by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, panorama, photography, photography education, photography gear
Color excites me… A smorgasbord with a new palette of color awaits me this next two weeks as I am playing in Sarasota, Florida. Such a change from the orange/red and ochre tones of the desert southwest. It’s a riot and what I’ll be concentrating on while shooting while I’m here… and of course I’ll be playing with the panorama views I can create with the Lumix GX7.
Why do I set expectations for what I am looking for during the trip? I’ve found that if you concentrate on one or two things as targets the quality of images captured goes up. Are panoramas and color the only things I will shoot? Heck no! But When a focus is defined when you go out to capture images there is a tendency to see more. Not quite sure why this works… But it does.
Color combos with greenery in the foreground from St. Armands Circle. Vertical panorama.
New Pass Grill – Orange, black and grey.
The red surrounded by the greens grabbed my attention…
not to mention she has an uncanny resemblance to one of my neighbors!
I really enjoy the portability of the GX7 for street shooting. I’ll be heading to the Farmers Market later today. Can’t wait!
by successfulbob | photography education, success education
I was asked to post on a forum the things I am thankful for and I thought I’d share them here… How about you? What are you thankful for??
I am constantly aware of how thankful I am for being one of the luckiest people on the face of the planet earth.
My wife Holly who supports what I do in so many ways.
Fellow photographers over the centuries and years who share their knowledge through books, seminars, workshops and allow me to stand upon their shoulders to create images that have been impossible in the past.
That I can say no to jobs that I don’t feel are right for me.
For all the educational opportunities available to expand my knowledge.
For the genes passed by my parents which have given me the talent, patience, work ethic and good looks
; )> to allow me to succeed in business and personal relationships.
Being able to travel outside the borders of the US receiving a world view to realize how truly wonderful we have it here under the American flag.
For those who have gone above and beyond in service to our country.
That I have all my senses intact, to see, to hear and feel with intensity.
For the general good health that is mine… and for the occasional health problems that remind me of how good I really feel.
For friends and fellow photographers who I can support in their projects with ideas and who support and cheer me on in my endeavors.
That I am able to share my knowledge with other photographers through giving programs which in turn becomes a platform for me to learn even more.
For the new micro 4/3rds format cameras which have given me a new excitement in photography because of the fact I can now have my camera in my hot little hands all the time.
My relationship with Panasonic as a sponsor for photography education programs.
The fact that I am able to give back to, and support, my community through photography.
I’m thankful that I get to deliver Meals on Wheels and share a small part of my week with those who need a little help in my dad’s honor. This selfishly allows me to spend some spiritual time with my father who passed away over five years ago. At that time he was still delivering MOW to, as he said, “the old folks” at age 86. I had promised to pick up a route when I said goodbye…
Music and musicians!
Good food. And, the occasional bad meal which makes me appreciate good food all the more!
Good wine.
Did I mention my wife Holly? She’s the best!
by successfulbob | black & white, commercial photography, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, photography, photography education, success education
He was wailing on the guitar.
Strangely enough it was in front of the stucco wall in back of my house. Light reflected from the red rock gravel underfoot. I kept cheering him on and on!! A crowd of one exciting the performer in him until I knew we had the intense performance look we wanted for the back of his latest guitar CD cover…
Robin Miller with his new CD Electric Atmosphere a collection of guitar music. He signed the insert with the same image, “Bob, Thank you for your awesome talent.” Robin Miller – Here’s a link to check out his music. Very cool!
But wait. This job was secured because I now have a camera that accompanies me almost all the time… I ran into Robin at work playing his music at Tlaquepaque Village (yeah it took me a long time to learn how to say that name too) In an offhand way he asked if I was available to create a musician portrait photo for his next CD. I quickly changed some settings on my Lumix GX7 camera… SQUARE CROP. ILLUSTRATIVE ART SETTING. ADJUST TO BLACK & WHITE. Fired off a few frames. Showed Robin the look I had in mind for him. A smile spread across his face from ear to ear and we agreed to shoot the final image back at my place. The rest as they say is history…
How many times have you been without a camera because it was too much of a PIA to carry around? Mine is my new constant companion because of the small size and quality of the file and glass… WAHOOOO!
Oh, and I just happened to have my camera with me to catch this shot of Robin with the finished CD…
by successfulbob | photography, photography education, success education
The stallion’s ebony mane flew like feathers in the breeze created by the speed of his flight across the desert plain. It’s the quintessential image of freedom. Witness to the energy of one ‘horsepower’ moving with grace I felt a charge welling up inside… And I was moved. Almost lost the shot I was so entwined in the moment. But, I didn’t. Slowly I squeezed the shutter and captured the moment to share with you in the hope you get a taste and feel what I feel when viewing this power.
Horse galloping in a Monument Valley box canyon.
I’ve always had an interest in the power of equine movement. Now, I’m starting to learn how to share the experience through the written word, as well as the visual, so others can understand my emotion in the moment. You can learn to share in an engaging way too.
If you want to make money in your business you need to entertain your customers. Writing in an emotional and visual manner will move people to sales because they read your message and understand.
Here’s some help for you. I ran into Jenika via her blog ‘Psychology for Photographers and Other Creatives’. I bought her ‘Irresistible Words’ class & I feel my writing is now encouraging my guests to hang around and really understand what I am trying to share.
You can get in on the good words too. Save fifty bucks if you order Irresistible Words between late Thanksgiving evening through Cyber Monday.
Or if you want to get the Irresistible Website, normally $159, it will be $109 Save fifty bucks
Or you can go for ‘The Business Library Pack, which includes both for $299 – Save OVER one hundred bucks off regular retail price for both items!
The cool part about Jenika’s deals is this… You get 30 days to check out the material.
Why? Because sometimes it’s hard to decide what education to invest in, because you can’t be sure beforehand whether the education will help in the way it says it will help. Jenika is insanely dedicated to making sure that this information helps as many people as possible, so try it risk-free. Check out her web site to see how she will happily refund your money.
by successfulbob | fine art photography, photography education
An excerpt from Robert Genn’s newsletter… Find more here on the Painters Keys
“The creative memory is fickle and needs to be taken fresh. If you seize the day and go to work at the first flush of interest, you’ll find your work and your creative ideas freshen up too. Just as the love of a certain medium can have a “life,” so too can subject matter. Many artists report tiring of themes or subjects. Feeling they haven’t exploited them thoroughly enough, they guiltily resist moving on. Sometimes they get stuck for months, even years.
The popular use of digital cameras makes it easy to put stuff in the can–sometimes without even looking at it–for another time. This can be a mistake. The important thing is to be wired, enthusiastic and alive in the moment. You can learn a lot from your dog. Tail wagging is a bit much for some humans, and it can get on the nerves of fellow travelers, but it’s the straight route to creative joy.”
I’ve been told to take my happy butt and leave places on more than one occasion so I can relate to the Tail Wagging. I have been trying to bring that enthusiasm to my photography more lately and I think it’s showing up in new imagery.

Been playing a lot with the in camera panorama stitching in my Lumix GX7. Panoramas are a different way of viewing the world and the ease of working with this is great leading to some extra experimentation.
I often find ideas to use from artists outside the photography realm… If you’ve found inspiration like that how about sharing with me and I can pass it on? Add a comment or drop me an email. Cheers!