by successfulbob | kudos, salute, Uncategorized
Photographer Kevin Ames and I were having a conversation about making people’s days better. I shared with him that when I travel I always wish the flight attendants a great flight before they have a chance to greet me. This really lights up their facial muscles, especially when they’ve had a day full of weather delays or been hassled by harried passengers who are delayed on their flights.

“Hey! Thanks for help keeping us safe.”
Kevin shared that he addresses all the TSA personnel with a hearty, “Hey! Thanks for help keeping us safe.” I added this to my travel routine and noticed a huge shift in attitude whenever I have shared this thought with TSA.
We all appreciate being appreciated and I would like to turn Kevin’s thought into a movement. Whenever you travel any people you come into contact with try to make their day a little better.
If someone is wearing a good looking outfit or any thing that you notice that’s interesting let them know. I know I’m on the outgoing side and you might not be but at the very least let’s try it on the TSA people. Make everyone feel a little better and it spreads… Believe me. Any time you can make someone feel a bit better it like dropping a pebble in a pond. It doesn’t look like much until you see the rings spread out from that one little splash. When there are lots of small compliments shared and the concentric rings start to intersect that before you know it someone will be sharing a compliment with you…
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | marketing, photography, photography education, photography marketing, success education
Well I must say this gave me a surprise! I didn’t even know I was in the running…
The Readers of Kudos Entertainment Magazine in Sedona, Arizona voted me as the Best Photographer for the year Two Thousand and Fourteen.

Readers Choice Award 2014 from Kudos Certificate
I say thank you to all who voted! I appreciate the confidence. If you are in need of photography from the ‘Best’ : )> photographer according to the readers of Kudos give me a call. As always the work I do for you is guaranteed. If you are not not thrilled you get get you money back. Get in touch today to see if we are a good match. All contact info is in the header of this web page or click here.
Above was the post I used on my business page. As a photographer in business you need to leverage all recognition you receive to get the most benefit out of it. So the award is tweeted, Posted on my FB page and posted on LinkedIn. When good things happen you need to help spread the word and ask others to help you do that too…
So with that thought in mind… if you read this post would you be so kind as to send out a tweet and share on your FB page with a link back here? You’ll be doing me a good deed but you’ll also be exposing other photographers to the information I share here on Successful-Photographer. A win-win don’t you think?
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | kudos, Uncategorized
I don’t want to share this story because it highlights what a bonehead I can be… But – it’s a story that should be told none-the-less.
I placed my iPad in the seat pocket in front of me upon boarding the plane because I knew I’d be listening to music or reading from it during my flight from Phoenix to Tampa.
Fast forward to eleven oh five PM when I wanted to read my iPad before going to sleep. I reached into my briefcase and received instead of the iPad that sinking feeling in my stomach. Instantly but not wanting to acknowledge the fact (and after frantically looking in between everything and tearing the briefcase apart) I knew I’d left it on board the plane.
Made some calls the following morning and no one had turned it in to the Tampa airport as yet but they now had my number and would call me if it was turned in…
Not having a ton of hope I awaited the call from Tampa. None was forthcoming.
Here’s an incoming call from California and it’s Brenda Powell the SMF Shift Manager in Sacramento asking if I am missing an electronic device. “Can you identify it?” You betcha’!! Red covered iPad with lot of images, books and music on it.
Turns out the plane had a full service turn-around in Sacramento and the cleaning crew turned it in and the staff worked their way through my iPad, found my email and tracked me down to return it. I want to share this story ’cause most people only pass on bad experiences and the cleaning crew and rest of the staff deserve to be recognized for their honesty and following through helping with the recovery of my stuff…. Even if I was stupid enough to leave it behind. Cheers to US Airways!