by successfulbob | fine art musician portrait, Lumix GH4, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, people photography, photographer of musicians
Photography of Musicians at Sound Bites Grill
The Black Market Trust
Photographing musicians during a live performance can be a bit of a challenge.
But I dig it!
If you follow this blog you know I am charged with creating the marketing images for bands who play at Sound Bites Grill in Sedona. Also, the ‘Wall of Fame’ is a record of performers who have graced the stage and is becoming a history of entertainment at the restaurant. To date, there are over eighty art pieces presented on the wall.
Here is the latest.
The Black Market Trust Band
Here is the finished piece as presented on the ‘Wall of Fame.’
While the band is performing, I isolate each member and extract them from the scene and then blend them back together while creating the art piece for the wall. These were captured with the Lumix GX7 and the 35-100mm f2.8 Vario lens. After each member is placed on the new canvas layers of texture, drop shadows, and lighting effects are added to create depth and dimension.
While the musicians are on site, I gather their ‘message to the house’ and autographs for inclusion in the final art piece. These are signed in black Sharpie on white paper. After scanning, using Adobe Photoshop they are imported to the final image, sized and inverted to white text. The Blend Mode of the Layer is changed to Screen. This makes the inverted paper, which is now black disappear with no further selections necessary.
Images for the newspaper are also prepped. I shoot in color but do the prep to black and white for the best printing results. Many times a color image is just changed to greyscale by the paper and using NIK Silver FX Pro 2 makes for better contrast and tones. These were captured with the Lumix GH4 and the 12-35 f2.8 Vario lens.
Black & White photo The Black Market Trust Band
Color image of the BMT Band
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, people photography, photography
Business Marketing Staff Photos
Looking for a way to better serve your business clients?
Here’s a way to make that happen and become more valuable to your clients. Many businesses have staff members that change regularly either through attrition or expansion. Whatever the reason keeping the marketing materials up to date can be difficult if your clints need to assemble the entire staff for a group photo every time there is a change in personnel it isn’t going to happen. You can save your clients money by being creative and offering solutions that meet their needs. Saving money for your clients also means an opportunity to earn more money for you.
Original advertising photo for Sedona Integrative Medical Clinic
A staff change called for a new group but did not necessitate gathering all employees for a new group photo
Addition and expansion were shown again without unnecessarily disturbing the rest of the employees.
To make this work you need to keep notes on lens choice, distance from subject, aperture and lighting settings so there is a consistent look. Shadows and shadow edge transitions need to be consistent for this to look right when adding people to the scene. In this case, we choose a high key rendition because it was a health business. The high key white background has a clean clinical look that helps sell the business. If this was a more formal group, like a law office, I would have opted for a low-key or black background.
I photograph all subjects from both sides without changing lighting direction. This way when it comes time to build the composites I can place people on either side as things change.
With this system in place, the marketing materials can be kept up to date without disrupting the entire office. Each person is photographed individually. If someone leaves for a new job or, as in this case, new people are added to the staff during expansion images can keep up with the change. Being able to adapt the layout without involving the rest of the employees is key.
The individual photos can also be broken out as singular head shots for promotion and other placements in marketing for brochures and advertising collateral material.
These photos were created with the Lumix GH4 with Paul C Buff lighting. A 35″ foldable Octabox with a large silver reflector on the opposite side completes the look. A high key white background makes separation of the subjects for compositing easy. (here’s Photoshop tutorial technique that can help with extractions)
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | architectural photography, commercial photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge
Marketing & Advertising Photos – Interior
I’ve been photographing advertising and marketing images for Sound Bites Grill in Sedona for the last four years. It’s been great working with Steve & Michele. We’ve been collaborating since before the restaurant opened. They have just redone some decor adding to the collection of guitars displayed on the walls and they understand the need for keeping the imagery fresh and up-to-date.
I made these images with the Lumix GH4, some supplemental lighting and HDR captures. Images were completed using post production in Adobe Photoshop.

Different views of Sound Bites Grill interior advertising photos.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, people photography
‘Wall of Fame’
A new member for the Sound Bites Grill ‘Wall of Fame’ in Sedona, Arizona. Sound Bites is the largest live entertainment restaurant in Sedona and over the years have brought in some great entertainment. I have been fortunate to record many of the fine musicians and entertainers and create photographic art to celebrate their performances. Here’s one of the latest, guitarist Darius Lux.
Darius Lux ‘Wall of Fame’ Art
For the curious, here’s how I create the images for the ‘Wall’.
Capture live performance while trying to get good poses that tell the story of the artist. For example, Darius bill himself as ‘Acoustic Spirit & Soul’. That’s why I choose a shot of his eyes down in a thoughtful position. To capture the stage show I use the Lumix GH4 usually mounted with the 35-100mm f2.8 Lumix Vario lens. This makes it possible to capture the action with no flash and from low profile so I don’t disturb guests who enjoying the show.
The artist signs his or her autograph on a blank white sheet of paper with marker that is then scanned into the computer. Using Adobe Photoshop I invert the color so the words and signature are white and the paper black. Then the signature is moved to the file and changed to Screen Mode. This has the effect of making the paper ‘disappear’ and the text remain. This is resized to represent a regular autograph. This would not be possible after the fact as many of the musicians are from out of town. At the very least even of they are from Sedona getting up with them for the signature would take quite a bit of time.
The artwork is accomplished in Photoshop by selecting other images that contain textures and using more Blend Modes, color layers and masks to get the final look. While there is a unifying feel to all the images no two are created in the same way.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GH4, musician photography, people photography, photography, photography education, photography gear, photography lighting resources
I love working with musicians!
They are often solid creative people and have spent some time in front of a camera so getting good posing is not a chore. Good eye contact with the camera and an idea of the story they want told in the image makes for a fun photo shoot. Especially fine session with Valerie Romanoff of Starlight Orchestras who splits her time between New York, NY and Sedona, AZ.
Valerie was looking for images to use in her social media. Some images were set in the red rocks and some were during a live performances over in Cottonwood at the Main Stage venue. She performed with some great musicians as part of the Bottom Line Jam with host band Bottom Line. (Totally enjoyed the performance by the way!) When I was going through the first edit my wife Holly looked over my shoulder and said, “Oh my, she’s going to have a hard time choosing images! There are so many good ones.” I’d like to think it was mostly my skill, but Valerie is a skilled performer and is extremely photogenic!
Here are a few selects from the outdoor session…

The Path leads right to Valerie and Bell Rock is pointing right to her also…

With Courthouse Butte in the Background.

This is a pose idea I picked up from Peter Hurley (The Head Shot: Secrets to Creating Amazing Head Shot Portraits)
For the outdoor photo session I used my workhorse camera the Lumix GH4 with either the Lumix Vario 12-35mm or 35-100mm f2.8 lenses mounted. We had nice light a little after sunrise supplemented with a Paul C Buff mono light powered with a Vagabond Mini Lithium battery. Having power to take studio lights easily on location gits you enough flash power to control the scene. This was fitted with a 35″ foldable Octabox. In order to keep shape and form the flash was placed on the same side as the sun to not flatten out light.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Images from the Main Stage performance will be posted tomorrow