by successfulbob | Lumix FZ 1000, Lumix GX7, Lumix Lounge, photography, photography seminar
First time I’ve been in the sanctuary of a church since I was an alter boy!
Speaking at the Photographic Society of Chattanooga this past weekend and the hall where we were originally going to have the program was in use for a basketball tournament. Te ‘Photo-Synthesis’ program was well received and no lightening rained down from above so all was well.

Speaking in the sanctuary…
This is a great group and they said they were very appreciative of the sponsorship from Panasonic and the Lumix brand of cameras allowing me to join them. In showing the Lumix line of cameras the Lumix FZ 1000 was the hit of the day. followed closely by the Lumix GX7.
When people ask me for advice on which camera they should buy I never jump with an answer until I’ve quizzed then to find out exactly what they want to accomplish with them. The line up of capabilities of the different cameras is pretty amazing but there seems to be one built for almost every need. It’s wonderful to help people get the proper camera that meets their needs…. and budget.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
by successfulbob | photography, photography education, photography marketing, success education
I was extremely fortunate in PPA Imaging Competition this past year.
It resulted in earning a Silver Photographer of the Year Award in the Photographic Open and a Diamond Photographer of the Year Award in the Artist category. For those unfamiliar with the awards they are for having all four of your images submitted attaining Merit status which for simplicity sake is defined as an ‘above-average’ image made by an ‘above-average’ photographer. The Silver designation comes from additionally having one of those images selected for inclusion into the PPA Loan Collection. The Diamond comes from all four of the images being accepted in the the Loan Collection of which there were only 24 this year. For more in-depth information on the International Photographic Competition and awards check here.

Diamond four for four Merits with four Loan Collection images. Silver four for four Merits with one Loan Collection image. Imaging Excellence Award for thirteen Loan Collection images. Three medals are for the Degrees the most recent being the Master Artist Degree.

The American Society of Photographers has an additional judging of their member’s Loan Collection images and
Awards a Gold, Silver and Bronze Medallion to the top three ASP member images.
Received lots of congratulations from fellow photographers that remind me of what a wonderful way we have to make a living, learning, sharing while being creative. I am truly thankful that this is the way I choose to make my living and live my life among so many wonderful people.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – You think there are any possibilities for press releases from this good fortune? You betcha!
by successfulbob | fine art photography, photography, photography - art quote, photography education, success education
At the convention here in Nashville Tennessee with Professional Photographers Association at Imaging USA.
Way over 10,000 photographers here to network, learn about photography, learn about new products and become inspired bout this wonderful business we have chosen in which to make our living.
That brings me to why my Sunday Photo/Art quote is running a day late (it’s been a really busy time!) And to not delay the quote any longer…

“It’s all about the process!” Thom Rouse
Thom presented a program called “The Case for Fine Art” and suggests if we choose or as we try to move our photography in an artistic direction that it starts with OUR process – whatever that may be.
What is creativity? Thom suggests that Creativity is the process of the prepared mind. It’s anything you do in your creative life to make your imagery. What kind of lens do you put on your camera? What format? What subjects do you shoot? What settings do you use? How do you expose yourself to new imagery to draw inspiration from? Art in museums museums, web sites, books, other photographers images?

Thom Rouse fine art image © Thom Rouse All Rights Reserved
Once you have the tools of the process down you go through a number of steps as you create your images. You need a prepared mind as noted above looking at art and life for inspiration. You can get stuck or as he calls this moment, ‘incubation’. Then possibly a reversal of thinking. Making mistakes including ‘AHA!’ moments and ‘Happy Accidents’. Having Passion and perseverance and knowing that failure defines success.

Thom Rouse fine art image © Thom Rouse All Rights Reserved
Failure defines success. We’ve been talking about that here on Successful-Photographer a lot in this Sunday morning corner and I submit once again if you are not making mistakes not constantly trying to learn you probably won’t be doing anything really creative.
What mistakes are you going to make this week, this month, this year? Go for it!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS – This is only one of over 90 programs available to choose from this year. If you aren’t getting out to conventions and educational programs you are going tot be growing your art and your business
by successfulbob | photography - art quote, photography education, success education
Be like the Energizer Bunny Rabbit ‘Eveready’!
Sometimes creating the great image is being aware enough and having good habits to not miss an opportunity. Today’s Photo/Art Quote comes from one of the top photographers in the field today. Listen and remember.

“Don’t pack up the camera until you’ve left the location.” Joe McNally
The idea is to stay aware of possibilities, and be ready for serendipity to strike at any moment. Simple thought. Great habit.
Want to learn more from a master? Check out Joe’s books…
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
PS Here’s the Meet Joe text from his blog.
“The thoughts, notions, and ideas here come from thirty years in the field as a shooter. Twenty plus on the road for National Geographic. LIFE staffer. Sports Illustrated contractor. 54 countries. 50 states. Read on, and welcome to my blog.” Check it out.
by successfulbob | charity photography, photography, photography education, success education
Help spread the word.
October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. Now I Lay me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS) is way for photographers to give back to there community with the gift of professional portraiture to families who suffer an early infant loss. This is a precious gift that has amazing healing power for the families. I encourage you to learn more and to get other to learn more by spreading the word everywhere.

Logo you can share in spreading the message…
I believe this is an amazing organization. I have been a member and affiliate photographer since 2006 photographing families in need of these services. Been a trainer and area coordinator. Work on the photographer approval team. Served on the National NILMDTS Board of Directors for two years. I share this information not to brag but to hopefully inspire you to join in too. If you are like me when I first heard of NILMDTS I said, “There’s no way I could ever do this type of photography.” I eventually was convinced to give it a try and after seeing the help it gives families I now say, “How can I not do it??”

Banner logo you can share in getting the word out about Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Here are some more links….
Five reasons to become a NILMDTS photographer
Rhonda Gehman NILMDTS story
Vikki Zoller NILMDTS
Ashely Krapf NILMDTS
A call out story
I hope this inspires you to get on board. Is the work difficult? Yep. Is it rewarding? You bet! But you won’t know until you try… If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My contact info is at the top of the page or here.
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob