by successfulbob | landscape photography, lighting, Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix Lounge, photography education, photography gear
They say the camera you have with you is the best camera. I’m a big believer!
How many times have you been out and about and left your gear at home because it would be too bulky or a PIA to have with you? Since joining with Panasonic as a Lumix Luminary I have had access to a number of cameras, all of them smaller and lighter than my former DSLR kit. As a result I almost always have a camera on hand and less of those found moments are getting away from me.
I was giving a workshop and stepped out to go to the rest room and saw this scene unfolding in front of me. I dashed back and grabbed the Lumix FZ – 1000 because of it’s 400mm reach and was able to grab these two images of the red rocks of Sedona being lit in front of some storm clouds.

The camera allows for up to a 7 stop bracket. In this case I bracketed 5 stops at one stop intervals and processed in PhotoMatix Pro 5. This kept the rocks being lit by the sun from being blown out against the dark background of the sky.

Don’t forget to ‘Work the Scene’ when you come across different photo ops. Shoot as a horizontal, vertical, zoom in, try different crops. I didn’t have much time to do this but at least I captured 3 different renditions of the scene.
The Lumix FZ 1000 is often the camera I am grabbing to have with me all the time. 25-400mm f2.8-4 all in a body unit that weighs about 2 and a half pounds. Sweet!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Please remember that if you use the links from this web site to make your purchases it helps support the education provided on Successful-Photographer.
by successfulbob | architectural photography, black & white, graphic design, Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix Lounge, photography education
Wizard Academy in Austin Texas is a place of creative learning, whimsy and full of visual delight! I was there last week and enjoyed working and learning in this target rich environment!

Detail from a metal sculpture near Engelbrecht House on the Wizard Academy campus.

Spiral staircase from the Library down to the presentation room in the Tower at Wizard Academy

Detail from a Don Quixote carving in the lower art gallery in the Tower.
The Wizard Academy has an extensive collection of art devoted to the Don. Paintings, lithographs, metal and wood sculptures in all shapes sizes and mediums of which you might think. Think adventures, tilting at windmills and all that entails. It is definitely not a place for those who are traditional thinkers! It makes you stretch…
Images captured with the Lumix FZ 1000
by successfulbob | black & white, Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
I spent most of last week a Wizard Academy, a creative business learning environment, in Austin, Texas in Creativity Mode.
You ask, “What the heck is Creativity Mode Bob??”
Creativity Mode is any time when I can throw off the shackles of having to create a specific image for a specific reason. It allows lots of time for experimentation, play, trying new techniques with plenty of chances for failure of a concept with no negative consequences. And usually leads to pushing the boundaries of photography. In this case it was the ‘Photographers Roundtable’ led by Roy Williams and Daniel Whittington. 17 photographers gathered to be pushed to create interesting imagery. Challenges were issued to look harder for shadows, challenge composition rules with frameline magnatism, use color as a statement, push the use of portals and framing to new levels and more.
All of this taking place in a target rich environment with wonderful architecture, artwork everywhere designed to delight and surprise the visual senses. Good times.
Here’s one of the images created with the Lumix FZ 1000 with a tweaked creative filter program mode.

In Spence House the high ceiling and spiral staircase create wonderful lines.
This photograph was made using the Illustrative Art setting on the FZ 1000 (setting is available on most Lumix cameras). The nice part about the art settings is that you can tweak them in camera. In this case I changed the white balance to black and white. The monochrome allows the shapes, forms and glow to come to the forefront of the photo. 1/40 sec ISO 1600 f2.8
I’ll be sharing more images and ideas from spending mulitple days talking about pushing envelopes and experimenting with other photographers…
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Talk about an all around camera the FZ 1000 is 25 to 400mm f2.8-4 all in one. Under 2.5 lbs. Captures 4K video and syncs to 1/4000 of a second with flash. The link here to Amazon has the camera (as of today prices go up and down a bit) for only $728
by successfulbob | Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography seminar
First time I’ve been in the sanctuary of a church since I was an alter boy!
Speaking at the Photographic Society of Chattanooga this past weekend and the hall where we were originally going to have the program was in use for a basketball tournament. Te ‘Photo-Synthesis’ program was well received and no lightening rained down from above so all was well.

Speaking in the sanctuary…
This is a great group and they said they were very appreciative of the sponsorship from Panasonic and the Lumix brand of cameras allowing me to join them. In showing the Lumix line of cameras the Lumix FZ 1000 was the hit of the day. followed closely by the Lumix GX7.
When people ask me for advice on which camera they should buy I never jump with an answer until I’ve quizzed then to find out exactly what they want to accomplish with them. The line up of capabilities of the different cameras is pretty amazing but there seems to be one built for almost every need. It’s wonderful to help people get the proper camera that meets their needs…. and budget.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | architectural photography, fine art photography, graphic design, Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education, photography seminar
Makes you stronger.
Exercise makes you better.
Exercise doesn’t have to physical to be helpful to you.
As part of a workshop I conducted for the Photographic Society in Chattanooga, Tennessee we all went down to the aquarium and waterfront area downtown to begin the day. I shared ideas I have about gathering textures for the ‘Photo-Synthsis’ technique I teach. The exercise was to gather textures and subject matter to work with later in the day. There was one mandatory subject, the Market Street Bridge. After heading to our computers we all were tasked with creating an image of the bridge. It proves once again that you can give multiple photographers the same subject to work with and come out with a variety of finished images. Here’s a few the class shared with me.

This was by Mickey Rountree. If you would like to see more of Mickey’s work which contains, as he says, lots of HDR and pin up art. (I saw some of Mickey’s work and it’s definitely worth a look. Some very stylized interesting techniques) Go here. © 2015 Mickey Rountree
“Bob, I thoroughly enjoyed both days (of instruction) and have enough new ideas that it will take weeks to play around with and learn the techniques well. You are a great teacher; knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and yet easy going and approachable. Hope you enjoyed your time in Chattanooga.” Mickey

This one is by Myra Reneau. © 2015 Myra Reneau
“Thanks Bob for a great workshop both days this weekend. I especially liked today. Thanks for your help in working on my selections (as well as well as everything else). Anyway, safe travels! I am looking forward to learning more. Thanks again,” Myra Reneau

By Rosemary Jardine. In addition to using the textures and techniques we talked about in the class I enjoyed Rosemary’s
composition and framing of the secondary bridge. © 2015 Rosemary Jardine
“Thanks for the compliment using my work on your blog! I shared the link on my facebook page. Here is my finished project from the workshop yesterday. I finished this up with a layer that I painted some highlights on the water canons as well as a warming mask. Thank you once again for coming to our area and sharing your knowledge with us. most of my current skill came from the internet, tutorials and so forth. It was a blessing to have the personal training. You have given me the desire and skills needed to proceed forward with my passion for fine art photography. I can hope to one day produce they quality of work you, yourself are doing. That is if I have enough years left in my life, although I do consider myself a fast learner. I also want to let you know your slide show is perfect, the music suits it so well!” Sincerely, Rosemary Jardine

© 2015 Bob Coates
I used the Lumix FZ 1000 to have a complete zoom range to vary my captures. Able to go wide for scenes and also able to get close-ups of various textures. A handy camera to work with indeed! Here is my Market Street Bridge rendition…
Four photographers. Four images with a totally different feel. Have I told you lately that I love photography!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | black & white, Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
Take away the color!
Let the shape, form and tones come forward… Simplify.
It’s easy to do but not necessarily simple.
Making black and white conversions of our images can give a whole new level of depth to our image making skills. With the ability to touch every single pixel we have more control than ever before. Ansel Adams would have been in Heaven to have this level of control to achieve the image he saw in his mind. That was what the Zone System and his special ways of exposing the scene and processing film not to mention choosing paper, light source and dodging and burning in the darkroom to pull the print he wanted.
Today’s subject is a green bloom from a Gopher Plant. Lots of green tones from light to dark are represented in the capture. By the way I used the Lumix FZ 1000 in Macro mode. When zooming in to 400mm you can fill a frame pretty well with it’s minimum focusing distance of 3.3 feet. If you shoot wider you can focus down to 3 centimeters but without adding supplemental light I find I have too many shadows to deal with so photographing from a distance can be helpful. In this case I was back just a bit with a 27mm equivalent setting.

Original capture.

Different settings and conversions to black and white.
You may or may not like the one I choose which is a combination of some of the settings seen above. The point is through experimentation and using different ways of stripping color from an image you can create many different feelings from the same information. One of my favorite programs for converting to black and white is Google’s NIK Silver FX Pro 2. By the way if you own a license for almost any NIK product Google will hook you up at no charge for the full NIK software suite. If you don’t have a current one you can get the suite for, I believe, $149. This is some solid software with lots of creative possibilities.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob