wall of fame sound bites grill

There are two new inductees into the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’.

The RD Olson Blues Band played last week and rocked (blued??) the house. High energy blues from this five piece band had people squirming in their chairs and out on the dance floor. My wife Holly and I really enjoyed the music along with the rest of the patrons.

rd olson blues band

R.D. Olson Blues Band

Images of the band members were captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 35-100mm Lumix Vario f2.8 lens. This camera and lens combo gives me the density range to capture the highlights of the LED lighting and the deep shadows that come with stage spotlights. In addition, the 200mm lens (35mm equivalent) allows me to isolate the individual performers without disturbing Sound Bites guests as I photograph the live performance.

After downloading the images I select each performer and move them to a master file for compositing of the group for the art piece. Shadows and Inner Glows using Adobe Photoshop on layers help to give the individuals depth in the image. Multiple photographs of textures are added and Blend Modes altered to add the color and painterly effects.

RD was also selected by Sound Bites to also be featured as a single artist in addition to being on the ‘Wall of Fame’ as part of the band.

rd olson at sound bites grill

RD Olson

Blues On RD!

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

sbg wall of fame

There’s a new inductee into (onto??) the Sound Bites Grill Wall of Fame.

Renee Patrick has a marvelous voice. She was performing with the Steve Sandner Jazz Trio as a guest during Jazz and Juice that has been a Sound Bites Sunday evening staple for a while now.

Renee Patrick Jazz singer

Renee live on stage followed by an artistic treatment…

Original image captured with the Lumix GH4 1/25th sec f3.2 ISO 1600. The lens is one of my favorites for capturing individual artists on stage the Lumix Vario f2.8. A better camera setting would have been ISO 3200 at f2.8 to give me a bit more sharpness although I do like the movement captured here with her hand slightly blurry… With those settings I would also set the exposure compensation down about 2/3rds to a stop to make sure to not loose the highlights in the LED stage lighting.

Jazz and Juice is Live Jazz with 1/2 price bottles of wine with dinner. My wife Holly and I enjoy catching the Jazz music, good food and a great price on the wine!

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

hiking with lumix

I took my Lumix GH4 out for a hike yesterday. I was accompanied by it’s friends the 7-14mm f4, it’s cousin 12-35 f2.8 and it’s big brother the 35-100mm f2.8. This combination of camera and lenses gives me the 35mm equivalent focal range of 14-to 200mm with fast glass. Add a spare battery, a five in one 20 inch Westcott reflector, some extension tubes and put it all in a small Tenba ‘Switch 10’ bag and I’m ready for almost anything I might come across photographically.

Oh, did I mention all of that gear weighs just a bit over six pounds? Throw in a MeFoto backpacker tripod and water for the hike and it’s still under ten pounds. TOTAL.

The Lumix Micro 4/3rds Mirrorless system rocks!

wildflowers in sedona

Happened upon this stand of delicate little lavender flowers.

flower image

Mounted the GH4 with 35-100mm on the tripod. Added a 10mm Vello extension tube and it looks like this in full sun.

wildflower photo

Open the 5 in 1 Westcott reflector, take off the cover and use the scrim between the sun and the flower and look at the change.

I think I’ll take the kit out for a hike again tomorrow.

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob

PS – If you use the links to Amazon.com as an affiliate I will receive a small percentage form the sale. It helps support photographer education and the Successful-Photographer web site. TIA.

speaking venue chattanooga

First time I’ve been in the sanctuary of a church since I was an alter boy!

Speaking at the Photographic Society of Chattanooga this past weekend and the hall where we were originally going to have the program was in use for a basketball tournament. Te ‘Photo-Synthesis’ program was well received and no lightening rained down from above so all was well.

speaking venue in chattanooga

Speaking in the sanctuary…

This is a great group and they said they were very appreciative of the sponsorship from Panasonic and the Lumix brand of cameras allowing me to join them. In showing the Lumix line of cameras the Lumix FZ 1000 was the hit of the day. followed closely by the Lumix GX7.

When people ask me for advice on which camera they should buy I never jump with an answer until I’ve quizzed then to find out exactly what they want to accomplish with them. The line up of capabilities of the different cameras is pretty amazing but there seems to be one built for almost every need. It’s wonderful to help people get the proper camera that meets their needs…. and budget.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

kazm radio interview lumix FZ 1000

I do a monthly radio show on KAZM Radio in Sedona, AZ. This episode of Tech Talk with Mike Tabback we talk about the convention Imaging USA in Nashville where I was fortunate enough to receive my Professional Photographers of America Master Artist Photography Degree and Imaging Excellence Award along with the American Society of Photographers Bronze Award…

lumix fz 1000 photo

In the second half of the show we chat about the Panasonic Lumix FZ 1000 and it’s 4K video capabilities. This camera has an amazing range and wonderful Imaging Optimization Stabilizer… (if you don’t want to hear about the awards part of the show pick up at around minute 13 for the Lumix camera conversation)


Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob