the most important acknowledgement is that which we give ourselves.

One of the most powerful ways to acknowledge and appreciate yourself is by doing the Mirror Exercise. This powerful exercise requires you to appreciate yourself for the day’s accomplishments while talking to yourself in a mirror. For detailed instructions and guidance for the Mirror Exercise, see page 199-201 of The Success Principles.

It may not feel natural at first to focus on appreciating what you already have, but by faithfully practicing the Daily Appreciation Habits outlined in this article, you’ll begin to change your conditioning.

To kick-start your daily gratitude practice, take a few moments to share at least three things for which you’re grateful for in the comments. Even the smallest act of gratitude will have a positive impact on your life.

Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

– See more at: http://jackcanfield.com/6-daily-gratitude-habits-that-will-attract-more-abundance-and-joy-into-your-life/?inf_contact_key=49553090db556b2d36dd41fb9b4263f71d1131b3a060065c8d4c558701a56889#sthash.eystFNTV.dpuf

ottmar liebert sound bites grill photo art part two

Photoshop Tutorial Creating Photo Art

Let’s go into a little more detail on the creation of the photo art for the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’ with guitarist Ottmar Liebert as the subject.

The process is one I’ve dubbed Photo-Synthesis taking multiple images and using Blend Modes, Layers, Masks, Fx, Adjustment Layers and more to create the final piece. First here is the final piece as it now hangs at Sound Bites…

final photo art

Finished ‘Wall of Fame’ image featuring Ottmar Liebert

starting images for photoshop tutorial

Raw materials for the final photo art.

layers palette for photo art

Here’s the Layers Palette with Layer Modes and Opacity Levels indicated. I recommend reading from the bottom to the top to get a better feel of my process.

I usually start with the base Layer and add a texture I feel will blend well. Then I experiment with different Blend Modes and Opacities to get the effect for which I am looking. On the MAC if the Move Tool is highlighted then holding the Shift key and hitting the + & – keys you can scroll through the various Blend Modes seeing their effects in real time.

This should give you an idea how I work with Adobe Photoshop in creating photo art projects.

Have any questions?? Let me know.

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob

PS – Textures are available everywhere. Even from fellow photographers. I have a large library of different kinds of texture but for some reason I found myself attracted to two textures from one of the people who inspire me, Thom Rouse. That’s a link to some amazingly fantastic images. Thanks Thom!! BTW if you ever get the oppourtunity to see Thom speak don’t miss it. It’s a fabulous walk through the art world



ottmar liebert sound bites grill photo art

Been a little bit since I’ve photographed a new artist for the ‘Wall of Fame’ at sound Bites Grill in Sedona, Arizona.

Had the great pleasure of capturing fabulous guitarist Ottmar Liebert who sold out the house and ended up performing again tonight (Monday) because he was such a popular artist.

Here’s the art piece I assembled using my Photo-Synthesis technique using Adobe Photoshop and multiple images blended together.

ottmar liebert guitarist photo

Performing live at Sound Bites Ottmar Wall of Fame Photo Art image

Initial image was captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 42.5mm f1.2 Nocticron lens. 1/60 sec 3200 ISO I love the density range that the GH4 can hold even under the LED stage lights. Three additional images were pulled from my files and using Blend Modes, Layers, Fx and Adjustment Layers came up with the final art.

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob