by successfulbob | fine art photography, fine art portrait, people photography, photography, photography education, success education, tuesday painterly photo art
Tuesday Photo Art
Gregory Daniel FDPE, FSA, M.Photog. CR., CPP, F-ASP
The Tuesday Photo Art blog post is featuring photographers who are taking photography to a new level using Photoshop and Painter techniques to offer more upscale products to their clientele and differentiate themselves in the now very competitive photography market. Most featured artists have shared their techniques in creating the art. Here Greg is sharing information a bit more on the business side which is something we artist types can let slide to the detriment of our wallets.
With that introduction, I’m turning today’s post over to Greg.
Stay True To Yourself
Today more than any other time in our industry being unique is critically important to the success of our businesses and personal sanity. Tons of noise in the marketplace is what I hear and experience every day. Everywhere you turn there are ads from all walks of life competing for our attention. Many appear to be attempts at desperation with price reductions and specials as a means to stand out from the crowd. Producing products, services, branding and experiences like everyone else lands you in the wading pool of commodity. So this begs the question on how to rise above the noise and be noticed.
I will attempt to share some concepts and principles that have shaped my path for the past 36 years in business.
Greg is adding the finishing touch, the signature, to his art portrait.
Stay True To Yourself
I have found this to be the foundation for our success. If you are interested in being different, looking unique and standing apart look no further than yourself. There is only one you and no one else can be you! Fortunately early on in my career, I found my uniqueness through the love of art museums. You could find me in the library poring over books about artists or in galleries during family vacations. Since the late 80’s these art galleries were and are a beacon of light for my vision to fuse my love for photography with painterly galleries. Staying true to this personal love and vision has been the incredible satisfying artistically along with setting myself apart from the commodity.
Your Audience
Certainly it goes without saying that if you want a business to be successful, you need to identify who your buyer will be. The commodity is for the world of mass marketing, which is not only expensive but also difficult. Identifying, who your specific client is, will narrow the marketing beam to a laser. In our case, the audience were families that appreciated unique handcrafted works of art. This could stand true from shaving products, dining experience, tailored clothing, interior designs and high-end vacations. Here’s the think, it is a must to know who to let know you exist!
Finished portrait, framed and installed
The Product
Now here is an area that I commonly see as an issue during my many mentor sessions with students. I truly believe starting with creating one single product that defines who you are, is paramount to clearly communicating to your audience. Developing your unique product and getting feedback from your audience is critical to business success. Clearly our audience recognizes a Gregory Daniel Mixed Media Portrait as our signature commissioned product. These are uniquely designed pieces to fit the lifestyle of their beautiful home.
Final Thoughts
I encourage each of you to dig deep inside to find the true you. There is wonderful joy in knowing the business you have created was built on the foundation of your core desire. Communicating through this beautiful art form with your personal language is a gift to yourself and your audience.
Gregory Daniel M. Photog.,Cr. CPP, F-ASP, FDPE, FSA
Greg and his wife Lesa Daniel are internationally recognized for their artistry and run Gregory Daniel Portrait Artist Though he is one of the most awarded photographers in the United States, Greg has the utmost privilege of living out his passion every day alongside Lesa in operating their portrait photography galleries in both Indialantic and Titusville Florida. He has achieved both the title of Master of Photography and The American Society of Photographers Fellowship. In addition, Greg is one of the youngest members to be inducted into the prestigious Cameracraftsmen of America in 1991, proud, founding member of the International Society of Portrait Artists (ISPA) and on the Board of Directors, Professional Photographers of America.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Thanks to Greg for sharing his knowledge here on Successful-Photographer. If you have a photographic artist you would like to see featured let me know.
by successfulbob | photography education, photography marketing, success education
Walden Photography Education
There’s a hell of a post for tomorrow’s Tuesday Photo Art blog in Successful-Photographer. I decided to give you a quick preview of our featured artist Beverly Walden, M.Photog.Cr. The Waldens have done so much for the photography industry and continue to do so. I asked Beverly about educational opportunities with regards to Painter and photographic painting, photography business and here was her reply.
We don’t have any marketing or painter classes scheduled at this time. The best way for anyone to get a notice when we do and to keep up with what is happening with the Waldens AND receive my Tuesday Tidbits (which have been very popular) is to register as a free member on our website at:
Our main teaching venue is our online community, and that is what we call the Coaching Community. That cost is 25.00 per month, and they can sign up in the same area as the Free Membership. The information inside of the Coaching Community has been compared to a college level education, and two large photographic companies have been instrumental in providing seed money to develop it. We are proud of it and what it offers in the online venues out there at this time.
We put our hearts and souls into the CC and have had great results as well. Every month, we add relevant, educational content to the already vast library and every quarter, we do a live Strategy Room, putting our heads together on a focused topic, and that is only for our CC members, and it has been a huge hit!
Here is the current Coaching Community curriculum:
Here is the link for membership:
We do private teaching as well and here is the link for that:
Our store with products link is:
Beverly Walden, Master Photographer, and Craftsman
Passionate Co-Owner of Walden’s Photography
Member of International Society of XXV
Kodak Mentor and Approved Speaker
I have heard only wonderful things about the Walden Coaching services and have picked up some great thoughts and ideas from Bev’s Tuesday Tidbits.
Can’t wait to share Beverly’s art and thoughts about using artistic images in your business tomorrow!
Yours in creative Photography, Bob
PS – Here’s a little preview of Bev’s work for the post tomorrow…
Before Photograph
After Photograph – More tomorrow!
by successfulbob | inspiration, photography - art quote, photography competition, photography creativity, photography education, success education
Sunday Photo/Art Quote – Excellence
Let’s go back…
Around the time when the calendar was going lower as it progressed toward Anno Domini from the time Before Christ. There was this dude named Aristotle who was a scientist but more importantly to today’s discussion a Philosopher. Even back then he recognized that we need to practice – a lot – to become the best we possibly can be. He might have been near the first to recognize the phenomenon but he assuredly was not the last. Repetition has been touted by all the great instructors as one part of how to become good at what we do.
I believe that a major part of the secret is that little secret sauce of making it a habit. Once formed habits self-perpetuate. This makes it an almost unconscious route toward excellence. We still have to program our habits to be good ones moving us forward and not just rote repetition. We need to continue to study, to learn and to practice what we learn. The secret is to make practice the habit and just make sure we program the practice properly.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not and act, but a habit.” Aristotle, 384-322 B.C.
I feel in order to practice properly we not only need to keep at it, but we need to have some outside help in reviewing our practice. One of the ways I continue to receive outside perspective on my imagery is to participate in Professional Photographer’s of America Photographic Competitions. I respect the jurors and their opinions (FYI I am also a PPA Approved Juror) but I also sign up for the critiques to get additional feedback. It’s not like I need the feedback to earn PPA Merits and awards. I have been fortunate and hold the Master of Photography and Artist degrees and have managed a few awards along the way. The awards and degrees have not been the ultimate goal but been byproducts of my participation in trying to learn more about my craft.
There’s no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be the image maker I am today without my participation in PPA’s Photographic Competition.
I encourage you to practice. To learn. To repeat again and again. And seek feedback so you have some outside opinions to help you on your way.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – I am in no way suggesting that the feedback you get will always be spot-on. You still need to run the information received through your own filters. But, I have found on many an occasion that information to be extremely valuable especially when time has passed and I can view my work with a more critical, and less personally involved, eye.
PPS – “10,000 hours.” Malcom Gladwell
by successfulbob | inspiration, photography, photography education, photography seminar, success education
Art Institute of Phoenix Speaking
Last night I had the honor & pleasure of sharing some thoughts & ideas with the students of Gene Devine’s Business Operations and Management for Photographers class at the Art Institute of Phoenix. It was a great group who asked the right questions about being in business.
I’m very glad that this kind of a course is available for those working to become professional photographers. The business of running a photography business is often neglected in classroom environments. Sure we all want to create fabulous photographs & art! But if we don’t understand how to market, price our work, run the business and know if we are making a profit or not we won’t be around very long as professionals.
Instructor Gene Devine ‘awarding’ me the Art Institute Cup! (so proud!)
If you are newer to photography as a business make sure you learn as much as you can about marketing, pricing, negotiation skills, bookkeeping and staying profitable. If you’ve been around the block a few times & are making it as a pro get out and share your business acumen with high school, college and other groups learning how it should be done to stay successful.
You have knowledge… Pass it on.
Yours in creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography, photography education, photography marketing, success education
Press Releases & Marketing
Keeping your name out in front of your community is a very important part of running your photography business. This means getting out to networking meetings, getting displays in busy businesses, social media and using every possible way to have people think of you first when the subject of photography comes up.
This story appeared in the Sedona Red Rock News
Press releases can play a big part in this area of your business. Many people say they don’t know what, or how, to write press releases. It is not terribly difficult. you can see some of my press from over the years and get some ideas on writing a proper press releases, that tend to get printed, here.
There are many reasons to send out a release. For example, your business has worked on a charity project raising money for your community. Or, you have trained and received a degree, certification, participated in Imaging Competition or won an award for your photography. Remember these releases need to be written in the third person, contain quotes from others about you and your work and quotes from yourself about what has taken place.
Here’s another article printed about my being named to the World Photographic Cup Team USA in the local entertainment paper Kudos.
In addition to the newspaper articles the story also appeared in the online edition of Kudos. I will also be linking this article on my blog to social media posts and sending out a release on LinkedIn etc. You can see how one event can be leveraged to get lots of exposure.
Remember people need to be touched anywhere from 7-13 times in your marketing before they will begin to remember your name. Get out there. Do good things. Share what you’ve done properly. Earn more business.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography creativity, photography education, success education
In seeking inspiration I will often head out of the photography realm and today is no different. Marcel Proust was a French writer of novels and essays. His quote that I share today has a lot to do with observation. And if we are to become excellent photographers we have to do more than just see what is around us. We need to be aware of possibilities that live around us all the time.
Many times when we travel we will get more creative because we are being exposed to new stimuli. What will help us be more effective image makers is being able to see the new among the apparent mundane around us all the time…

“The journey of self discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust
Proust’s quote obviously doesn’t deal with image making but I feel the sentiment that he expresses for self discovery can be applied to our vision.
Remember, there is looking.
There is seeing.
And, then there is vision.
Go deeper.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob