photographers health back part three

I’ll remind you that I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. I am just sharing ideas that have worked for me over the years. Please consult a health professional before trying anything shown here…

Back pain can put a real hitch in your giddy-up! It can make work miserable if you can even do it depending on your injury.

In the first installment Photographers Health Back Part One we talked about learning, or at least reviewing, the proper way to pick up, carry or move heavy objects. We also discussed proper shooting form to prevent injury. Lastly we looked at an exercise program to strengthen your body to help prevent injury.

Photographers Health Back Part Two I introduced you to Pete Egoscue. He developed a series of exercises and stretches into a program to help you become, and stay, Pain Free. I highly recommend checking out his programs. If you have severe problems he has clinics available to test and give you very specific instructions on how to get back into shape. I have never used the centers but the books have been a real help to me.

 miracle ball method

The Miracle Ball Method kit.

Today I want to share one more alternative exercise idea. And maybe exercise is the wrong word to use for this. It’s called The Miracle Ball Method by Elaine Petrone. It uses squishy balls placed properly while your body sinks into them. Using your body weight and proper breathing are the keys to helping your body realign itself. The kit contains two Miracle Balls and an exercise guide that runs you through steps. Elaine was a dancer who suffered debilitating pain in her back and injured a leg. After trying all the traditional methods including chiropractic, accupuncture, doctors etc she was getting no relief. After research she came up with this program.

Here’s a description in better words than I have… “The work itself is simple. Take a sore back: By resting your aching back on the grapefruit-sized balls and letting your body sink into them, you’re unworking the muscles that hurt. Pain and tension drain out of the body. Petrone shows how proper breathing (which she demonstrates) works in conjunction with a range of unexercises that call for placing the balls under the back, head, knees, hip, elbow-wherever there’s pain-and then resting, rolling, or rotating on them. She points out that relief can come in surprising ways: Lower back pain may be helped by placing the ball under your neck, or a bad knee might be helped by hip work. It’s a revolutionary program of relief, from head to toe.”

Your in Creative, and Healthy, Photography,        Bob

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W. Clement Stone added to the quote by Napoleon Hill to add in the information that essentially is Newton’s Law of Motion, and I believe, effects each of us every day. If we are not aware of the forces of our mind and nature we suffer the consequences.

hill/stone quote

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. That’s why many fail – they don’t get started – they don’t go. They don’t overcome inertia… They don’t begin.”    W. Clement Stone (Napoleon Hill)

After Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich he teamed up with W. Clement Stone to write Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude and added these words to the well known phrase, “That’s why many fail – they don’t get started – they don’t go. They don’t overcome inertia… They don’t begin.”

And there is the crux of the problem leading to success. They don’t get started. If you have an idea, act upon it. Get going. Apply Newton’s Law in Physics. Newton’s first law of motion is, “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” We human beings are the same way. Once we start on a project it is fairly easy to keep going. Getting started can be the hard part, excuses abound.

Get in motion.

If you have trouble with that get Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and read a chapter a night. Put the book up for a month and then read a chapter a night with a highlighter and note the passages that will help you. Put the book up for a month. Repeat with a different colored highlighter passages you didn’t note before but for which you are now ready. Now the book is ready to be reviewed on a regular basis and can be gone through in a very short period of time. We need reminders when we get off track and I’ve found this to be very handy (matter of fact, it’s time to break out my well worn copy…where did I put that??)

You ask, “Bob what does all this have to do with photography??” Personal photography projects are one of the best ways to refresh you. To change your business in the direction you want to go. But we often don’t get started on them because we “don’t have time.” I disagree and I think you’ll find the motivation you need following some of the ideas above.

Good luck!

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

ppa ipc

Coming soon!

If you are a PPA member you’ll be able to stream the International Photographic Competition (IPC).

Even if you don’t have images in the competition there’s a wealth of information and ideas that get shared during challenges.

A challenge is put forward whenever one of the jurors doesn’t agree with the result of an image being accepted as a Merit or non Merit. The challenger states his/her reasons. The other jurors respond with their thoughts and the challenger has an opportunity to rebut then the image is scored again. Sometimes it seems as if the judging is moving quickly. But, please remember there are 7 sets of eyes, 6 jurors and the Jury Chair, and any one of those may challenge the result. Sometimes if an image goes by and a juror feels it was missed the image can be called back for further review. We are all charged with doing the absolute best for our makers while still protecting the value of the Merit which is the basis for earning the imaging degrees of Master of Photography and Master Artist.

By the way PPA members are invited and encourages to watch the process live. The event is held just outside Atlanta.

The address for streaming the event is

Tune in August 3-6 and Be More Inspired!

Competition Judging Live Stream

  • Monday, Aug. 3, 8: 15am-6pm
  • Tuesday, Aug. 4, 12:15-9pm
  • Wednesday, Aug. 5, 9:15am-6pm
  • Thursday, Aug. 6, 8:15am-6pm
IPC Live with Booray Perry

  • 11am & 2pm
  • 2pm & 6pm
  • 11am & 2pm
  • 11am & 2pm

ppa loan collection image

Here’s one of my images that was accepted into PPA’s Loan Collection last year. Here’s a link to all eight images that either were awarded a Merit or Loan Collection status.

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While I wouldn’t have used the word *’INFESTED’ I love the thought behind today’s Photo/Art Quote from Leo Steinberg.

I’m going to guess that being an art critic and historian old Leo was used to using some seriously negative pejoratives in his writing… But I digress.

Why does this quote resonate with me enough to share with you today?

art critic leo steinberg quote

“All art is infested by other art.”    Leo Steinberg

I would like you to take this quote literally and be aware that your brain is like a computer and the old saying, ‘garbage-in=garbage-out’ is true. As is the opposite. Fill your mind with fabulous and wonderful imagery whether it be from standing in museums studying the Masters of photography, painting or sculpture, reading books and magazines with imagery you admire or looking at advertising photography. I have art books. I stand in front of paintings in museums and art galleries. I will fire up my I-Pad to view and study a single artist for 15 minutes before sleep so those images will be processed in the night.

As you study the artists you admire you will begin to see their influence coming out in your work. And, that’s a good thing! We all stand on the shoulders of those artists that came before us. Do so proudly and as you mix and match the artists styles you admire you will begin creating work that is uniquely your own. Allow other art to ‘INFEST’ your work.

Then others will eventually be standing upon your shoulders and the cycle continues.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

*Which is probably why you won’t find me quoted in lists of photography quotes!

nat at hilton

How often do you meet truly happy people?

Truly happy?

I’ve been staying at and attending events at the Hilton Phoenix Airport Hilton Hotel for the last 16 years so I get to know most of the people who work at the property. There are lots of standout, long term employees there. (AFAIK unusual in the service industry)

I was having a conversation with shuttle driver Nat about being happy. He shared that he was in the corporate world making good bucks, switched some stuff, got down-and-out sized and then decided to do something that made him happy rather than making him huge dollars. He’s been picking up and dropping off guests between the Phoenix Airport Hilton the Sky Harbor Airport for the last seven and a half years. I’ve seen him a lot in that time and never seen him without a big smile and a huge hello for me and everyone he comes in contact with.

nat at hilton hotel

Hilton Phoenix Airport Hotel Bell Captain/shuttle-driver/ambassador Nat

“What’s your point, Bob?”

Point is there are lots of ways to make money with your camera.

Do YOU still enjoy what you do?

Or are you just workin’ for the dollar. Life is short. Make sure you enjoy the ride. And, if you need a smile come on down to the Hotel and say ‘Hey!’ to Nat.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob