more infrared

As you can probably tell by my lack of posting the last few days it has been extremely busy in bob’s world. Had a full two day shoot for the Sky Ranch Lodge after their remodel. I’ll share some photos with you as soon as the processing is done along with some of the techniques I used to get the images.

In the meantime, I did have a chance to process another image from my infrared photography. I really enjoy black and white images and the infrared adds another whole new dimension to it. I converted my Lumix G6 through LifePixel with a 750 NM (standard) IR filter. This gives you images that are on the pink side and of course need some processing to get them into final shape of Infrared BW images. As I practice and process more I am able to get a better range of tones throughout the photo.

courthouse butte sedona infrared photo

Captured in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, AZ. Courthouse Butte is the main rock formation.

infrared straight out of camera

Here’s the IR image Straight out of Camera Note the pink cast. Finding I need to underexpose a bit in order to not loose highlights even though the histogram indicates it is with the scope. You have to remember that the histogram is letting you know about visible light not necessarily infrared exposure.

One of the really great things about having a dedicated IR camera is the ability to set recording for RAW + jpeg and have both images to work from in post production. If you shoot only in RAW you don’t get the processing from the camera. I set the camera to capture BW images so I can get a ballpark preview of the scene as I work.

You don’t need to convert a camera to IR you can always go ‘old school’ with a Wratten IR filter in front of your lens. The problem with doing that is your exposure time will be lengthy and focus can be a bit of a pain as IR light rays and visible light focus at a different depth on the sensor so additional calculations need to be made. (although the extended time might be cool for capturing cloud movement!) Might have to pick up an IR filter myself too…

Best part is infrared photography really opens up the mid-day time slot for creatively capturing images as it is usually too much contrast for regular photography.

Are you shooting IR yet?

Yours in Creative Photography,        Bob

sunday photo/art quote 11/1

Roy Williams is a pretty sharp guy. If you haven’t heard about him he’s a marketing guru and Founder of Wizard Academy. He produces and weekly newsletter called the Monday Morning Memo (see below) which leads to an interesting place to explore called the Rabbit Hole. I’ll let you check out the links on your own to find out more about Roy… I consider him a big thinker. A straight thinker and if you haven’t already guessed today’s Photo/Art Quote originated from him.

roy williams quote

“Success is a snowflake.”   Roy H. Williams

We all would like to be successful wouldn’t we? Success comes gradually. One snowflake at a time. You see one snowflake and it doesn’t look like much. The same in our business and our art. We do some small thing and it doesn’t seem like much. Then another snowflake joins the first. And another. And another. They start to come together to form a mass of snow. And it grows with each layer building upon the first.

The thought here is to start on whatever it is you would like to be successful. Take a step. Create one snowflake. Then a next one. One small step at a time until suddenly you are an ‘Overnight Success’.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

PS – What do you want to be successful at? What small step are you taking in that direction today? Tomorrow? And the next? Good luck!

Here’s a recent Monday Morning Memo from Roy (clicking on this link takes you down the Rabbit Hole)

I had an interesting moment a couple of weeks ago.

A client came to Austin for his annual marketing retreat and brought his top lieutenants with him. His company has a couple of hundred franchisees that do about a quarter-billion dollars a year.

Everyone was anxious to hear my marketing strategy for 2016.

“I need you to watch carefully and say nothing for the next 10 minutes,” I told them. “When I’m done presenting my little show you can ask questions, though I suspect I will have answered them all.”

“We’re scheduled to be here for 2 days,” my client said, “and you really think you can answer all our questions in just 10 minutes?”

I put a finger across my lips and turned off the lights. My presentation appeared on the big TV on the wall. Ten minutes later, my client said with big eyes, “How did you know my three favorite movies? Those characters were my idols when I was a kid.”

“You’ve been emulating them your whole life,” I answered. “It’s what attracts people to you and your companies. My plan for next year is simply to accelerate what I’ve been doing in your ads since the day I met you, but kick it up to a higher level.” After I gave them a few examples of what this would look and sound like and told them what I expected the impact to be, they had no other questions.

His lifelong guiding characters were Dr. Dolittle, Willie Wonka and Peter Pan. The female version of this character would be Mary Poppins, of course. They don’t live in a magical world, but magic follows them wherever they go. They bring the magic with them.

I decided to do it again last Friday. A woman you’ve seen many times on television arranged for Princess Pennie and me to give her a private tour of the campus before she and her associates walked into the Toad and Ostrich pub to hang out with Daniel Whittington and whoever else showed up that day.

You never know who’s going to be at the Toad on a Friday afternoon at four. Sometimes it’s 3 people. Sometimes it’s 20. But the only person who showed up that day was our friend, Gene Naftulyev. At the end of the evening our celebrity guest asked one of her associates to snap a photo of her with Gene. She put her chin on his shoulder so they would be cheek to cheek as she wrapped her arms around his chest. Startled, Gene beamed like a five year-old on Christmas morning. Click.

I’m fairly certain he’ll have that photo printed in poster size and mail a copy to all his friends.

During our walk around campus she spoke of the challenges she faces in forming a clearly differentiated identity for a new brand she has launched.

I pointed out that her public persona was merely the never-ending echo of a certain iconic character the public has always loved. My suggestion was that she allow her brand identity to be guided by the values and quirks of that character.

Weirdly, she had never consciously realized the story she’s been echoing for years. You could see the gears beginning to spin behind her eyes. “Oh my God,” she exclaimed, “This solves everything.” A highly memorable and sharply differentiated brand flashed into existence in a twinkling.

“Oh my God, this solves everything.”

She has always been the science nerd that everyone sees as “just one of the guys” until she takes off her ugly glasses, shakes her head, a button pops open at the top of her blouse and BOOM, she’s a bombshell.

Dual identity: science nerd and sex goddess. We’ve seen this character a thousand times and we always love her because she’s the worthy but unnoticed underdog who finally gets what she wants and deserves.

Can you see how the guiding hand of this identity – along with a couple of other characteristics I opted not to tell you about – could help to refine the style and voice of a brand?

Everyone has a story.

I don’t mean a story about them, but a story that shapes them. A story that sits in a canvas sling chair, offstage, invisible, affecting all their choices and actions each day like the director of a movie.

Who sits in your canvas sling chair? What story do you echo without knowing it?

I talk a lot about my own stories: Don Quixote, the Wise Men who followed a star, A Message to Garcia, The Old Man and the Sea, Henry V at Agincourt. What few people realize is that each of these stories revolves around a single theme: unconditional commitment to an objective no one else can see.

Dulcinea was important to no one but Quixote.
The star of Bethlehem was meaningless to everyone except the wise men.
Garcia set out to find a General whose location no one knew.
The old man kept fishing although he had caught nothing for 84 days.
Henry V believed in his ragtag band of men when everyone else thought they were bums.

Examine your own favorite characters.

See what they have in common.

Prepare to be impressed with what you learn about yourself.

And if you are wise,
you will allow that character
to bring all the facets of your company
into alignment.

Roy H. Williams

sedona time lapse

Time lapse videos are very popular these days and they are now easier to create than ever…

I took new Lumix G7 out for a time-lapse spin. The clouds were streaming over the red rocks with an azure blue sky as an accent. Camera was mounted with the Lumix Vario 12-35mm f2.8. Settings were – time lapse with a three second interval. There were 149 images captured. Inside track note – to save wear and tear on the camera’s shutter you can use the electronic shutter vs the mechanical shutter.

Then it’s to the playback menu on the G7. The Time Lapse setting allows you to choose quality and frame rate for the processing of the video. I choose 4K Video & twelve FPS for this video which came out to be about twelve seconds of finished. The camera tells you how long it will take to render and asks you if you would like it to process or not. When you say yes, a few minutes later there’s a video saved to your card (one note – make sure you have large cards time lapse and the video take up some card real estate)

The next piece of the puzzle is the appearance of camera movement while the Time Lapse is being made. That’s why I choose the 4K Quality setting when rendering the Time Lapse to a movie. I took the resulting movie file straight from the camera and put it int Adobe Premiere on a 1080 timeline. Since the video is four times the size of 1080 there is room to use a Ken Burns type effect to show camera movement. Love the possibilities this brings to mind!!

Thirty second G7 time lapse in the Village of Oak Creek in Sedona, Arizona

 It’s pretty cool when you see others appreciate the tools with which you are working. Consumer Reports Holiday Gift Guide put the G7 on the list as one of the Top Products of the Year for gadgets and gifts.

consumer reports gift guide

G7 is listed as on of the Top Products of the Year

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

rocky nook boo sale

I initially meant to name this post Rocky Nook E-Book Sale but I had a misspelling but I thought it would work since this is a Halloween sale with 40% off all E-Books through November 5th… Get in while the gettin’ is good!

rocky nook book sale

E books 40% off

I enjoy the quality of Rocky Nook Books.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

PS – If you’ve read this far you get a bonus!! Rooky Nook just put out a Free E-Book on Flash terminology Download Here

4K video music

Make one camera do the job of two or three. I’ve been thinking about this possibility for a while. And now I’ve figured some of it out.

In this test i’ve captured a couple of my favorite musicians performing at our local restaurant. It’s the Millers on guitar. Robin Miller the father and Eric Miller the son. You can hear the magic as you can see they ‘get’ each other. Almost as if they can read each others musical mind. This song was written by Robin. I think the title is Change in the Weather. It’s a crowd pleasing winner of a song.

Because we now have the ability to shoot in 4K during capture we have a video that’s four times the size of 1080p. What this enables is moving around inside the frame which means we can create Ken Burns movement effects and zoom in for close-ups in different areas of the frame. It’s like having the look of several cameras from a single camera position.

The video below was captured with the Lumix GX8 and the 12-35mm f2.8 lens in 4K. Please don’t worry too much about the color as I shot this on the spur-of-the-moment hand-held while hanging out. The video was processed in Adobe Premiere Pro 2015.

Robin & Eric Miller live in Sedona, Arizona
adobe premiere Pro timeline
Timeline from Adobe Premiere Pro. I copied the video layer two times and used one of the layers as close up of Robin and the second copy as Eric. The bottom layer was the two of them and the overall stage.

If another camera was added with a different lens you could rove the room getting even more angles and tight detail shots for a full production look to the video. This just practice and play to learn new techniques.

By the way, I would also have better sound in a real production. Sound for this video was captured on the fly by the camera with a little tweaking in Premiere… and it ain’t too bad!

Creative possibilities abound in this new 4K world. What are you doing with it?? Let me know…

Yours in Creative Photography (& video),          Bob

baseball world series

As any who know me can attest I’m not too much of a sports fan. I like to see a good football game no matter who is playing. I’ll root for my home team but I’m not rabid about it at all. Basketball I wanna see a well played game. If it weren’t for the fights I’d be a hockey fan. But baseball? Not so much.

But I was in a local elbow bending establishment and ‘lo and behold’ the World Series was on. And just show I’m not totally prejudiced I gave the game a passing nod.

I even gave it one of my highest complements. I took a picture.

beer and baseball

OK maybe I was taking a picture of my beer and the TV happened to be in the background. But that counts right?

Just a reminder that the Lumix G7 camera has 4KPHOTO Mode so you’ll never miss World Series type moments in your photo capture!

To all the true baseball fans I wish you the best and I hope your team wins!

Yours in Creative Photography,        Bob

PS – All right. I confess. I had to make two images and combine them or you would never have known that was baseball on the tube in the background.

people infrared photos part dos

The marriage theme continues from the Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration at Tlaquepaque in Sedona. (see part uno)

This couple was having a blast dancing with Mexican musicians providing music. They stopped and graciously posed for people as they wandered through the event. I asked if they wouldn’t mind posing for me where I could make the Infrared capture shine with deciduous trees as part of the background. Up the stairs we went…

day of the dead infrared photo

Asking the couple to move to a different background made all the difference compared to just asking them to pose in among the crowd.

I’m still taking multiple exposures to make sure I still have detail in the highlights and the shadows, dark skies and bright leaves then process the files by blending them with Layers and Masks in Adobe Photoshop. This was a simple blend with the darker Layer on top I made a Feathered oval Selection using the Marquee Tool and Refine Edge. This allows you to see and tweak the results before applying the Mask. Even with the Bracketing I did end up loosing detail in the bride’s hair on the sunny side.

chapel at tlaquepaque

The wedding theme continued at the Chapel that was set for a Day of the Dead wedding.

As you might see I am really enjoying using the Lumix G6 that has been converted to Infrared by Life Pixel. I choose the standard (750nm) filter for my conversion because I wanted to get the traditional IR look exactly as I’d like it.

Yours in Creative Photography,     Bob

people infrared photography

Obviously infrared imaging is not for people photography. Dead eyes. Super high contrast. Blown out highlights. Definitely not for people… Unless you are doing something artsy with the scene being most important and people are a relatively small element in the overall image OR you are at a Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) Celebration.

And, I just happened to attend one at Tlaquepaque in Sedona on Saturday and found a few people in costume and face paint to pose for me.

tlaqueqpaque day of the dead photo

Had a lovely ‘Day of the Dead’ model join me for a quick photo session in a back lit alcove.

tlaquepaque day of the dead celebration photo

Paper mache Caterina on the fountain. Seems like it was a day for brides as I worked…

If you are unfamiliar with the Day of the Dead celebration it is a Mexican Holiday when families get together and morn and celebrate the passing of loved ones. The celebration is to help those who have passed to move on in their journey beyond.

Images captured with the Lumix G6 and 20mm f1.7 pancake lens. Converted to IR by Life Pixel. I had the

Proper tool for the job. I think infrared works for this situation. How about you??

Yours in Creative Photography,        Bob

PS – More tomorrow…

sunday photo/art quote 1025


You’ve seen this line used in many books and movies by criminals, or those thought to be criminals.

Much the same idea Gary Winogrand brings forth the thought that what we choose to put in or leave out of the frame can change the story and impact of an image. It can be as simple as taking the time to think about the background and taking slight a step to the right or left to simplify the area behind the subject. Or it could be taking the subject to a totally different environment to tell a completely different story.

framed photo qoute

“Photography is about finding out what can happen in the frame. When you put four edges around some facts, you change those facts.”   Gary Winogrand

Winogrand was a street shooter, advertising photographer, photography instructor and student of the photographic medium. He’s worth a look at to inspire some deeper thinking in how we use photography to skew our stories, for good or bad, when we press the shutter button.

Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob

lens baby fisheye experiment

Da#M it!

I got all the way up the hill to the cliff dwellings and realized I left the fisheye from Lens Baby in the car. Gotta tell you I almost didn’t go get it. I also gotta tell you it probably isn’t such a great idea to run 15 minutes up a steep hill at 7500+ feet. I was sucking some serious wind when I got back up to the top.

Annnnyy waayy… I thought I try some different things with the fisheye lens because of the relatively small spaces in the caves. Once I got my breath back I mounted it on the Lumix GX8 and here’s what I started to play with.

lens baby fisheye image

Here’s a ‘straight’ Circular Fisheye image from the dwellings. The full fisheye effect is a little cut-off because of the micro 4/3rds format.

fisheye image at gila cliff dwellings

Gila cliff dwellings photo captured in a different way with  the Lens Baby

lens baby fisheye photo

Then I thought I’d try to push the envelope a bit further an do a panorama. Here’s the individual captures…

gila cliff dwellings panorama lensbaby

And the stitched image… Don’t try to have Photoshop stitch this for you it locked up on me. I guess the circular edges gave it fits so I did the stitching the old fashioned way… by hand with masks.

I enjoy trying new and different things and was surprised by the final result.



Have fun.

Make mistakes.


Yours in Creative Photography,      Bob