by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote, success education
Anonymous strikes again with this quote that tells you to get up off your butt and study, and practice, and be ready for the time when it all comes together.
“Success is what happens when 10,000 hours of preparation meet with one moment of opportunity.” – Anonymous
I think that in today’s society there is a tendency to want or think you can get to success without putting in the time to make it happen. I’ll throw a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson again because it is appropriate. “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”
Raise your glass in a toast to working hard, working smart and enjoying the journey!
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, success education
This is an awesome quote!
“No man becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.” Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Often I see tentativeness in people about asking questions because they might be thought the less of because they don’t already have that information. When I am giving seminars and presenting programs I will often get questions from attendees that are couched with this phrase, “This is probably a stupid question…” Please remember there are NO stupid questions. Only uninformed people who are afraid to ask.
What kind of questions help you in your photography business?
Obviously talking with other photographers asking about techniques can be helpful in adding to your bag of tricks and can be of help. But dig a little deeper.
Asking questions of your photographic subjects can unearth information that can help you tell their story better. With the proper question you can get an expression and inner light not usually apparent. Or better yet you might uncover a story you didn’t even know was there that could lead to a photo essay!
Asking questions of people when you are traveling can uncover some really cool photographic opportunities. Most people are proud of their town and happy to share interesting areas in their neighborhood.
Ask questions about business.
Be like a child. Stay curious. Don’t be embarrassed. Ask questions. You’ll be rewarded for it…
Your in Photography, Bob
PS The originator of today’s quote was Charles Proteus Steinmetz. He was a mathematician and electrical engineer. He fostered the development of alternating current that made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in the United States. Wikipedia
by successfulbob | photography - art quote
I’m back….
Go ahead admit it you missed me! Well maybe not. I tired to keep up posts while on the cruise to Mexico but the ship’s Internet connection is a bit on the slow side and not inexpensive. But, I digress from the purpose of today’s post.
I am a big fan of making mistakes. Today’s quote is from Julia Sorel kind of reinforces the idea you should be willing to take chances. You should give a shove on the envelope and see if you can discover new things… On the down side it can be a bit uncomfortable. I believe it’s a price we should be willing to pay. How about you??
“If you’re never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.” – Julia Sorel
Sorel is an artist and author. Her given name is Rosylyn Drexler. She has had a very interesting career spanning several creative outlets… Check her out. And then try something new!
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote
I’m on holiday so this is a day late and I’ll let you fill in the comments…. Back soon!
“Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph: not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.” Edward Weston
OK guys and gals give me your thoughts on this quote from Weston!
Yours in Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography - art quote, photography education, photography gear, success education
I love this guy (or is it gal?) Anonymous. Seems to come up with all kinds of great ideas…
Here’s the thought starter for today’s post. “When you use a camera, not as a machine but as an extension of your heart, You become ONE with your subject.”
If I may make a recommendation based on today’s thought for you as a photographer – it’s to really learn your equipment. Today’s cameras are awesome machines with lots of possibilities and settings. Read your manual. Try all the different settings. Practice. When you are watching TV have your camera with you and practice finding the settings you need by feel. When you are on the bus or the plane practice setting the camera for different situations without looking at the camera. The better and faster you can set your camera for different situations the less you need to think about it the more in touch you’ll be with your chosen subject. Practice every time you get a spare moment and try to keep your camera with you all the time so when you see a new or interesting lighting situation you can capture it and see if your eye matches what you thought you were capturing with your camera.
And that my friend will make a huge difference in the images you bring home.
By the way did I mention that you should practice??
Your in Photography, Bob
PS – I’ve been finding that with the micro 4/3rds mirrrorless camera system it is much easier to have a camera with me all the time. My preferred model for everyday use is the Lumix GX7 accompanied by a very small ThinkTank Photo pouch of lenses.
by successfulbob | photography, photography - art quote, photography education
No doubt in my mind that this is very true. But the second half of the quote has to be in play also. I find inspiration all the time, partly because I am looking for it and partly because I am open to new thoughts and ideas on doing things. I came across this quote from Master Painter and artist Pablo Picasso and it rang so true.
“Inspiration Exists, but it has to find you working.” Pablo Picasso
I feel the Inspriration quote goes hand in hand with words often attributed to one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, but many variations exist “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”
So may I suggest to you, take the quotes of Picasso & Jefferson and put them to work for you? See what comes of it! And, share what comes your way. Love to hear about your success! Share here….
Yours in Photography, Bob