tuesday photo art – helen yancy

Tuesday Painterly Photo Art – Helen Yancy

Tuesday’s on Successful-Photographer, now dedicated to the art of converting images beyond that of a photograph and converting the image in a more Painterly/Artistic direction. We’ll be taking to look at the artist/photographers who are forging their way forward in creating a new art form with photography at its base.

First up is a photographer Helen Yancy.

If you are a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA) you have probably heard of Helen as she has been a stalwart of the organization having served on the Board of Directors and as President, and as a PPA Approved Juror and Jury Chair for many years. Helen has earned all the degrees and most awards offered by PPA.

Helen embraced Corel’s Painter Program to takes her images into the artistic realm and has been an instructor sharing her knowledge with fellow photographers ever since. Let’s take a look at some of Helen’s work.

helen yancy before imageHere is a before image

helen yancy after painter imageHere is the image after Painter. Helen said the panel of judges that viewed this were not for this treatment. When we are entering painterly images, we have to remember that art is very subjective.

helen yancy painter portraitThis painted photo is Helen’s granddaughter captured during a senior portrait session – Painter portrait in the traditional style – high key

helen yancy before cat photoYour subjects don’t have to be human. Pet portraits are good in this market. (Heck the subject doesn’t even have to be alive. I’ve done art pieces of buildings for businesses. ed.)

helen yancy cat portrait finalCat portrait painted by Helen

“Creating exquisite paintings from our images to a discerning clientele raise the perception of a photographer to that of an artist because the paintings truly are art pieces that will be a treasured investment for generations. There is certainly a learning curve, but learning to paint is possible for any photographer that has the desire. I will have a class soon in my camera room, very limited, and my book – Ordinary to Elegant: Painting with Photographs (or something like that) will be available for pre-sale on Amazon (published by Amherst Media) very soon.
Helen Yancy Commissioned Portraits
Where the camera is only the beginning…

helen yancy logo signatureSee more of Helen’s work here.

I hope you enjoy the new Tuesday Painterly series.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

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Sunday Photo/Art Quote – The Art Spirit Robert Henri

I was recently turned on to this book and am enjoying it immensely. Robert Henri has written about art in a way I have never heard before. He is very straightforward in presenting his ideas about art and the creation thereof.

I have a feeling that I could use this book to populate the Successful-Photographer’s Sunday Photo/Art Quote for the better part of the year. Here is a quote from Henri…

robert henri art qoute“Paint like a fiend when the idea possesses you.” Robert Henri

I enjoy this quote as I occasionally find myself super-inspired in creative spurts. During these creative times I seem to see things in a new light, viewing everyday subjects in a new way. Strangely enough, this often happens when I am traveling or upon my return home from an extended stay away. (or on nights when I can’t sleep because I drank coffee too late in the day ; )>. I have a feeling that any huge change in environment tends to sharpen the visual senses. May I suggest that you strike while the iron is hot.

When it’s working, make sure you are too…

text from the art spirit“The student is not an isolated force. He belongs to a great brotherhood, bears a kinship to his kind. He takes and he gives. He benefits by taking and he benefits by giving.”  Robert Henri in The Art Spirit

I also share this quote as it explains to me some of the reasons that I am so passionate about sharing the knowledge I’ve gained with others. As he states, “He benefits by taking and he benefits by giving.” I learn so much when I am teaching. Much of the education comes in the preparation of the programs and more from the students when I am teaching as they share lessons they have learned.

I say if you want to learn something inside and out, teach or write a book about it.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

PPA Affiliate Organizations

PPA & PPA Affiliate Organizations

Busy week!

When I travel to speak sometimes, I get a little behind on my blog posts. For good reason. This past weekend I had the honor & privilege of sharing some knowledge and judging imaging competition for the New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association. What a great group! If you are in that neighborhood & not a member of this association you are missing out big time on great photography education and camaraderie with fellow photographers.

ppa logoI can’t speak highly enough about Professional Photographers of America (PPA) Affiliates. Education. Yes, there is a lot of it available online and through DVD and streaming products but I have to tell you nothing beats in-person education. Weirdly enough, your learning opportunities are magnified, and you learn as much or more during the breaks sharing ideas with fellow photographers over a cold beverage or hot meal.

I’ve been a member of PPA since 1997, and as soon as I moved to Arizona in 1999, I became a member of the Arizona Professional Photographers Association   (AZPPA) and, in spite of living almost two hours away, have been attending monthly meetings, conventions, and special events. That’s a lot of commuting time! I added to my education by using audio training on sales and marketing during the drive back and forth.

ppa affiliate logoIf you read this blog regularly, you know that I am a huge proponent of the imaging competition system. The state organizations that are PPA Affiliates are a great place to get your feet wet in the process. Most state affiliates have an annual competition with some of the PPA Approved Jurors on the panels. Also, they have some form of image critiques and networking with other photographers who are familiar with the best practices in competition. Please don’t let the word competition hold you back. It is not a battle against the other photographers for awards. It is a challenge against yourself to be better than you were the previous year. The awards start coming as you improve. I’ve seen it time and time again, those that get in and participate find they improve their photography skills exponentially. Those that say, “I’m not ready’ seem to progress at a MUCH slower pace.

Networking is another large part of belonging to associations. Getting to know the other photographers in your area can be a great help to you and your business. What do you do if you become ill or have an accident just before a big job?? Do you have backup people in place to make sure your clients are served correctly? Also, many photographers share leads with fellow photographers with overflow business or with genres of photography that they don’t pursue. Sharing ideas on lighting, posing and pushing each other to become the best they can be. Sharing time by heading out for little photo trips together. All these things tend to start with joining your local affiliate.

PPA affiliate directory imageWhat are you waiting for? Here’s a link to the PPA Affiliate list.

Become the best photographer you can be. Check out the next meeting in your state!

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob


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Sunday Photo/Art Quote – Robert Henri

Thank you Helen Yancy!

Many times it is a small thought shared that opens large passageways of ideas. If you have attended any of my programs you know I am a fan of quotes from artists, photographers, inspirational speakers and authors. Helen was sitting right there in the front row and noting some of the quotes I had collected and was sharing in a slideshow before my program began.

She said, “Oh, you know of Robert Henri and his book The Art Spirit.“No,” I replied. She had seen one of his quotes go by on the screen and she said, “You really need to get that book and read it!”

So I did.

And, now I’m going to do for you the same thing Helen did for me. Get the book!

Here’s a quote from Henri…

robert henri art quote“When the artist is alive in any person… he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressing creature.” Robert Henri

When I took Helen up on her suggestion I had ordered the book but let it sit on my side table before grabbing it one day. OMG. There is so much inspiration packed into these pages I don’t know where to start. When I went back through my collection of gathered quotes I found four already in there… And soon I will be adding many more.

Henri pushes you to think in different ways about your art. He was an artist but he was known more for his instruction and influence of other artists who followed in his footsteps. As he said in his book, “I have little interest in teaching you what I know. I wish to stimulate you to tell me what you know.”

And, stimulate you he does.

You never know where the next piece of your education is coming from. One reason I love teaching is I get to learn so much, from my students.

Helen thanks again for the tip.I can’t wait to read it again and really absorb Henri’s message.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

PS – By the way Helen is working on a book on the software program Painter with Amherst Media. If you are into Painter and want to push your skills you’ll be able to pre-order soon…

podcast with skip cohen

Podcast with Skip Cohen on Sprouting Photographer

Always fun chatting with Skip Cohen about the photography business. This is a chat about Embracing new tech in photography. Being a Lumix Luminary has moved me from being the last to jump into new technology to getting to try out new things that are changing faster than you can imagine.

sprouting photographer interview photoEmbracing new technology. Weekend Wisdom with Skip Cohen Listen here

With new ways of processing and capturing images in camera there are more tools at our beck and call then ever before. If you aren’t checking out some of the new ways to leverage these tools in your business you may be falling behind… Many cameras are now more like a computer with a lens attached. Time-lapse captures have never been easier with in-camera processing. 4K video allows you to capture video and pull still frames that can easily be printed to twenty inches. Again the 4K video can be leveraged to give you the opportunity to choose your focus point after the fact. I’m sure there are a number of cameras capable of many of the things I’m sharing here but, I’m familiar with the Panasonic Lumix cameras. The GH4, GX8, G7, FZ1000, LX100 and others are changing the way photographers work and the way photography is growing into the future.

Check out the podcast and let me know what you think…

Yours in Creative Photography,       Bob