new photo for wall of fame

Jazz singer Vivian Sessoms entertained at Sound Bites Grill the other night and here’s her image for the SBG ‘Wall of Fame’.

vivian sessoms singing at sound bites

 Vivian Sessoms in art treatment for the ‘Wall of Fame’

I was testing the new Lumix G7 side by side with the Lumix GH4. Both cameras used the same lens and same settings. ISO 3200 f2.8 1/60th sec. It shows me they are comparable and the G7 would make a great back up for the GH4. Price makes this a cool camera for those on a budget. The G7 does miss out on a few pro features on handling, like having to remove a tripod plate to get to the battery and SD card compartment. It also has smaller batteries and is built on a plastic body. But, image quality looks to be on a par. And, at half the price of the GH4 depending on your workload you might be willing to put up with a few non-pro features!

Here’s a sample of a couple stage captures from each camera with the same settings.

captured with the lumix G7

This image was captured with the Lumix G7.

image captured with lumix GH4

Captured with the GH4.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

PS – If you are ordering gear from Amazon it helps to support this web site and the info shared if you buy through any link on successful photographer. TIA!


wall of fame sound bites grill

There are two new inductees into the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’.

The RD Olson Blues Band played last week and rocked (blued??) the house. High energy blues from this five piece band had people squirming in their chairs and out on the dance floor. My wife Holly and I really enjoyed the music along with the rest of the patrons.

rd olson blues band

R.D. Olson Blues Band

Images of the band members were captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 35-100mm Lumix Vario f2.8 lens. This camera and lens combo gives me the density range to capture the highlights of the LED lighting and the deep shadows that come with stage spotlights. In addition, the 200mm lens (35mm equivalent) allows me to isolate the individual performers without disturbing Sound Bites guests as I photograph the live performance.

After downloading the images I select each performer and move them to a master file for compositing of the group for the art piece. Shadows and Inner Glows using Adobe Photoshop on layers help to give the individuals depth in the image. Multiple photographs of textures are added and Blend Modes altered to add the color and painterly effects.

RD was also selected by Sound Bites to also be featured as a single artist in addition to being on the ‘Wall of Fame’ as part of the band.

rd olson at sound bites grill

RD Olson

Blues On RD!

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

kazm radio show june

Talking with Mike Tabback on KAZM Radio on the Tech Talk Show. We chat about some techniques in photography and some of the new tech that Panasonic is putting into the cameras. 4K Photo Mode is making some new image captures possible that would have been more difficult to photograph than even a few years ago.

kazm tech talk logo


“Off to harass the birds again are you?”

My wife Holly calls it harrassing cause I used to have to get very close to the birds to fill the frame and they often would leave in a snit at being disturbed… I call it photography while I study and capture behavior images. I really enjoy photographing birds. At her parents place which looks over the marsh in Delaware I’ve plenty of subjects.

I was curious as to how the Lumix FZ1000 would perform and I gotta tell ya it ain’t bad at all. Having a 400mm f4.0 lens is quite good. I’m even more impressed with the ability of the digital zoom going to 1600mm. At that zoom range some detail it starts to soften but being able to fill the frame from a long distance is more than worth the trade-off. Here is a sequence to show the range of the camera…

lumix fz1000 sequence

Images made from the same position. To get to the digital zoom of 1600mm you must be in jpeg capture mode.
Still, with proper exposure I’ll take the reach over being able to shoot in RAW.

osprey and nest photo

Osprey doing a flyby of her nest.

If I’m going to have one camera for vacation, or just to have at hand daily – that does almost everything I need – the Lumix FZ1000 is the one.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

squirrel moment

Walking from my favorite restaurant and I spy an absolutely beautiful flower bloom on a cactus. So I stop to shoot a couple frames and move on in the glow of the after dinner bliss… Or, was it the wine?

No matter.

‘Squirrel Moment!’

I know you’ve had this happen.

You think you see something beautiful. On the move you grab a frame thinking you have something to work on later. Turns out you were distracted by the ‘squirrel!’ in the image and failed to look at the whole scene carefully in the frame. Here’s a recent ‘squirrel’ shot from my wanderings.

cactus flower

Man, I almost don’t even want to show you this… In my mind I saw the flowering blooms
and new buds coming on (cue beautiful music)…
The reality of the ‘past prime’ dead flower buds escaped my notice until
I opened the image and viewed it on the computer. “Bummer!”

I think it’s good to share the not so good stuff as well as our treasures so we all know we are in the same boat… Chugging away, trying to create beautiful images, and not always hitting a home run. The usual camera was in play and it did a good job helping me get a nice exposure on the run. It’s not the fault of the Lumix FZ1000 that I can be distracted by a ‘Squirrel Moment”… They can’t all be perfect can they???

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob