by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote
Unknown and Anonymous are some pretty prolific writers and many times have distilled thoughts down to a very small number of words that have a big impact. Today’s Photo/Art quote comes from Unknown…
“The earth without art is just ‘eh’. Unknown
Plays on words, or portions of words are fun and this one resonates with me. So let’s move this to the photography world where you and I hang out… “Are you taking ‘pitchers’ or are you creating Art?”
I like to think I am creating Art but sometimes (probably too often) I find I am just taking images rather than making or creating them. You ask, “What’s the difference?” It comes down to planning, thought, timing, execution, experience, having the right equipment in the right place at the right time with the right light.
I respectfully ask again, “Are you taking pictures? Or, are you creating ART?”
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | graphic design, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Thundering hooves passing by as the riders chase a small white ball with long sticks…
My first live polo match enhanced by the tailgating party before-hand. Holly and I were on our way to the airport and our friends *Skip & Sheila Cohen hooked us up with this experience at the Polo Club in Lakewood, Florida.
*Skip is founder of Skip Cohen University – definitely worth a look if you have interest in marketing your photography business!
But, I digress… I ended up shooting the match with the 100-300mm f3.5 to 5.6 lens on the Lumix GX7. There was plenty of light so there was enough shutter speed to handhold with an ISO of 800. I always enjoy photographing new subject matter whether I have a specific reason or not… Then I’ll sometimes do a self assignment to see if there is a way to sell the images.
The possibility here is for art images to sell to polo players or as decor. But, I wanted to be even more specific. I saw they had produced a really high end magazine supporting the matches with lots of graphic artwork. So how about a couple cover possibilities??
What can you do to push your skills? What’s your latest personal project that you did for the heck of it? And then turned into money? I working on that part now. I’ve already contacted the Sarasota Polo Magazine to see what I can work out with them…
by successfulbob | graphic design, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
The animals spoke to me….
Well not literally. But, I felt the need and desire to work with the images to see what I could come up with. One bird you’ll even recall from a previous post spread it’s wings to a mental request I sent it. (OK maybe it was just coincidence…) This led to a personal project to design colorful, dynamic t-shirts on speculation for the Sarasota Jungle Gardens in, you guessed it Sarasota, Florida.
I felt the back lit palm fronds made a gorgeous colorful background for the birds. I added some texture files to add some depth. While still in Florida I went there to share a couple ideas, received an excellent reception and a request to do a few others. We are in negotiations now to see if the spec work pays off in cash. It already has paid dividends in the learning cycle of improving my graphics work.
Blue Gold Macaw T-Shirt design for Sarasota Jungle Gardens – Sarasota, Florida
One of the stars of the show the Pink Flamingo
Macaw T-shirt design
You’ll recognize my cooperative macaw from a previous post…
Raw images for the designs were captured with the Lumix GX7 my current favorite camera for travel and all-around photography work. It is a solid workhorse camera and paired with the 35-100mm f2.8 lens worked great for this visit to the gardens.
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography
She started her life as a character in a Disney movie and now the huge face presides benovolently over the sales counter at the Sea Hagg, Inc. in Cortez, Florida. According to the information shared by the clerk behind the counter she apparently likes her new place of residence as she gets a lot more attention in her new post.
If you happen to be in the Sarasota area you might want to take a little wander by the Sea Hagg, Inc. as it’s a target rich environment for the creative photographer. All things nautical, and some not so much, inhabit the shop just off Cortex Road West. There’s a fun playful atmosphere with mermaids, witches, floatsam and jetsam scattered throughout. Ask to have the container of eyeballs jostled on the front counter and you’ll get the idea…
She hangs in the corner presiding over her new domain after being retired from the movies. The Diva lives on.
Floats of glass and foam are everywhere waiting for the right composition.
Mermaids abound throughout the shop in metal, wood, bronze and brass. Illustrative Art setting on Lumix GX7. You can shoot in jpeg to get this rendition or as I do also shoot RAW at the same time for post processing options.
I just get the feeling that this typewriter has some serious history… I wonder what was written with it? A novel? News stories for a paper? Sales invoices?
by successfulbob | fine art photography, Lumix GH3, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography gear
Suddenly the wings of the Scarlett Macaw spread… which was rather bizarre because in my mind I had just said to myself, “I sure wish the bird would do something different.” (parking spaces seem to appear out of nowhere for me too) I took the RAW capture into Adobe Photoshop to see what I could see. Here are a couple versions with a twist on each.
Scarlett Macaw over fan palm. Version Three.
Version Ten.
Version Five
Images and textures captured with the Lumix GX7 and GH3. Macaw photographed using 35-100 f2.8 Vario lens. RAW 1/1250 sec; f/2.8; ISO 400 @42.0 mm (in 35mm: 84.0 mm)
Worked with Adobe Photoshop blend modes and other photographic texture images for effect.