monument valley weekend photo shoot part deux

The Arizona Professional Photographers Association led by Bruce Roscoe had the weekend seeing and photographing parts of Monument Valley that many never get to experience. Here we were led into a box canyon to photograph horses running. It was a pretty cool experience…

galloping horse photo in monument valley

This was the most active horse. Excited and bucking and running with mane flying in the wind created by the speed.

photographers catching the running horses in the box canyon

AZPPA photographers capturing photos of the running horses in the box canyon.

grazing horses in monument valley

Horses taking a break to graze during the photo shoot in the canyon.

photographer in distance at monument valley

Linda went off in search of the best angle to photograph the Totem Poles and ended up being used as an element in my image.

All in all a wonderful trip! (did I tell you I enjoyed my time in Monument Valley?)

Trips like this are great to move you in a creative direction. There’s something about making images during travel to new locations to get your creative eye working and trying new ideas. When & where are you going next????

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

anatomy of a photograph

I have the new Firmware upgrade on the Lumix GH4 and there is a bonus feature called 4K photo mode and I like it. You can set the camera to 4K capture and still have the choice to set your aspect ratio where you want it. But you can choose 16:9 to match your video wide screen or go 4:3 or 3:2. Even square will give you a 2880X2880 pixel size image to work with.

Years ago when I first heard about the idea of pulling still frames from video I was very skeptical. “What now I have to look through 1000’s of frames to make my choice?? NO way!”

Well that was then and this is now. It’s actually much easier than I thought it would be. You watch the video. When you see what you want stop the video move forward or backward a couple frames and capture it. Done!

Want a series from a child’s first birthday cake? Choose exactly the expressions you need with no, “Man, I wish I had caught that cute little smile…”

Capturing a lightning storm?

Hummingbirds at a feeder?

A stream with splashing water?

Bride and groom walking down the isle?

Roll some video and make your choice. With the Lumix cameras you can even play back the video and grab your still frames right in the camera before downloading! I’m sure you can think of many different instances where this feature could come in handy. I know I did when I started pondering more…

Let’s face it, no matter how good the technology is in our cameras mages need a little work in post to bring out their best. Here’s a still video capture from Oak Creek. I was experimenting with some ideas that didn’t work out involving water and Photoshop Blend Modes but I had this nice little bend in the stream captured as a square. Here’s how I gave it a little zing.

creek photo

Original capture frame grab from 4K video.

creek 2 photo

There were a couple small hot spots addressed with a bit of cloning.

creek water image

This needed a little curves bump to add contrast and a light vingette.

oak creek sedona photo

To add even more snap and ‘tooth’ to the rocks NIK’s Tonal Contrast filter was added.

sedona oak creek photo

A final NIK filter called Glamor Glow was used with a mask to keep the rocks sharp detail to contrast with the rest of the photo.

sedona arizona hiking

On the Big Park Loop Trail this morning leaving from Bell Rock Vista Parking lot. Flowers are littering the landscape! Add a bit of rain to the desert and it responds in very short order. Pleasantly surprised as this spring was very dry and the flower show was fairly quiet.

The hiking is prime as temperatures are in the high 50’s to low 60’s around sunrise. Here are a couple of images from the walk but not as wonderful as I’d like as I didn’t come equipped with the correct lenses for getting up close and personnel with the blooms… That will be rectified tomorrow!

desert wildflower photo mojave sonoran chihuahaun

As close as I can tell, because there are so many similar desert blooms in this family, this is a
Great Basin Mojave Sonoran Chihuahaun AKA Yellow Spring Daisy.

jones Penstimon flower photo

A Jones Penstemon flower bloom. I love how nature dropped the bloom to accent and intertwined with the Yucca…

red rock reflection image

Little surprises can pop up if you stay aware. Like this reflection of first light on Courthouse Butte in the puddle left in the wash.

Camera data. Images captured with the Lumix GX7 and Lumix 20mm f1.7. Photos are SOOC. (straight out of camera)

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

ppa diamond and silver photographer

I compete to stretch my photography skill set in order to keep growing and to get some feedback from my peers on how my work is stacking up.

This year I received a more than pleasant surprise as my most successful ever in imaging competition at Professional Photographers of America International Photographic Competition. I will be awarded the Diamond Photographer of the Year for my Master Artist entries and The Silver Photographer of the Year for my entries in the Photographic Open case.

I also inadvertently answered another question that comes my way from fellow photographers when referencing the Lumix line of Micro 4/3rds mirrorless cameras… Is the chip big enough? Is there enough quality to use this camera for professional work? The answer is a resounding, “You betcha!”.

I entered eight images overall. Seven were captured with various Lumix cameras. Five images were accepted into the PPA’s prestigious Loan Collection. Variety was the watchword with the entries including a portrait, art images, architecture and a scenic.

Here are the images from the Master Artist case in which judges are looking for the skills involved in post production. Guide images are used to show some of the process going from RAW capture to finished product. These images earned the Platinum Photographer of the Year designation which will be awarded in Nashville at the PPA convention.

horn in f ppa loan collection image

‘Horn in F’ original image captured with Lumix GH2. Textures with Lumix GH2 &  Lumix GH3.
Used my ‘Step & Repeat” Photoshop action to make multiple copies of the French Horn. Images were copied, rotated and multiple texture layers in various blend modes were used to complete the art.


‘Musical instruments Museum’ original image captured with Lumix GH2. See above description for technique.


‘Nautilus’ original captured with the Lumix GX7. The blossom was isolated and
copied, resized and manipulated multiple times to create the Nautilus shape.


‘Thistle’ image captured with 5D Mark II using Helicon focus and focus stacking then worked with textures and color.

Here are the Four images submitted in the Photographic Open category. Three were accepted into PPA’s General Collection with one image admitted into the Loan Collection leading to the Platinum Photographer of of the Year Award which will be given at the PPA annual convention in February. If you a not already a PPA member it’s a great idea. If you join you can go to the convention for free in Nashville next year.

Photographic Open PPA image

‘Rooftop View’ captured with Panasonic Lumix GH2. NIK Color FX Pro was used along with textures, blend modes and layer masks.


‘Sedona, Arizona Panorama’ Captured with Lumix GH3. Multiple images stitched together in AutoPano Pro then some NIK Color FX Pro to enhance the depth and dimension.


‘Still the One’ Captured with Lumix GH3. Converted to sepia tone with partial spot color mask for the flag.

santa fe street portrait photo

‘Santa Fe Street Portrait’ Captured with Lumix GX7 a great street camera with a very low profile and lots of features I really enjoy. It’s my favorite “With Me” Camera.  Converted to Black and white using NIK Silver Effects Pro 2.

When I first started working with the Micro 4/3rds format I was a little concerned about sensor size but as the new Panasonic cameras and pro glass were introduced I was able to put those fears aside and now I’m exclusively using the format for all my commercial and fine art work including architecture, product, portraits, fine art imagery and more.  Is this the be all and end all format for every photographer and every need?? No, of course not! I’ve found it fits my working style and as long as my customers and I are pleased with the final results that’s what matters.

Questions? Give me a shout.

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob

PS Just in case you haven’t read my disclaimer section I am a Panasonic Lumix Luminary and I travel around the country teaching photography with them as my sponsor. If you would like me to come teach at your photography organization get in touch my contact info is at the top of the page.



wizard academy chapel dulcinia

Architecture here at the Wizard Academy is quite distinctive and a bit on the Old World side. I like it.

As always I create a self assignment to create some art from the places I visit. Here is Chapel Dulcinia. It’s a place to have a wedding if you are in the Austin, Texas area. It’s beautifully appointed and in a very wonderful quiet area on the Academy grounds. By the way, did I mention there is no charge?? Last year there were over 800 ceremonies on the property. This year they are on track to have over 1000 weddings here.

chapel ducinia art image wizard academy

Chapel Dulcinia at the Wizard Academy. The texture for creating the art came from a photograph of the elevator floor…

Captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 35-100 f2.8 Lumix Vario lens.

Any idea where the name for Chapel Dulcinia originated?? If so comment below…

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

when weather threatens get shooting

Almost blew off my morning hike today.

It looked like it was pretty socked in and grey with a possibility of getting wet but I went anyway and to mis- appropriate a quote from Robert Frost – “And that made all the difference…”

red rock photo sedona arizonaCastle Rock and small group of Red Rocks in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, AZ

The sky behind the red rocks with its storm color deep blue and clearing clouds as the sun sneaked a peek at the rocks led to an interesting photo of this formation. Captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 12-35mm 2.8 Vario lens. I’m really liking the extra stop of dynamic range that has made it’s way into the GH4. Makes taming scenes with high contrast easier. Detail in the deep shadows without loosing the detail in the clouds.

Weather coming in or going out? Get your Butt in gear and go shoot!

Yours in Photography,        Bob