by successfulbob | fine art photography, photography, photography - art quote, photography education
I hear you say when I tell you this mornings photo art quote is going to involve marketing and business. Please don’t be bummed – or afraid. If we don’t have the commerce, unless we are trust fund kids or have a sponsor, our art won’t get made…
“Art career goals make your career happen. To see far is one thing, to go there is another.” – Constantin Brancusi
Brancusi was a Romainian born sculpture artist and his words in the above quote should give us pause for thought. You can have all the vision in the world but if you don’t act on it you ain’t goin’ nowhere.
So this morning take a few moments to think about where you want to be with your art five years from now.
Go ahead think about it…
Spend a bit more time thinking about it.
Good! Now write it down these thoughts you had, Getting them down on paper starts to make them more have more weight. Become more real to you rather than some ephemeral dream.
Start the next step right away. If you want to be at a certain level with your art sales in five years where do you need to be in two and a half years? Where do you need to be in one year? How about six months? Next month? Ahhh, now we are getting to it. What do you need to be doing tomorrow and next week to get you started on the proper prosperous path?
Well what are you waiting for? Get to it! Set some goals.
Your in photography and art. Bob
by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote, photography education
“Common objects become strangely uncommon when removed from their
context and ordinary ways of being seen.” Wayne Thiebaud
I know there have been times when I wasn’t quite sure what the subject was of an image… But, I liked it!
Then finding out what was actually in the image I became even more impressed.
Think Body-Scapes, (*Please if you are offended by nudity please do not follow the Bodyscapes link)
Think Howard Schatz
Think Jerry Uelsmann
Think Edward Weston and the pepper among other iconic images
Think Abstract Photography.
When was the last time you pushed the limits of what you were trying to capture? Sometimes less is more when trying to tell your story. Spend some time poking around some of the links I shared here. Find more of your own and share them back here.
by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote, photography education, success education
I hear the word passion spoken by many photographers in reference to why they are in photography. “I have a passion for capturing images of your family!!” “I’m passionate about making beautiful images…” What many really mean is they enjoy making images and they really LIKE doing what they do. Nothing wrong with that for sure.
I would like to ask you to think long and hard about this quote from Roy Williams.
“Passion does not produce commitment. Commitment produces passion.”
Are you committed to making the absolute best images possible for your clients? By that i mean are you practicing your skills daily? Studying to find ways to add more depth, dimension and emotion in your photographs?? I don;t mean practicing when you are paid assignments. Tiger Woods doesn’t win golf tournaments because he goes out from Thursday through Sunday. It’s because of his commitment to practice, practice, practice and to hire coaches to help him understand what he needs to work on to get better and stay on top of his game. Do you know your gear inside and out? is the camera second nature in your hand? Or, are you fiddling and looking for settings when your mlnd should be on creativity not tech stuff?? Do you have all the tools you need? Do you know how to use them?
So, I ask one more time are you ‘passionate’? Or are you committed? There’s quite a big difference!

by successfulbob | graphic design, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
The animals spoke to me….
Well not literally. But, I felt the need and desire to work with the images to see what I could come up with. One bird you’ll even recall from a previous post spread it’s wings to a mental request I sent it. (OK maybe it was just coincidence…) This led to a personal project to design colorful, dynamic t-shirts on speculation for the Sarasota Jungle Gardens in, you guessed it Sarasota, Florida.
I felt the back lit palm fronds made a gorgeous colorful background for the birds. I added some texture files to add some depth. While still in Florida I went there to share a couple ideas, received an excellent reception and a request to do a few others. We are in negotiations now to see if the spec work pays off in cash. It already has paid dividends in the learning cycle of improving my graphics work.
Blue Gold Macaw T-Shirt design for Sarasota Jungle Gardens – Sarasota, Florida
One of the stars of the show the Pink Flamingo
Macaw T-shirt design
You’ll recognize my cooperative macaw from a previous post…
Raw images for the designs were captured with the Lumix GX7 my current favorite camera for travel and all-around photography work. It is a solid workhorse camera and paired with the 35-100mm f2.8 lens worked great for this visit to the gardens.
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography education, success education
Not ashamed to say tears welled up in my eyes. Looking through some old family photos brought back wonderful memories!
“A photograph is the pause button of life.” Anonymous
I really like this quote. Eight words that contain so much food for thought! It’s simplistic but profound. Having just been taken into the past with images really brings the point home. Photographs give us opportunity to revisit old friends, good times, study environments, study history, learn about motion and time. Think about the preservation of memories we as photographers are charged with in most of our businesses.
If sometimes you aren’t sure about how important your career choice is break out your own family albums and take a stroll down memory lane. I did the other day and was filled with lots of emotion. This wee what you can do push the ‘pause button of life’ for others. And don’t forget yourself and your own family!