by successfulbob | fine art photography, fine art portrait, people photography, photography, photography education, success education, tuesday painterly photo art
Tuesday Photo Art
Gregory Daniel FDPE, FSA, M.Photog. CR., CPP, F-ASP
The Tuesday Photo Art blog post is featuring photographers who are taking photography to a new level using Photoshop and Painter techniques to offer more upscale products to their clientele and differentiate themselves in the now very competitive photography market. Most featured artists have shared their techniques in creating the art. Here Greg is sharing information a bit more on the business side which is something we artist types can let slide to the detriment of our wallets.
With that introduction, I’m turning today’s post over to Greg.
Stay True To Yourself
Today more than any other time in our industry being unique is critically important to the success of our businesses and personal sanity. Tons of noise in the marketplace is what I hear and experience every day. Everywhere you turn there are ads from all walks of life competing for our attention. Many appear to be attempts at desperation with price reductions and specials as a means to stand out from the crowd. Producing products, services, branding and experiences like everyone else lands you in the wading pool of commodity. So this begs the question on how to rise above the noise and be noticed.
I will attempt to share some concepts and principles that have shaped my path for the past 36 years in business.
Greg is adding the finishing touch, the signature, to his art portrait.
Stay True To Yourself
I have found this to be the foundation for our success. If you are interested in being different, looking unique and standing apart look no further than yourself. There is only one you and no one else can be you! Fortunately early on in my career, I found my uniqueness through the love of art museums. You could find me in the library poring over books about artists or in galleries during family vacations. Since the late 80’s these art galleries were and are a beacon of light for my vision to fuse my love for photography with painterly galleries. Staying true to this personal love and vision has been the incredible satisfying artistically along with setting myself apart from the commodity.
Your Audience
Certainly it goes without saying that if you want a business to be successful, you need to identify who your buyer will be. The commodity is for the world of mass marketing, which is not only expensive but also difficult. Identifying, who your specific client is, will narrow the marketing beam to a laser. In our case, the audience were families that appreciated unique handcrafted works of art. This could stand true from shaving products, dining experience, tailored clothing, interior designs and high-end vacations. Here’s the think, it is a must to know who to let know you exist!
Finished portrait, framed and installed
The Product
Now here is an area that I commonly see as an issue during my many mentor sessions with students. I truly believe starting with creating one single product that defines who you are, is paramount to clearly communicating to your audience. Developing your unique product and getting feedback from your audience is critical to business success. Clearly our audience recognizes a Gregory Daniel Mixed Media Portrait as our signature commissioned product. These are uniquely designed pieces to fit the lifestyle of their beautiful home.
Final Thoughts
I encourage each of you to dig deep inside to find the true you. There is wonderful joy in knowing the business you have created was built on the foundation of your core desire. Communicating through this beautiful art form with your personal language is a gift to yourself and your audience.
Gregory Daniel M. Photog.,Cr. CPP, F-ASP, FDPE, FSA
Greg and his wife Lesa Daniel are internationally recognized for their artistry and run Gregory Daniel Portrait Artist Though he is one of the most awarded photographers in the United States, Greg has the utmost privilege of living out his passion every day alongside Lesa in operating their portrait photography galleries in both Indialantic and Titusville Florida. He has achieved both the title of Master of Photography and The American Society of Photographers Fellowship. In addition, Greg is one of the youngest members to be inducted into the prestigious Cameracraftsmen of America in 1991, proud, founding member of the International Society of Portrait Artists (ISPA) and on the Board of Directors, Professional Photographers of America.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Thanks to Greg for sharing his knowledge here on Successful-Photographer. If you have a photographic artist you would like to see featured let me know.
by successfulbob | inspiration, photography - art quote, photography education
Sunday Photo/Art Quote – Robert Genn
Canadian Painter Robert Genn wrote a blog called The Painter’s Keys for many years before he moved on to the next world. I count myself lucky to have been a follower for some years. I learned many great ideas about painting, art, color and other tidbits that transfer over from painting to photography. Sometimes the correlation is not immediately obvious, but I must say I believe my photography has improved quite a bit once I started studying art and artists.
Robert may be gone, but The Painters Keys lives on through his daughter Sara, who reprises some of the ‘best-of’ letters from her dad and supplements them with letters and ideas of her own continuing the tradition. I think the art world is the better for it.
Today’s quote is a simple one from Robert, but one I believe needs to be seen on a regular basis lest we forget.
“The more you practice what you know, the more you know what to practice.” Robert Genn
We can all get into a groove that is comfortable when we work and even when we play. You may have heard the expression, if you spend too much time inside a groove you turn it into a rut.
Do your work. Don’t forget those personal projects that help you explore and practice new ideas. Find what works. Push it to the next level. Make some mistakes. Try again.
Practice more so you know what to practice!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – Check out The Painter’s Keys. Take a look at some of the letters and sign up for notifications of new letters. They come out about twice-weekly. You’ll be glad you did I think you’ll be surprised how much we photographers have in common with painters and other artists.
by successfulbob | inspiration, photography education
Feedback from Students
Had an online session with Carol. We worked with Photoshop and my ‘Photo-Synthesis’ and Step & Repeat technique a couple days ago. I received this in my email inbox.
I just wanted to thank you for our individual class session via Hangout today. This is certainly the start that I needed to understanding how to create artistic images in many layers from one or two selected images. From the techniques for creating a clean accurate selection and the variations of that original selection, to the ability to manipulate the selection on layers with a variety of sizes, directions and overlays, was exactly what I needed.
A personalized class allowed us to proceed at a speed that fit my abilities and let me ask questions at any time. It was a wonderful way to learn so much more information than I would have gotten in a large class. Being able to schedule the session to fit our time worked out perfectly.
Thank you again, Carol”
Carol Fabrizio, M.Photog.
Fabrizio Fine Art Photography (see Carol’s work here)
Flushing, MI
One on one classes are recorded live via Google Hangouts and YouTube. You & I are able to work together on project specific lessons that you choose. The recordings are available for review at any time in the future.
If you would like to learn more get in touch.
On Another Note
This came through my Facebook feed. Nothing gets me more excited than to know I have helped someone in some way. It makes teaching extremely worthwhile!
Always enjoy getting feedback from students especially when they follow through and complete a project.
This is an awesome example of follow-through. While the final project is not photography specific, creativity in any form helps us move forward and see possibilities. I’m excited for Alisa. You can see her photography work here.
I have read about the creation of coloring books for adults as a way of relieving stress. Hare’s a link to an article on what’s happening inside your brain when you color.
The Therapeutic Science of Adult Coloring Books
From Medical Daily – “Coloring used to be reserved for children and the occasional adult who got to babysit them, but recently, the activity has found a different demographic. What started as a niche hobby has now turned into an international trend, as adult coloring books find themselves on more and more bestsellers’ lists throughout the world. However, while this trend may be a fun way to pass the time, it’s the books’ therapeutic properties that really have them…” continue reading
Check out Alisa’s 70’s inspired coloring book!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – What’s your personal project? Photography or otherwise? I have an inquiring mind!
by successfulbob | fine art photography, fine art portrait, people photography, photography creativity, tuesday painterly photo art
Tuesday Photo Art – Richard Ramsey
Tuesday’s on Successful-Photographer, now dedicated to the art of converting images beyond that of a photograph and converting the image in a more Painterly/Artistic direction. We’ll be taking to look at the artist/photographers who are forging their way forward in creating a new art form with photography at its base.
Today’s artist is photographer Richard Ramsey.
I met Richard through a Mastermind group of which I was a part. I got to see him move forward and develop this technique until I recognized him as an absolute master His work is very painterly in the traditional sense and looks much more like a painting than a photograph sometimes entirely swapping out the background for a different look.
Let’s take a look at some of Ramsey’s work…
This painting was created from an IPhone capture.
A combination of two source photos was the start of this painting.
Corel’s Painter software program is Richard’s toolset of choice. He has become so good at Painter, he has taught other photographers in the past and created DVD tutorials on Painter 10. As I understand, Richard is working on a new DVD of tutorials to help get photographers on track to creating their own masterpieces. (but like many photographers he’s a bit of a procrastinator) If you want to learn how to use Painter you might check into Richard’s dvds. Richard is in a transition period where he doesn’t have a website with the DVDs on it. For now, send him an email and he will return a flyer showing the DVDs offered.
To see more of his Painter work for clients check this website –
As far as learning Painter on your own, Richard says, “Just be persistent and don’t get in a hurry. Creating a painting is not that complicated. When looking at any program, it can be overwhelming. Hundreds of brushes and controls to deal with but you only need to use a few to create a beautiful painting.”
If you are into learning Painter, get in there and dig around. Use the advice I give my Photoshop students, “Play, play, and play some more!!” (ed.)
So, if you are into learning Painter, get in there and dig around. Use the advice I give my Photoshop students, “Play, play, and play some more!!” I have decided, after trying a few times and taking some classes, that Painter is not for me. If you find that is the case for you but want to offer this kind of legacy product to your clients, hire Richard to make the painting for you. Here’s his email for questions about the Painting program or hiring him to paint for you.
Notice when Richard creates his paintings the entire image is transformed. I’ve noticed during my judging that many photographers new at this leave too much photo realism in the finished piece.
Note Richard’s use of color that is carried throughout his paintings.
Couldn’t resist sharing one more!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | fine art photography, fine art portrait, imaging competition, photography
Photography Art – Making Painterly Images
I am extremely fortunate in many ways, one of which is being named a PPA Approved Juror. This gives me the opportunity to be exposed to photographers creativity in a very intense, concentrated form. Thinking critically about the work and listening to my fellow juror’s opinions. It is an intense education.
Have I told you lately how much I appreciate the educational value of PPA’s Imaging Competition? Both as an entrant and a judge I learn more about photography every time I place images before my peers or sit on a panel sharing my opinions about the quality of work before us.
A painterly image by yours truely
I love to see new areas being opened up and explored. But, I would like to add a word of caution and offer my opinion on a new trend many photographers are embracing. Creating painterly images. There are some magnificent image makers who have embraced this and I applaud a lot of the work I see coming through. A word of caution. Some of this new work is less than stellar.
The reason behind this sub-par (in my opinion) image making is that painting is a whole ‘nother skill set. Those that are producing beautiful work have studied the work of classic art and artists. They have studied and practiced with software like Adobe’s Photoshop and Corel’s Painter programs to replicate the depth and dimension found in paintings. They have learned color. They have learned to balance blending of the painting technique with the photography using the Goldilocks method. Not too much, not too little but jus the right amount.
Other photographers have seen this art trend and tried to get the look via a shortcut. That is what inspired this post. You really can’t just push a button on a software plug-in and think you are creating artistic images. The software that ‘replicates’ a Monet or Degas style of painting does not work. They are flat. There are repetitious strokes that are quite evident in the work which will limit the amount of time anyone will want to be viewing the image.
Just as learning photography has a learning curve so does creating a look in the style of the old masters or any other artistic genre.
So what are the options if you want to offer this product line to your clients?
You can ‘half-a**’ it and push the button on a plug-in.
Or you need to study, learn and practice, practice and practice some more. You will need to want to create this type of art. Immerse yourself deeply in the new art. Explore the new world with the same ferver that you brought to learning your photography skills.
Or you can continue to make your photographic images and hire out the art creation. There are some marvelous photographers who enjoy the creation of the art and are excellent sources for a new product line for your studio.
Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be sharing art and artists that I feel are transforming true art from their photography images. See if the difference shows from those who are at the top of their game. Hopefully you’ll find inspiration to take your work to new heights.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob