by successfulbob | photography competition, photography education, success education
I often hear from fellow photographers that they don’t have time for things like imaging competition.
I call BS!
And that brings me to today’s Photo/Art quote from Rich Mann.

“There’s no time like the present, and no present like time.” Rich Mann
I don’t suggest that you take time from your family, but be more efficient with your time at work. There’s a huge difference between being busy and being efficient at your job. I’ve been quite guilty of it at times myself. Thinking that I was too busy to do things and found that non-constructive work habits were not allowing me to get the most important things done while insignificant things were taking up waaaayyy tooooo much time. For some quick ideas I suggest checking out this post from Brian Caporicci on Sprouting Photographeron how a tool meant to save you time, energy and make your life easier has started to become a ball and chain.
That tool’s name is email. And Brian will gives you some solutions to put that bad boy back in place.
…Now what to do with the extra time you just carved out??
HMMM, I know!
Put some time on your schedule to prep 1-2 images a month for competition. Then when the deadline comes around you’ll have plenty of images ready to choose from…
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | fine art photography, photography, photography - art quote, photography education, success education
At the convention here in Nashville Tennessee with Professional Photographers Association at Imaging USA.
Way over 10,000 photographers here to network, learn about photography, learn about new products and become inspired bout this wonderful business we have chosen in which to make our living.
That brings me to why my Sunday Photo/Art quote is running a day late (it’s been a really busy time!) And to not delay the quote any longer…

“It’s all about the process!” Thom Rouse
Thom presented a program called “The Case for Fine Art” and suggests if we choose or as we try to move our photography in an artistic direction that it starts with OUR process – whatever that may be.
What is creativity? Thom suggests that Creativity is the process of the prepared mind. It’s anything you do in your creative life to make your imagery. What kind of lens do you put on your camera? What format? What subjects do you shoot? What settings do you use? How do you expose yourself to new imagery to draw inspiration from? Art in museums museums, web sites, books, other photographers images?

Thom Rouse fine art image © Thom Rouse All Rights Reserved
Once you have the tools of the process down you go through a number of steps as you create your images. You need a prepared mind as noted above looking at art and life for inspiration. You can get stuck or as he calls this moment, ‘incubation’. Then possibly a reversal of thinking. Making mistakes including ‘AHA!’ moments and ‘Happy Accidents’. Having Passion and perseverance and knowing that failure defines success.

Thom Rouse fine art image © Thom Rouse All Rights Reserved
Failure defines success. We’ve been talking about that here on Successful-Photographer a lot in this Sunday morning corner and I submit once again if you are not making mistakes not constantly trying to learn you probably won’t be doing anything really creative.
What mistakes are you going to make this week, this month, this year? Go for it!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – This is only one of over 90 programs available to choose from this year. If you aren’t getting out to conventions and educational programs you are going tot be growing your art and your business
by successfulbob | commercial photography, Lumix GH3, Lumix Lounge, musician photography, people photography, photography, photography education, photography gear
Went to dinner with my lovely wife Holly at Sound Bites Grill last night and Wineaux Wednesday was on in full force in Sedona, Arizona. The deal is $10 bucks and allows you taste wine with friends while enjoying live music and Tapas from 5PM to 7PM.
But what does that have to do with photography Bob??
Glad you asked! I also brought along my camera with a funky lens to play with from LENSBABY. They sent me the f3.5 5.8mm, 185° Circular Fisheye lens to check out.

Here’s a capture of the SBG Wall of fame. I create images of the performers for posterity (and decor!) in an
artistic fashion for the restaurant. Here it is in all it’s micro 4/3rds Fisheye glory.

This lens is made for getting in close. Make sure your performer knows they’ll have a camera really close in their face. it helps to be
the house photographer to have the access to performers during live stage shows. Don’t try this without permission.

Using the ‘Flairability’ of the Fisheye to add some interest to this live stage shot of Eric Miller guitarist extraordinaire.

“OK Bob, how can this lens make me money?” In my case I grabbed the owners and set them up
on stage with Eric to create an image to help promote the wine and entertainment event at the restaurant.
You need some time with the 5.8mm Fisheye to learn to see how it sees. It is quite unique and takes a bit of getting used to to know when it might be just the ticket to set something apart. I mounted this on the Lumix GH3. With the micro 4/3rds sensor size we loose just a bit of the fisheye circle which I actually like. If you get this lens for the full frame DSLR cameras you’ll have the complete fisheye circle.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – If you want to hear some wonderful guitar playing and are not near Sedona you can find out more about Eric Miller’s music here. (I highly recommend hi CD ‘Eclectic Vibe’ subtitled Elevator Music for Cool People. It’s awesome. You have to email Eric to get it. It’s not on his web site right now…
by successfulbob | landscape photography, Lumix GH4, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography education
The clouds led to some interesting lighting conditions when I drove up the hill overlooking West Sedona so I popped out to see if it would translate into a cool photograph. What I saw in my mind was not what I was able to capture in my camera but it wasn’t terrible.

This is the color ‘straight version. I liked the play of light and shadow but thought there was more there with a little artwork.

Using a couple NIK Color FX filters (Glamour Glow & Old Time Photo) I feel like this image was made many years ago and
could work as a decor piece for a business that caters to a more timeless vision of Sedona.
The panorama was made from 7 photos with the camera held in the vertical position and stitched in Adobe Photoshop. Manual settings including focus and exposure on the Lumix GH4 made it easier to stitch the pano. The lens was the Lumix 35-100mm f2.8. With the stitching I ended up with a 150MB file which can be printed pretty darn large.
What ‘Cha think?
YOurs in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography education, success education
Be like the Energizer Bunny Rabbit ‘Eveready’!
Sometimes creating the great image is being aware enough and having good habits to not miss an opportunity. Today’s Photo/Art Quote comes from one of the top photographers in the field today. Listen and remember.

“Don’t pack up the camera until you’ve left the location.” Joe McNally
The idea is to stay aware of possibilities, and be ready for serendipity to strike at any moment. Simple thought. Great habit.
Want to learn more from a master? Check out Joe’s books…
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS Here’s the Meet Joe text from his blog.
“The thoughts, notions, and ideas here come from thirty years in the field as a shooter. Twenty plus on the road for National Geographic. LIFE staffer. Sports Illustrated contractor. 54 countries. 50 states. Read on, and welcome to my blog.” Check it out.