by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GH4, photography, photography education
Having a camera with you all the time allows you to see a quick moment and record it. This enables you to learn how different objects look in different lighting situations. I do a fair amount of commercial photography and product and often clients are looking for a natural setting photograph that has the feel as if not set up for an ad. Making little studies like this keeps me sharp when figuring out details for future shoots.

Captured with the Lumix GH4 and 35-100mm Vario f2.8 lens 1/15 sec f2.8 ISO 1600
I really enjoy the warmth of this image. Light was coming from the sky through sliding glass doors. The repeating orange light gives this a lot of depth. If I was photographing this for a client I would have added some more controlled light onto the wine bottle with very soft edged highlights and perhaps have added a glass of wine to the set-up.
But since I was there enjoying the music and having dinner with my wife I didn’t push it toooooo much.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | commercial photography, musician photography
I felt that this was a strong image when I first envisioned it in my head. (see post here) When I sent it in to Sound Bites Grill owner Michele she immediately said, “Hey they should use that as a CD cover!” Meaning Esteban of course. She sent it out with a press piece for the entertainment newspaper here in the Verde Valley, KUDOS. They must have liked the image too as it graces the cover of the paper. Cool! Thought I’d share with you.

Guitarist Esteban on the cover of KUDOS promoting his appearances at Sound Bites Grill in Sedona.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Here’s a link to the article
by successfulbob | architectural photography, commercial photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, photography
Had another shoot at the Phoenix Airport Hilton Hotel. This time the lobby, Rimrock Bar and Grill, the executive lounge and a few other images for marketing the property were the targets. They just had an eight million dollar makeover and it really brought the property up to snuff. rooms are updated along with lobby. A very clean look with new colors and an open look.

The lobby has a new wide open look.

Here is the new look of Rimrock Bar and Grill.

The Executive Lounge received a redo as well. Love this table the wood is beautiful!
Having the ability to bracket exposures by up to seven stops with the Lumix GH4 with one setting on the camera makes getting the lighting for the various areas of the rooms to be harmonious as we are usually working with lighting from windows, added lighting from flash and then taking more images to blend together to control reflections on reflective surfaces. One of my favorite lenses for architectural work is the 7-14mm f4 Lumix Vario lens. Wide field of view and no barrel distortion.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Using links to Amazon through this site help support the education provided. TIA
by successfulbob | black & white, commercial photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, photography, photography education
The band Hotfoot out of Phoenix packed the house at Sound Bites Grill in Sedona last Friday night. Good sounds that make the feet move are the reason this five piece band filled the place.

Wall of Fame image for the band Hotfoot. All photos are captured during the live performance. Then each musician is isolated from their photo using masks and combined using Adobe Photoshop layers into another document. Lighting and shadow effects are used to add depth and dimension. Finally multiple textures are added in Layers with different blend modes to create the artistic rendition of the group.

Additionally I capture ‘straight’ photos for future publicity photos for when the band returns. Even these are worked using multiple captures as often the different band members are in a better position in alternate photos. For example there was one photo where three of the band members looked good but the drummers face was obscured behind his cymbals and one of the singers face was behind a microphone.

This is more for showing the restaurant in full swing with live music as the backdrop.
The photos were captured with the Lumix GH4 with the 35-100mm f2.8 Vario lens. This camera has enough Dynamic Range to cover the LED stage lighting with a little post processing knocking down the highlights and opening up the shadows just a bit using Adobe Camera Raw.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Please remember that using the links to Amazon to make your purchases through this web site help support the ongoing education provided here. Thanks!
by successfulbob | black & white, commercial photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, photography, photography education
And, the anatomy of post production of an image to meet the pre-visualization. That’s what we’re talking about today. I saw the final image in my head before I even made the photo. (if I could only get there in time) Here’s the story…
Esteban is an extremely gifted artist with the guitar and I have been fortunate to photograph him on numerous occasions. This last time (see post here) I made images of him for marketing and promotion I was gifted with seeing a lighting situation during a live performance that I knew would be wonderful in color. And, then especially in black and white. If only I could get to the right position, with the right lens, before the dynamics of the situation changed.
Moved quickly across the room while changing lenses. Dropped to the floor and fired off about 8 frames before he came out of the position and the lighting changed.
Here’s the color version followed by an Animated Gif showing the steps of post production…

Esteban playing guitar after post production. See the animated .gif below for most of the steps used.

Straight out of camera. Remove background distraction. Add a Tonal Contrast and Glamour Glow with NIK filters. Bring back some detail in strumming fingers from another capture. Burn some highlights. Tone down clothing to shift focus. Tone down background. Tone down guitar.
Toning was done with a variety of techniques including Curves Adjustment Layers and Soft Light burn layers. You see how we can drive the focus to where we would like the viewer to look first. The eye goes to the area of highest contrast. Then the viewer is invited to look around in the image by the use of diagonal lines in the composition.
Tomorrow this will be taken to another level when the image is converted to black and white followed by more adjustments.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Original image was captured with the Lumix GH4 with the 35-100mm f2.8 Vario Lens under stage lighting conditions during a live performance.