by successfulbob | landscape photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, photography education
Almost blew off my morning hike today.
It looked like it was pretty socked in and grey with a possibility of getting wet but I went anyway and to mis- appropriate a quote from Robert Frost – “And that made all the difference…”
Castle Rock and small group of Red Rocks in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, AZ
The sky behind the red rocks with its storm color deep blue and clearing clouds as the sun sneaked a peek at the rocks led to an interesting photo of this formation. Captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 12-35mm 2.8 Vario lens. I’m really liking the extra stop of dynamic range that has made it’s way into the GH4. Makes taming scenes with high contrast easier. Detail in the deep shadows without loosing the detail in the clouds.
Weather coming in or going out? Get your Butt in gear and go shoot!
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photographer profile, photography education
Friendly to the point of knowing no strangers, only friends he has not met.
I’d like to introduce you to Levi Sim of S Designs Photography. He is a truly wonderful human being. But, I’ll let Levi tell you a bit about himself from his web page…
“I’m the Levi who is a Photographer in Lake Oswego, Oregon, previously of Logan, Utah. I’m the Levi who wears hats. I’m the Levi who makes Steve Jobs tribute portraits after the style of Albert Watson. I’m the Levi who grew up in Colorado Springs. I’m the Levi who was a park ranger, soda jerk, lab assistant, curator, adventure guide, foreign English teacher, Taiwan missionary, wood shop manager, buffalo meat company manager, wireline hand, electronics engineer, and world traveler. Did I mention I’m a photographer?”
I have attended a couple photography related events with Levi and I’m always impressed and inspired by my time with him. Here’s a photo I call Levi squared… Story to follow.
Levi Squared!
We were leading some of the Out of Chicago Conference attendees on a photo walk. Levi is the absolute best person at walking up to strangers on a street and in moments having them pose for his camera. He has such a genuine way about him that people just open up tell their stories and allow him to make their images. While on the street photographing people this man came up to Levi and said, “What’s your name?” When Levi replied he ran down the street, came back with his ID in his hand and said, “I’m Levi too! Can I hug you? Can I put my head on your shoulder?” And of course the photo tells the story… and tells you a lot about Levi.
Want to learn to get over your shyness in asking people you find interesting to pose for your camera. Take a photo walk with Levi. I’m not exactly shy around people but Levi makes me look like a wallflower! He would have people doing almost anything he asked. Many of the people who were on the photo walk said adamantly that they would never feel comfortable approaching a stranger to ask about making a photograph… and most proved themselves wrong and jumped some pretty high hurdles by making it happen.

Total stranger posing on a motorcycle, in traffic, and maneuvering his bike for the background Levi wanted to have behind him. By the time he was done the guy was inviting us to join him at dinner down the street.
Levi workin’ it…
If you ever get the chance to attend a seminar or workshop with Levi you won’t regret it. He also coaches and runs Customized Workshops and speaks at conventions. If you are in charge of photo education for your group Levi is available…
And he gives back, his words again ’cause I can’t say it better.
“Guest Speaking opportunities are also lots of fun for me and my audience. I’d be happy to speak to your school class, or Boy Scout group, or church group, or quilting circle. Call me and we’ll make an appointment–it’s a small way for me to do a little giving back.”
Levi is a photographer to follow and I hope you will give his work a look it’s definitely worth it. on twitter @photolevi
Yours in Photography, Bob
PS – Waking up on my last day at the Out of Chicago Conference I found an envelope from Levi with a note about working together over the weekend… Who writes handwritten ‘Thank You’ notes anymore? That would be Levi…
by successfulbob | photography education, photography seminar
A big salute to Chris Smith for putting on the Out Of Chicago Conference. Well attended and enjoyed by the participants. I’ve only heard good feedback and as long as he is going to go through the pain of putting on an event (if you’ve ever done it, you know what I’m talking about) I would highly recommend looking for this and signing up next year. In the meantime I recommend following Chris on his web site!
Here are a few images from the photo walks…
Working and sharing camera settings and compositions near the ‘Bean’. (photo Lisa Sly)
Here are the attendees getting last minute instruction before heading out to the
streets of Chicago for the photo walk.
Hitting the streets with with a semi-posed fun shot before we started spreading out.
Always keep getting out to shoot, share and get more education with fellow photographers. It will help you become a much better photographer. And it’s fun!
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | landscape photography, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education, video
The water dances, trickles and flows across the red rocks leaving music in it’s wake accompanied by the morning song of our avian friends…
Thought I’d share a video on beautiful Oak Creek at Red Rock Crossing in Sedona, Arizona. I am once again extremely fortunate to live in absolutely beautiful place. Here are a couple minutes of peace and tranquility. Turn up the volume sit back, relax and listen.
Two Minutes of Tranquility. Enjoy!
The Initial photo starting the video is an HDR rendition blended together from a five stop capture. Processed three of the images in Camera RAW and layered them together in ®Photoshop and used masks to blend them together. This allows me to process the image exactly the way I want without the strong ‘HDR’ look. The scene definitely called for some help in taming the dynamic range.
Here’s the HDR version….
Here is a single capture from the Cathedral Rock scene…
Images and video were captured with Lumix GX7 and the 12-35mm f2.8 Vario Lens. Just after sunrise for about an hour. I was not pushing things captured in Mpeg format cause I know I’m only going to make a YouTube Video. The files were processed in Adobe Premeire Pro. Been trying to learn the program but found it to be a bit deep (because it has so many possibilities) so I’ve been a bit slow to take it up. But I found on there are some great Premeire Pro intro videos from Brandon Ford that got me over the hump and this is my first official test.
By the way, if you are/were a NAPP member don’t let it lapse as you are now subscribed to KelbyOne training at the old NAPP rate of $99 per year. If you let it lapse you’ll only get back in at the higher rate. I’m finding the content there to be professionally produced and a great value. Tons of tutorials and tons of videos on all the Adobe products and they are producing more each week. Even at the higher rate it’s a great deal if you want to learn a lot from the best.
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography education
Two quotes grace today’s Sunday Photo/Art Quote. Since they are from the minds of sixth graders I will not try to expand on their thoughts because I don’t want to color your interpretation of their words…
“Art is your emotions flowing in a river of imagination.” Devin, Los Cerros Middle School, 1999
Art is the colors and textures of your imagination.” Meghan, Los Cerros Middle School, 1999
Simple changes of words, tremendous change of meaning. I invite you to start the conversation here…
Yours, In Photography, Bob